Topless Dancer Tips for Men

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 | 0 comments »

Topless Dancer Tips for Men

Topless Dancer Tips

Can you touch her while she's giving you a private dance? This is a big "No, No." There are laws governing how close their private parts can be to you while she's performing her dance. The rule is usually from six to twelve inches. If she blatantly violates this law, she can be arrested for lewd dancing and it's not uncommon to get arrested. The police monitor the clubs from time to time to see if there's any lewd dancing going on. That's why I recommend getting dances in a private dark corner of the club away from the prying eyes of any cops. It's easy for her to keep from getting caught if nobody can see what's going on. This is a bonus for you too, because if she really likes you she may put her breasts right in your face or show you her bush.

Always ask a dancer upon first meeting her, how long she has been dancing. If she's new at it, most likely you won't get a very good dance out of her, versus a experienced dancer with all the right moves. Also, if you're going to buy a dance make damn sure you've already seen her with her clothes off. You do this by observing her when she's on a stage or by watching her as she's doing a dance for another guy.

Some Effective Conversation Starters to Use on Women

Some Good Conversation Starters

Moneymaking is always an interesting subject. You might ask this question: "Do you intend to be wealthy? What do you think of wealth, is it important to you?" and "What kind of job would you have if you could; do you put money ahead of everything?" If the answer is "No" then ask what other things are more important. Things like friendships, personal satisfaction, ecology, etc. might be mentioned. Also, ambitious persons might speculate on ways to make money. This topic usually sets up an interesting conversation.

Your ambition and career activities are a good topic (if they are interesting). You can be prepared to do a brief review of your life and activities (past, present and future). Try to give the impression of being in the midst of a lot of interesting activity. The girl should feel that she is being invited into your life and activities for a visit.

Do you believe in reincarnation? Many people do, and it is a fascinating topic of conversation. Fortune telling, tea cup reading, palmistry and astrology may seem a bit far fetched, but in Oriental countries they are enormously popular. They offer wonderful advantages for conversation with newfound friends, especially since they give you some opportunities for a closer personal contact, such as holding hands, etc. Your attitude when handling these subjects can range from serious belief to humorous skepticism.

How to Date Beautiful Women

Sunday, February 26, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Date Beautiful Women

Tips for Average Guys Dating Beautiful Women

Can you believe that she accepted a date with you? Dating beautiful women can be a challenge because men put them on a pedestal.

Dating beautiful women is a real ego-booster to most men. They not only make you feel good about yourself, but they increase your status in the eyes of other men. Ironically, they also increase your desirability in the eyes of other women too!

Highly attractive women have a lot of opportunities to date rich, powerful, and attractive men. As a result, as a group, they tend to develop some bad habits that make them less desirable as long term partners. For instance, they are likely to be vain, high maintenance, and manipulative.

If you happen to be dating beautiful women and aren’t very wealthy or particularly attractive, you have some challenges to deal with. Here’s some advice about how to handle dating beautiful women.

1.) Be different. When every man is fawning over a woman, they begin to look alike to her. You stand out by being different.

2.) Treat her badly. If every man is treating her like a goddess, there is nothing you can do to differentiate yourself. But if you ignore her, act unaffected by her good looks, and avoid looking lustful, she is likely to want to pursue you. You have become the guy who didn’t knock himself out for her – and that’s attractive to her.

3.) Ignore her. When you see a beautiful woman with her plain sidekick (and she will have one), focus in on her friend. The beautiful woman will get insanely jealous because she can’t stand any other female getting attention (hence, her plain friend) and she will begin to pursue you. This is how you start dating beautiful women.

4.) Tease her. Most men who want to date a particularly beautiful woman will suck up with complements. Instead, take the route of teasing her. Point out her flaws in a lighthearted way. That way, she’ll want to work to get you.

5.) See her as a complex woman. Most men dating beautiful women look at them as pretty packages. Go deeper. Talk about her hobbies and interests. Make her comfortable by talking about the things which engage her mind.

6.) Wait to call her. If you get her number, don’t call the next day. Wait a few days to call her. She expects you to be panting for her and will respect you more if you don’t seem desperate.

7.) Don’t push for sex. Okay, the ultimate reason for dating beautiful women is because you are sexually attracted to her. But, she knows that every guy is hot to get her into bed. But “playing hard to get,” you pique her interest in you.

