According to 17% of people who married in the past three years met online.

So, what does this mean for you? Get online to meet your future mate.

According to a reputable survey 66% of people decide in the first half hour if there will be another date.

So, guys it's very important to make a good first impression on women.

This week let's talk about trust in a relationship. Mutual trust is very crucial in establishing a successful relationship.
If you get involved with a woman you can't trust, this can cause some serious problems in your relationship.
So, what are some of the warning signs that the woman you're dating may not be trustworthy? Here's a list of the major ones:
1. She's always late for dates and offers no apology or explanation. Or even worse, she makes up lousy excuses.
2. She's dishonest with you and you catch her telling you lies.
3. You keep asking her for her phone number at home and she refuses to give it to you. You would think that after a few dates, any normal woman that was sincerely interested in you wouldn't mind you calling her at home.
4. She won't look you straight in the eye when she talks to you.
Free Dating Tips on How to Meet, Attract, and Seduce Women
5. Whenever you try to make plans with her to meet your family or get together with your friends, she makes up excuses to avoid meeting them. Also, she never brings up the subject of meeting her family or friends.
6. After you've been dating awhile she's hardly ever available. Most of the time you can't get in touch with her and she offers no explanation.
7. She constantly gossips about other people. Trust me on this one, if you tell her your deepest secrets, she's going to tell everyone she knows.
8. She's a very selfish person.
So, what do you do if you're dating someone with all or most of these warning signs? I don't know about you, but I don't care to date a woman I can't trust. It makes me lose respect for her.
I'm not advising you to dump every woman who is untrustworthy. I'm just offering you some warning signs so you can make good judgements for avoiding relationships with potential problems that will cause you unhappiness.

Trying to score with topless dancers can be very frustrating at times. You will have good nights and you will have off nights when no matter how hard you try, all you do is get rejected. Getting rejected happens to all men. It just comes with the territory. Just move on to another dancer. You will find one that takes a liking to you.

Each night that you go out to a topless club has its own personality. One night you can be attracting dancers like a magnet and the next night it can be slow and you don't attract much attention from the dancers. Plus, there will be times when you go to a club feeling tired, hungover, and feeling at your worst and the dancers will be all over you.

Each time you go to a club can be a different experience. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. Just keep trying to pick up topless dancers and no matter what happens to you, don't take it personally.

I saw the new movie Water for Elephants today...Great movie...great acting...great story...great romance...loved it!
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Good date movie!

Do some people lie about themselves in their ads or when they respond to an ad? Of course they do. The people who write and respond to personal ads are a cross-section of the general population. No better, no worse. My experience, and the experience of many people that I've talked to, is that you meet the good, the bad, the ugly, the honest and the dishonest through the personal ads.