Advice on How to Meet Women on Tours

How to Meet Women on Tours

This is an excellent way to meet female tourists and these tours have some lonely attractive females.

Every major city has walking or bus tours. Cities on the water usually have boat tours of some type. Check the yellow pages under "tours" to find out information on the tours. Sign up for one of the tours on the weekend.

Meeting these women on a tour is easy as pie. All you've got to do for openers is to make a comment on what the tour guide is showing you. Also, it would really be a good idea to bring a polaroid camera along with you so you can take a picture of her to take back home with her.

After the tour is completed, ask her if you can take her on a personal guided tour of some unique places in the city. Being that you live there, I'm sure you can think of some great places to take her.

So why not try this method of meeting women. It's a uniquely different way of meeting women and some of the tours are very interesting. The atmosphere is great and the people are relaxed and friendly.

How to Get Out of the Friend Zone

Get Out Of The Friend Zone - You Will Have To Change Your Tactics

If you have ever had a female friend who you truly had feelings for but didn't know how to show them, it is likely that you were afraid that she only considered you to be a friend. Friends are extremely important to women, even when they are guys. Therefore, they will not risk throwing away that friendship for something more, even if there is a possibility that it could work out somehow. If you know what I am talking about, then you are actually quite familiar with the 'Friend Zone'.

It is the most frustrating thing in the world because you have the girl as a friend, but will most likely never have her as anything more than that. She tells you about the guys she likes often and you wish that you were those guys. It's okay buddy, what you really need to do is go out and meet some new women and ensure that you stay out of the friend zone!

Many physical and mental properties of certain men make it difficult for them to casually go out and pick up women, it just doesn't come easy for them. However, they are always going out, meeting women and unintentionally making them their friends. If this is you, then listen carefully because this may actually change your life.

Obviously what you have been doing is not working, so you must alter your strategy. It's not that making friends is something to be a shamed of, it's just not how you pick up women. So, next time your out, try starting a conversation with a girl who appeals to you and do what you normally do. What you are going to do differently this time is to make sure that they know that your not necessarily looking for a simple friend, indirectly let them know that you're looking for more than that.

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Attracting Women Using Body Language

How to Use Body Language to Attract Women

Step by step I will guide you in the usage of successful body language using the following methods:

  1. Develop a graceful, arrogant sort of walk. A walk that is free and easy with fluid movements. This kind of walk transmits a sexual message which will turn a woman's head.
  2. When leaning against a wall or whatever, thrust your hips forward, with your legs apart. This position also transmits a sexual message.
  3. While you are standing or especially when leaning and you are wearing pants or jeans, hook your thumbs in your belt just above your pockets and point your fingers down toward your crotch. Because of your fingers pointing toward your crotch area, this sends out a sexual message to a woman and you will be amazed at how many women pick up this signal.
  4. When talking to a woman, let your eyes linger on her throat and breasts. Also, while talking to her, wet your lips with your tongue. By using these two techniques, she usually will feel rather uneasy and excited, thus you will be in control.
In conclusion, try these methods of attracting attention from women and see if they work for you. They have worked successfully for a lot of men I know.

Advice on Overcoming Fear of Approaching Single Women

How to Overcome Fear of Approaching Single Women

So many guys these days are missing out on meeting and attracting single women because they keep giving in to their fear of approaching women they are attracted to. They keep thinking back to their failures in approaching women in the past and they are afraid of failing again in the future.

Trust me guys, you don't have to live this way or feel this way anymore now or in the future. I challenge you today to deal aggressively with your fears of approaching single women and your fears of failure with women. If you keep being passive then nothing is going to change for you.

The best course of action and what I consider the only way to conquer your fears is to confront them head on. If you just keep running from your fears and keep ignoring them then things are just not going to get better to conquer your fears in approaching single women that you are attracted to and are not going away by refusing to deal with them.

I want you to decide today that you are finished with your fears in approaching and meeting women. Promise me that you are going to face all these fears head on and eliminate them from your life. From now on when you see a pretty girl you would like to meet you will approach her immediately with lots of confidence. No more pondering or stalling.

A Few Tips on How to Meet More Women

Tips to Help You Meet More Women

If you make it your goal to constantly go where and be where many women congregate, and if you put all your efforts into trying to meet and pick up as many women as possible, you will sooner or later meet a woman who will fulfill all your dreams. A woman capable of intimacy, not afraid of commitment, communicates, and will fall in love with you exactly as you are.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. A good example of this are men who only go to nightclubs to meet women. Date many women and date often! Set a goal to meet and go out with a hundred women. Long before you have met your one hundredth woman, in most cases, you will have found at least one, but more probably, many women who will be right for you.

To sum it up, you need exposure and visibility. One of the major reasons you may not be finding a special lady is simply because you're not meeting enough women.

Most women have the inability to make the first move because of shyness, fear of rejection, and thinking that the man must make the first move. You to need to go after what you want and become aggressive. Believe me, women want you to make the first move. It is expected that you make the first move.

This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book which was featured in the Playboy Catalog called, "The Complete Guide to Meeting Women."

Dealing with Good, Bad Nights at Topless Clubs

Good and Bad Nights at Topless Clubs

Trying to score with topless dancers can be very frustrating at times. You will have good nights and you will have off nights when no matter how hard you try, all you do is get rejected. Getting rejected happens to all men. It just comes with the territory. Just move on to another dancer. You will find one that takes a liking to you.

Each night that you go out to a topless club has its own personality. One night you can be attracting dancers like a magnet and the next night it can be slow and you don't attract much attention from the dancers. Plus, there will be times when you go to a club feeling tired, hungover, and feeling at your worst and the dancers will be all over you.

Each time you go to a club can be a different experience. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. Just keep trying to pick up topless dancers and no matter what happens to you, don't take it personally.

This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book which was featured in the Playboy Catalog called, "How to Pick Up Topless Dancers."

Advice on Being Rejected by Topless Dancers

Being Rejected by Topless Dancers/Boob Jobs

It happens to us guys in all areas of life when dealing with women. It's no different in topless clubs. Not all dancers are going to be receptive to you trying to pick them up. Some may be sitting with you and it seems like you're really hitting it off and suddenly she gets up and leaves. If this happens, be sure and tell her to come back and party with you. You may mistake her leaving as rejecting you. It could be that she's leaving to entertain a high-paying customer who's buying a lot of dances from her. Don't take this personally, she's only doing her job and that's to make money and make it as fast as she can.

At other times you may be with a dancer that hardly talks to you and acts like she's not interested in you. Maybe she doesn't feel well or maybe she's just turned off by you.

If you feel you're being rejected by a dancer, don't waste anymore time or money on her. Move on to another dancer or another club. Don't hang around where you're not wanted. If you practice your charm and seduction techniques, eventually you'll find a dancer who is receptive to you.

Boob Jobs

If you go to topless clubs, you will see a few "boob jobs." I hope this doesn't turn you off. For you guys that haven't made love to a woman with a boob job, I can assure you that it's quite a turn on. Their breasts are firm and just as enjoyable as regular breasts. They look great too, if the surgeon did a good job.

Some men are turned off by boob jobs because their breasts aren't natural. I say, "don't knock the knockers until you've tried them." Then maybe you'll change your mind.