Dating beautiful is not for the feint of heart. But, even if you don’t have the wealth of Bill Gates or the power of Henry Kissinger, you may find that treating an extremely attractive woman with some distance may be the ultimate aphrodisiac.

What Not to Talk About on a Date

Do Not Talk About This on a Date

Topics To Avoid

You should try to keep the conversation in areas that are exciting and interesting. Certain uninteresting subjects should be avoided -for example:

  1. Your health and sicknesses. No one really wants to hear about that.
  2. Your family. Maybe your brother is a good football player or your father is ninety years old. Details of these things are important to you, but quite boring to someone who doesn't know them.
  3. Your work. (If it is routine and ordinary.)
  4. Any technical subject. (Unless the girl shows a definite interest in it.)
  5. Obvious subjects. If the girl says she is from a certain place, or involved in a certain type of work, do not think that you are obliged to keep on that subject (unless she seems to want to). She may want to talk about otherthings, so be ready to open up a fresh subject.
  6. Your past love affairs. (Bragging about these is a very pointed attempt to influence the girl, and is sure to be resented.)

Small Talk to Attract Women

Saturday, February 25, 2023 | 0 comments »

Small Talk to Attract Women

Small Talk with Women

Small talk is talk of things that are fairly unimportant (and probably uninteresting) to you and the girl. But they should be things of some general importance. For example, it would be unsuitable to say that you just saw a gum wrapper on the sidewalk. That would be trivial to the point of absurdity. Small talk should at least presume to be important. Here are a few typical" small talk" comments:

The train is late today. This spring weather is fantastic. The weather is lousy. The streets are very crowded this time of year. Gas prices are getting higher. People don't spend as much these days. People dress more casually than they used to. Service in stores is not as good as it used to be. Food portions are smaller in restaurants. Cars seem to be getting smaller. Computers are unbelievably efficient. team is on a winning streak. The...TV show is terrific. Interest rates are coming down. The stock market is dropping again. A lot of great new albums have been released in the last few weeks.

There are thousands of such comments. They are used just to give you something to say until you are ready with a more interesting subject. You may feel foolish trying to start a conversation with such an ordinary subject as the train being late. But don't worry, it is an accepted way of getting something started. The girl may not care that much about the train, but she will be happy to talk about it if she likes talking to you. It is obvious that you must not engage in small talk for very long - it is very boring if extended.

Sometimes a good subject for discussion will emerge from small talk, but don't depend on it.

Your Future When Dating Women

Saturday, February 25, 2023 | 0 comments »

Your Future When Dating Women

Future Dates with Women

Here is a good idea to help put a girl more at ease. Suggest an interesting, impressive date for the future, shortly after you meet her. You might even make this date the main reason for approaching her. For example:

"I wanted to meet you so I could invite you to come with me to the annual banquet of..." Of course this date should be a genuine event. It is not unusual for men to have an occasion coming up and be looking for someone to take to it. Girls are usually receptive to such offers if they like to look of the guy. It need not be a banquet, it could be a more easily arranged dinner party, but there should be more than one couple present.

If the girl accepts, or even if she is only considering it, you can then proceed with a normal SECOND PHASE approach. The future date helps build up your case in the more immediate courtship you are pursuing. If you are successful you may even arrange a more intimate activity before the future date takes place.

Making Sexy Overtures to Women when Dating

Sexy Overtures

You should make a sexual overture of some kind, to see how the girl responds. If she gives a positive response, you should pick up on her response and work the theme as long as it is productive. Then, move on to a non-sexual topic. In other words, if you tell a sex joke and she really enjoys it, she may tell one, or encourage you to tell more. As long as you are both enjoying yourselves, this is great. Sex should be fun, in any case. But you should sense when there has been enough of it and change to another activity or conversation topic. Strive for a mixed conversation.

If she did not respond to your overture, you might try one more time. Then, if she still seems uninterested, leave off and go back onto another topic. If she is still friendly, it may be that she is not quite yet ready to respond sexually. Of course, she now knows of your sexual intent, so if she is still friendly, she apparently doesn't object to it. You should try again later, but allow plenty of time. If she is unfriendly after your overtures, she is rejecting you entirely.

