Making Sexy Overtures to Women when Dating

Sexy Overtures

You should make a sexual overture of some kind, to see how the girl responds. If she gives a positive response, you should pick up on her response and work the theme as long as it is productive. Then, move on to a non-sexual topic. In other words, if you tell a sex joke and she really enjoys it, she may tell one, or encourage you to tell more. As long as you are both enjoying yourselves, this is great. Sex should be fun, in any case. But you should sense when there has been enough of it and change to another activity or conversation topic. Strive for a mixed conversation.

If she did not respond to your overture, you might try one more time. Then, if she still seems uninterested, leave off and go back onto another topic. If she is still friendly, it may be that she is not quite yet ready to respond sexually. Of course, she now knows of your sexual intent, so if she is still friendly, she apparently doesn't object to it. You should try again later, but allow plenty of time. If she is unfriendly after your overtures, she is rejecting you entirely.

The two of you are really discussing your sexual involvement by a type of signal code. Before you made your sexual overture, the girl may have already decided she wasn't interested in you sexually, but was just being friendly because that was the easiest thing to do. She did not even know if you were interested in her sexually. So she did not respond to the jokes and became unfriendly to tell you she was not interested in you that way. Girls say that it is sometimes hard to do this because even though they want to discourage a guy, his jokes can be very amusing and it is hard not to laugh at them.