Mixing Up Your Conversations with Women

Vary Your Conversation with Women

The Conversation Mixture

However, we don't mean that you should get into a lot of heavy, serious conversation for a long period of time. It should be mixed in with small talk, jokes and kidding around (when you can), sexy talk, and planning future activities. And the whole mixture of conversation should depend on the feedback from the girl, which indicates her interest.

Gauging someone' s interest in what you are saying is very tricky. Some body language in involved. Suppose you are discussing your work. She may say, "Go on, I'm fascinated." But, after you talk a while, she is not looking at you all the time. She fiddles with her fingers, she doesn't respond with any comments, or approving nods. This is a fairly strong indication of disinterest -not as strong as a yawn, but still a definite sign. Of course the warning signs sometimes are less obvious than that.