The two of you are really discussing your sexual involvement by a type of signal code. Before you made your sexual overture, the girl may have already decided she wasn't interested in you sexually, but was just being friendly because that was the easiest thing to do. She did not even know if you were interested in her sexually. So she did not respond to the jokes and became unfriendly to tell you she was not interested in you that way. Girls say that it is sometimes hard to do this because even though they want to discourage a guy, his jokes can be very amusing and it is hard not to laugh at them.

Communication for Erotic Massage

Advice on Talking Sexy to Women

Friday, February 24, 2023 | 0 comments »

Advice on Talking Sexy to Women

Sexy Talk with Women

It is important not to overdo this sexual talk. Your main objective is to let the girl know you are interested in her sexually, and you are making moves in that direction. Also you need to know how she feels about your interest.

You should not overwhelm her with a constant barrage of double meanings, dirty stories and sexual suggestions. Some men do this, and girls think they are sexually obsessed. It becomes monotonous, a real turn-off. It makes a girl feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, they usually know what you are up to, that you are sounding them out, and they will send back a message to give you their answer. Be careful, and watch for this message.

Advice on Talking to Women

Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 0 comments »

Advice on Talking to Women

Talking to Women

Sometimes the subject being discussed will become exhausted or the girl may become embarrassed or bored by the line of conversation. You should drop that subject immediately and start fresh on something else. You don't need any fanfare. Simply say, "Well! What do you think about ...," or "You know, I once knew a guy in Hawaii."

Attracting Women with Your Smile

Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 0 comments »

Attracting Women with Your Smile

Using Your Smile to Attract Women


Humor is very effective in all conversations. Remember a few good jokes and try to learn how to tell them well. Some people write down especially good jokes so they can remember them, and periodically go through them to refresh their memory.

If you can handle an impression of someone it is even better. But that would be icing on the cake. Some can do a whole routine and be the life of the party. Fine. But unless you are good at it, leave it to someone who is.

Attracting Women with Humor

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 0 comments »

Attracting Women with Humor

Using Humor to Attract Women


Humor is very effective in all conversations. Remember a few good jokes and try to learn how to tell them well. Some people write down especially good jokes so they can remember them, and periodically go through them to refresh their memory.

If you can handle an impression of someone it is even better. But that would be icing on the cake. Some can do a whole routine and be the life of the party. Fine. But unless you are good at it, leave it to someone who is.

How to Talk to Women Advice

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Talk to Women Advice

Speech Advice for Men

Speech Delivery

Don't talk too fast. When feeling the emotional pressures of talking with a strange girl, men sometimes become a little flustered and excited.

They speak carelessly, too fast, blurring their words. Your words should be spoken clearly and at a leisurely pace. You should be continually on guard for this.

Watch and listen to someone who speaks well, either in real life or a professional performer on TV, or in a play or film. Delivery is improved by dramatic emphasizing of words and phrases. It is very effective to pause after a statement, to allow your words to be digested, even though it feels more natural to rush on to your next statement. This requires some discipline on the part of the speaker.

Another effective feature of speaking is the upbeat sentence ending. You sound much more positive and dynamic if your voice rises in tone and sharpens in tempo at .the end of important sentences. By contrast, if your sentence drops in tone at the end, and trails off, the effect is one of indecision and vagueness.

The upbeat tone tends to urge your listener on to agree with you. It is like adding an imperative "Come on!" to the end of your sentence. You can practice speaking some sentences out loud and hear this effect.

Try to improve your speech as much as possible. A well-paced speech style is always much more effective than a hurried, nervou

Negative Thoughts When Dating Women

vercoming Negative Thoughts when Dating

Invitations to dates, suggestions for activities and diversions can be made at any part of your approach, even right after you have introduced yourself. If she doesn't agree then, you can try again later. Or of course you might leave the invitations until after you get to know her better. You must decide this as you go along.

It makes you so much more confident if you approach a girl anywhere - at a party, at the beach, on the street or in a store - knowing that you have a choice of interesting activities to offer her. If you build up the attractions of the activities in your own mind you will believe in the success of your mission. After all, how could she refuse you when you have a lot of interesting and enjoyable things to offer?

Have you noticed that many men who are outstandingly popular with girls are the ones who appear to know their way around? They always seem to have something exciting lined up and ready to do.

When it comes to buying food, drinks, treats, etc., you should always be generous and spend lavishly. Never appear to be stingy. Always buy more than you need rather than not enough.

Toxic Thoughts When Dating Women

Guard Your Mind from Toxic Thoughts When Dating

Did you know that toxic thoughts can wreck havoc on your love life?

