Your Future When Dating Women

Saturday, February 25, 2023 | 0 comments »

Your Future When Dating Women

Future Dates with Women

Here is a good idea to help put a girl more at ease. Suggest an interesting, impressive date for the future, shortly after you meet her. You might even make this date the main reason for approaching her. For example:

"I wanted to meet you so I could invite you to come with me to the annual banquet of..." Of course this date should be a genuine event. It is not unusual for men to have an occasion coming up and be looking for someone to take to it. Girls are usually receptive to such offers if they like to look of the guy. It need not be a banquet, it could be a more easily arranged dinner party, but there should be more than one couple present.

If the girl accepts, or even if she is only considering it, you can then proceed with a normal SECOND PHASE approach. The future date helps build up your case in the more immediate courtship you are pursuing. If you are successful you may even arrange a more intimate activity before the future date takes place.