To put this in perspective, think about what you hear about detoxing your body. We are exposed to chemicals and pesticides and bacteria of all kinds.

It is recommend that we occasionally deep cleanse our bodies and avoid things that are harmful to us so we can eliminate these toxins from our system.

So, what I’m getting at is there can be a buildup of toxins in our minds that interfere with our dating life and abilities to meet, date, and seduce sexy single women. As an example, you fill your mind with negative thoughts such as:

  • I’m not attractive enough
  • I’m a failure with women
  • I’ll never find love
  • I’ll never get married
  • I don’t have what it takes to meet women
  • I’m too shy to meet women
These thoughts get into your heart and contaminate your thoughts and your total being. They destroy your confidence and self-image around gorgeous women.

I can’t stress to you enough on how important it is to guard your heart and mind from being polluted with negative thoughts. If your mind gets polluted it will affect all areas of your life, not just your dating life.

Please make a commitment today to cleanse your mind of any negative thoughts that are holding you back from getting all the love and romance you deserve.

Pick Up Lines to Use at Swimming Pools and Beach

Pick Up Lines for Beach and Swimming Pools

  1. "The water sure is beautiful today isn't it?"
  2. "Did you know that beautiful body of yours could sell a million magazine covers?"
  3. "Would you like to play some volleyball/beachball?"
  4. "Would you rub some sun tan oil on my back?...I can't reach it."
  5. "You have the sexiest feet I've ever seen!"

3 Opening Lines for Approaching Women

Some Opening Lines for Approaching Women

"Hello, I couldn't help noticing you from over there and I wondered if I could perhaps buy you a drink?"
"I wondered if I could ask you to dance?"
"I know this will sound really corny but I think you are really attractive and I wondered if...etc."

Pheromone Cologne Testimonial

Saturday, February 18, 2023 | 0 comments »

Pheromone Cologne Testimonial

Turn Women on with Pheromone Cologne

This is an actual testimonial for our pheromone cologne, "Liquid Magnet" posted on Amazon by john on April 21, 2014:

Verified Purchase

This is Crazy Real, I took a shower got dressed and put some on my face and neck and went to Sisters for dinner ignoring the claims of this stuff and when I was getting ready to leave my Sister said she wanted a hug and when I hugged her she Bit me on the Neck Wow !!! Do Not Doubt this Stuff coz it is for Real as my Sister Has Never Kissed me on the Neck let alone try to sink her teeth into me like a Vampire!!! Be Careful of its effects!!!

Mixing Up Your Conversations with Women

Vary Your Conversation with Women

The Conversation Mixture

However, we don't mean that you should get into a lot of heavy, serious conversation for a long period of time. It should be mixed in with small talk, jokes and kidding around (when you can), sexy talk, and planning future activities. And the whole mixture of conversation should depend on the feedback from the girl, which indicates her interest.

Gauging someone' s interest in what you are saying is very tricky. Some body language in involved. Suppose you are discussing your work. She may say, "Go on, I'm fascinated." But, after you talk a while, she is not looking at you all the time. She fiddles with her fingers, she doesn't respond with any comments, or approving nods. This is a fairly strong indication of disinterest -not as strong as a yawn, but still a definite sign. Of course the warning signs sometimes are less obvious than that.

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Conversation Advice for Men

Friday, February 17, 2023 | 0 comments »

Conversation Advice for Men

Talking to Women Tips

Another, subtler form of challenge, if you don't totally agree, is to greet her statement with a studied silence rather than the customary nod, or murmur of agreement. This indicates that you don't agree with her yet, and you are still thinking about what she said.

I do not suggest these challenging tactics as a form of gamesmanship, but as a sign that you are giving her remarks a genuine appraisal. No one places much value on the integrity of a person who agrees with them all the time. This makes the person seem weak.

Throughout your conversation you should always be positive and decisive about any suggestions you make. You should never say "Maybe we could..." You should say, "'Come on, let's..." Always make it quite clear what you want to do. If the girl doesn't want the same thing she can tell you. Most girls prefer men to be the leaders.

Meet and Date More Women

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 | 0 comments »

Archive of Dating Tips for Men–Be sure and visit our archive of dating tips at: to learn how to succeed with women, how to overcome your shyness, and how to meet, date, attract more women.

4 Steps to Conversation with Women

Structures for Talking to Women

Conversation - This is a major feature of successful courtship and a contributor to lasting relationships. Making a woman feel like she is the only woman on earth will ensure positive results every time, in my opinion. Of course it can work against you if you ever sound insincere.

When you initially approach your intended mate you should have a structure in mind which you will follow to achieve your goal. Never lose sight of what you are trying to achieve, but try not ot concentrate too hard either - you may appear a little too intense.

The structure you should follow will vary depending on your preference but may go something like this:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Information gathering.
  3. Assessment of interest.
  4. Goal.

Advice on Approaching Women

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 | 0 comments »

Advice on Approaching Women

Overcoming Your Fears

Fear of Approaching Women

There are so many men that miss out on opportunities to meet women because they keep giving into fear. Does this describe you?

My friend, you are going to have to make a decision to deal aggressively with your fear of approaching women. You can't just be passive when there are opportunities to meet women and expect to be successful with women.

The best way and the only way in my opinion to conquer your fear is to confront it head on. As long as you continue to ignore and sweep your fears under the rug, you're not going to make any progress of overcoming your fear of approaching women. It won't go away by refusing to deal with it.

Instead you need to face it head on and be strong-willed and try to approach ever single woman you are attracted to. Just do it for practice in the beginning and don't be concerned about being rejected. After awhile with practice you will get good at it and meet lots of women.

Waiting for Love Frustration

Monday, February 13, 2023 | 0 comments »

Waiting for Love Frustration

Waiting for Love and Romance

I know it gets very frustrating waiting for love and romance. It's tempting to just give up sometimes. You don't see anything happening on the dating scene and you are letting it get to you.

Fate does not dictate when you are going to find someone. We don't know when it is going to happen. You just can't say I will meet the love of my life on any given day, week, or even year. No, you just have to stay the course and trust that it will happen.

The real challenge is the waiting process. You have to shake off any feelings of discouragement. You have to keep believing and hoping for that special lady to come along soon


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Finding Someone Special

Monday, February 13, 2023 | 0 comments »

Finding Someone Special

Setback and Failures

Food for thought...So, guys what are your current dreams and desires for finding a girlfriend for love and romance? Maybe you've had this same dream and goal in the past and things did not work out like you had planned. So, maybe you just threw in the towel and put that dream on hold.

We all have had setbacks and failure in the romance department. It's all a part of playing the dating game until you find the right person for you.

Take this perspective - Today is a new day. I challenge you to dig deep and revive that dream of finding someone special. So what if your old dream of finding someone died. Well, just dream another dream. Don't just settle for being lonely and not having someone to love.

How to Give a Woman a Compliment

Giving Women Compliments

If the girl doesn't respond to a straight compliment, you can try a semi-humorous production, such as: "You know, when I was a little boy I saw a beautiful bicycle in a store window. It was a shining red with chrome fenders. It had a - chrome headlamp, a genuine leather seat, a flashing red and yellow taillight, a speedometer, handbrakes, a rear view mirror, and a musical horn that played a tune. It had everything. It was the most wonderful bicycle I had ever seen. I asked my father to buy it for me, but he couldn't afford the price. I often went by that store window just to look at it. I wanted that bicycle so much. Well! I want a date with you just as much as I wanted that bicycle." All this should be said dramatically, but smiling all the time. You are telling it as a kind of joke. You can use variations of this -a little pony, a sports car or anything else.

If the girl won't warm to you even after your attempts to draw her out and your compliments, she might still be a little shy. You could try this: "Say! There is a nice little coffee shop around the comer. Let's go for coffee." Then, while you walk along together (and at the coffee shop), you can chat casually about things along the way, or other small talk that presents itself. If you still can't get her to respond (and you haven't lost interest yet yourself), you should ask her for a future date, or get her phone number and try again at another time. Of course, if she refuses the coffee invitation, or your date offer, you should probably give up. Mostly, girls will respond more easily than this, but I have described a difficult case to illustrate some of the different tactics you can use.

Spiritual Comments to Help Men Succeed with Women

A Pheromone Cologne to Sexually Attract and Seduce Single Women

Getting Women to Talk to You

Saturday, February 11, 2023 | 0 comments »

Getting Women to Talk to You

How to Get Women to Talk

Up until this point you have done all the talking; you have opened a conversation with her, given her a reason for your approaching her, and introduced yourself. Now it is time for you to invite her to do some talking. The best thing is to ask her about herself, e.g., "Anyway Joan, what do you do around here?" The usual mundane questions such as where she lives, where she works, are quite acceptable at this stage. You are really just marking time, and probing. An interesting train of conversation will often develop out of these ordinary subjects. But even if it doesn't, it serves good purpose. You are learning about the girl. You start to get hints of how she feels about things. Also, it makes her somewhat more at ease. Admittedly you are putting the spotlight on her by making her talk. But, she feels more appreciated if she is putting some of her own ideas into the encounter.

You may feel foolish asking a question like "Do you live around here?" I mean, it sounds like a corny line. But I don't worry, that is the way the game is played. It is an "accepted" conventional thing to say, such as when you say "Hello! How are you?" to someone.

The girl knows that it is hard for you to come up with anything pertinent right away. She can tell that you are trying to meet her. So, if she approves of you, she will cooperate with your efforts to get a conversation going.

You are trying to draw her out. But she may still be self-conscious and only give very short answers to your questions. In fact, the whole encounter, from your opening line to her telling you where she works, and where she lives, could take as little as 20 seconds, if she were playing you short, refusing to be drawn out. So then you have to try something else.

Key to Success with Women is Knowing What They Want

What Do Women Want?

This Question has totally wiped out many a man's mind since the dawning of time. Knowing what women want and how they like to be treated is the key to your success.

Women can be fickle creatures and their moods are easily changed. Luckily for men most women are greatly impressed by the smallest gestures of sincerity and sensitivity from men. The old cliche of bunch of flowers or box of chocolates will nearly always work for you in terms of setting the scene and creating a receptive atmosphere.

The way in which men and women think is totally different to one another. Even if we arrive at the same conclusions we will have taken very different paths to get there. This must be understood and accepted by you if you intend to have any success.

How to Read Body Language of Women

Thursday, February 09, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Read Body Language of Women

Reading Body Language of Women

Generally speaking, placement of the hands or legs in closed positions, standing back a little, placing the body or head sideways or at an angle, and averting the eyes all tend not to be indicative of positive commitment.

But reversals of these stances, such as arms and legs in open positions, arms used to gesture, standing closer, standing square on (most of the time), meeting the other's gaze (most of the time) indicate positive commitment.

It is not necessary to have all the significant movements and stances listed for you to understand them. If you think for a while you can visualize many of them. If you watch an actor on stage (or TV), and you are looking out for it, you will see body language used extensively.

In fact, in the craft of acting, body language is one of the most important skills. Body language is usually performed unconsciously in response to our feelings. So, an unskilled actor, not realizing this, and not having any real feelings relative to his role, neglects the body language. His performance thus seems clumsy and unconvincing. He speaks his lines without the appropriate gestures, actions and stances.

But a skilled actor either has the ability to consciously perform the body language, or he pretends he is actually living through the experience of the scene. This latter is sometimes called "method" acting. The actor then actually experiences the feelings of the role, and his body language comes naturally. He is thus more convincing in his role.

How to Dress Around Women

Thursday, February 09, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Dress Around Women

Dress for Success with Women

Perhaps the most important reason for being well dressed is the effect it has upon you. Certainly you are aware of how much better you feel when you are dressed up. Your confidence really soars. If you know you look sharp, your self-esteem is increased dramatically.

I have noticed that when I am well dressed, people definitely are friendlier and more receptive to me. Whether it is their favorable reaction to my appearance, or a reflection of my own confidence, I can't be sure. But the effect is very real, and a very important asset.

Nevertheless, you may sometimes find an opportunity to pick up a girl when you are in working clothes (and with some occupations you may get quite dirty). You should try anyway. Men are often quite successful in these situations. In fact sometimes the only opportunity you may get with a particular girl may be while working (or just after work). But we still feel that being well dressed and clean is an advantage; and you should strive for it if you have any choice in the matter.

Figuring Out Signs From Women

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 | 0 comments »

Figuring Out Signs From Women

Trying to Figure Women Out

Some men spend so much time looking and trying to figure out if the girl will give them a smile of encouragement (sometimes even without their making a move themselves) that they are actually staring at the girl. The girl does not like that at all, and gives them a hostile look, which can really scare them off.

Or, a man sees an good looking girl on a number of occasions. He smiles at her each time. She doesn't smile back, but he keeps smiling at her each time, and looking, looking, looking. She thinks, "Who is this creep that keeps leering at me every time I see him. I wish he would stop staring at me. " You should not do any of this. Simply decide you like the look of her, and approach her. Develop the idea of being a doer and not a watcher. While you are holding back, trying to be sure you won't be rejected by waiting for encouragement, you are only annoying her. Better to jump in and say something. The girl will like that a lot better. Shake things up. Something will happen!

There is an interesting experiment you can perform, which will show you some parts of this principle. Select a girl, in a public place, who is quite attractive, but who does not appear to want to be friendly. Let us say that when you look toward her with a slight smile on you face, she turns away looking quite serious. Then approach her with a simple request for help. Ask directions, or some other simple thing. That is all; you do not have to do more than that. Don't worry, you are not trying to pick her up.

Usually, her face will become very animated as she tells you the answer to your question. She will usually act in a much friendlier fashion. The "hands-off" sign will be taken down. No doubt, as you thank her and walk away, she will smile at you. You have shaken things up, a little. You have at least cracked that hard protective shell she placed around herself. You have at least become a person to her, and not a vague threat. It is a good idea to repeat this exercise a few times. It gives you a feel for approaching girls. It is quite educational.

Expecting Too Much on a Date

Tuesday, February 07, 2023 | 0 comments »

Expecting Too Much on a Date

Never Expect Something Afterward

Men and women are both guilty of this: expecting a little more from a date than just a fun evening. If your only objective on a date is to get sex, you will not get to know the person and you will not be forming a meaningful relationship.

That's fine, but make sure the other person is fully away of the relationship's limitations as well. Another dating tip: The best way to make your date a great one is to go into it with optimism and a smile!

Succeed with Women with Your Imagination

Imagine Success with Women

When was the last time you imagined yourself meeting and seducing a lot more women? If there were no limits to the women you could meet and date what would you be willing to imagine?

My friend, the only limitations there are for your dating life are the limits that are in your mind and thoughts.

If your dating life right now is in the pits why don't you at least start imagining something. Imagine yourself meeting, dating, and seducing the women of your dreams. Take that step of faith today that love and happiness with a woman is coming your way.

See in your mind yourself meeting and dating lots of hot and sexy women. Just take the limits off of your thinking so you can fulfill your desire of finding someone special.

Dating Topless Dancer

Monday, February 06, 2023 | 0 comments »

Dating Topless Dancer

Dating Topless Dancers Advice

Stay on your toes! More so when you're dating a topless dancer, because of all the competition and all the guys vying for her affections. Don't be a stupid ass fool and think that just because you are in a relationship with her now you can just relax and stop courting her, take her for granted, romancing her, and being the guy she fell in love with in the beginning.

Excuses Men Make That Hurt Their Dating Life

Making Time for Dating

Hello my friends, let's talk about some excuses we have that prevent us from meeting and scoring with more women:

Please don't let these three words prevent you from meeting lots of women. What are these three words that can really screw up your lovelife? - "I don't have time" is the culprit.

Whatever the circumstances are (busy with your career, education, caring for a parent or children, etc.) do not allow a supposed lack of time to prevent you from enjoying love and romance with women.

Maybe you need to step back and evaluate better ways to organize your time so you can have more time to socialize and meet more women.

And whatever you do, don't fall into the trap of becoming a workaholic and lose your ability to enjoy life. Life is just to short to spend all of your time working. You've got to balance your life with work and pleasure. Trust me, real pleasure in life is being with a woman you're really attracted to that turns you on.

Saving Money at Topless Clubs

Sunday, February 05, 2023 | 0 comments »

Saving Money at Topless Clubs

Saving Money in Gentleman's Clubs

Tip - When you drink, order a glass of wine. Just sip the wine slowly and it will last for 1-2 hours. Beer gets flat when it sits for a long time and mixed drinks get watered down when the ice melts. So, if you want to save money on your bar bill, just order wine and sip on it.

Talking About Love with Women

Sunday, February 05, 2023 | 0 comments »

Talking About Love with Women

Conversations About Love

When talking to a woman try revolve the conversation around love. Try to get her to experience the feelings of love she had in the past with other men. When you do this she can subconciously associate those feelings with you. You will be the lucky one that caused her to remember those feelings of love in her past. These feelings can make her feel romantic towards you.

Also, I wanted to tell you about a couple of mistakes you must not make when trying to seduce women:

  1. By not waiting until she is ready to for you to put your moves on her
  2. By waiting too long. Timing is everything when trying to seduce women.

How to Give Compliments and Talk to Women

Giving Compliments and Talking to Women

You should always give compliments to women that are sincere.

Here is a good example: Telling an intelligent woman that she is pretty, or telling a pretty woman how intelligent she is, puts you an entirely different light than the men she normally rejects.

The more sincere and straight forward your compliments are, the less she will feel they are your normal typical pick up lines.

When talking to women you must pay close attention to what she has to say. This will show her that you are a real good listener and you think it is important to listen to what she has to say. Try to get her to talk about herself as much as possible. Focus on her and forget about yourself.

Above all and most importantly, try not to obsessively talk about yourself. These tips will give you a head start in attracting lots of women.

Spiritual Comments to Help Men Succeed with Women

Be sure and call on Jesus whenever you need help with dating issues - The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him sincerely. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them. The Lord protects all those who love him, but he destroys the wicked. Psalm 145:18-20

Introduction to 1001 Best Pick Up Lines ebook

Introduction for 1001 Best Pick Up Lines Book


It's really a sad fact of life that so many opportunities for thousands of wonderful intimate relationships are lost each day because men simply don't know what to say to women they encounter in their every day lives.

You see attractive women every day that you would love to meet. You see them at the mall. You see them in shops and department stores. You see them in the grocery store, at the dry cleaners, and just anywhere and everywhere.

The problem is, these golden opportunities to meet women are wasted because a lot of men don't know what to say to turn these chance encounters with all those girls of their dreams into romance.

That's why I wrote this book to help all those men that get tongue-tied with women or don't know what to say when they meet women or approach them. I have provided you with 1001 effective and tested pick-up lines and conversation starters to help you break the ice and have you meeting more women, getting more dates, attracting and seducing more women, and filling your life with more love, romance, and good times.

I've done all the research for you on the secrets of knowing what to say to women. Now, all you have to do is memorize a few simple lines and believe me, if you do this you can have a date every night of the week, if you want. Just go through the book and pick out the lines that you think would work for you and experiment to see which ones are the most effective for you in turning those chance encounters with hot and sexy women into a possible relationship.

Women want you to approach and talk to them and if you've got the right line and know how to talk to them to get them interested in you, then you can succeed with women beyond your wildest dreams. Women often say, "I was attracted to that guy, but he didn't say anything. I guess he wasn't interested in me." This is a perfect example of a lost opportunity many men don't take advantage of. After using this book that won't happen.

And to help you learn conversational skills to capture a woman's heart, I've also included a bonus section on page 75 called, "How to Talk to a Woman" to make women want to be with you.

Today the choice is all yours. Either you can sit around waiting for women to approach you...or use the sure-fire pick-up lines in the book to take control of your love and dating life once and for all. I've designed a personal game plan for you to meet, attract, and seduce women. The rest is up to you. You've got to take action!

Wishing you much success with women,

Don Diebel, the author

P.S. - To order this ebook please go to:

Women Will Head Games

Thursday, February 02, 2023 | 0 comments »

Women Will Head Games

Women Who Mess with Your Mind

Hi guys, let's talk a little bit about how not to let any woman get the best of you at times:

Sometimes you can't control how women mistreat you, but you can control how you react to her mental abuse. There's no woman on earth that can make you feel negative emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, and rejection - without your permission.

There are women in this world that gain immense pleasure by upsetting you and playing upon your emotions. They can no succeed in upsetting you if you refuse to react to their negative behavior. Always tell yourself, "I am in total control of my emotions and I will not allow this woman to upset me."

In conclusion, don't be a victim of head games that women may play on you. Some will test you to see how much power they have over you. Don'tput up with any bullcrap. Be a man!

Pick Up Lines for Meeting, Attracting Single Women

Best Way to Approach Women

Wednesday, February 01, 2023 | 0 comments »

Best Way to Approach Women

Approaching Women

It is useful when planning an approach to put yourself in the girl's shoes. You can then imagine how she might feel if someone approached saying the things that you are planning to say.

Your approach need not be perfect, or perfectly received, to be successful. The main thing is to jump in and say something, and then hang on until a conversation is started. Sometimes this whole opening approach may seem awkward and messed up, but that doesn't really matter if you can keep talking. You must be ready to move right along after your opening line.