TIP #1 - How many times should you ask a girl out for a date before you give up? A friend of ours told us that he would ask a girl three times before he would give up. Why he arbitrarily picked three, we don't know. Probably because in baseball you get three strikes before you are out.

Our rule of thumb is once. If she legitimately has other plans and wants to do something with you, she will communicate this. "Oh, I'd love to, but I just can't. I can make it some other time..." If she is uninterested, she will make herself unavailable. In this case, drop it. You only make matters worse for yourself if you pursue it.

TIP #2 - People go on dates to have a good time - not to be serious. Keep this in mind when you plan the activities. Make sure you are mentally and emotionally prepared to be "up" and positive for the date.

The most important thing you can do to make single women feel romantically attracted to you is to make her feel special. Women are a lot less interested in the way you appear to her than in the way to make her feel about herself.

It's very important to make single women feel special and unique. In return, she will feel that you are also special and unique.

So, how do you make a single woman feel special? You tell her by saying something like this: "There's something very special about you. I noticed you the second I first saw you. You have a very unique face that's so exotic I can't explain it. You're more than just attractive. There's something very unique and original about your look."

Just say this to a woman you've just met and watch her reaction. I can guarantee you her face will light up with a smile and she will radiate warmth towards you.

So, remember when you're out on the prowl looking for romance, sex, or a relationship, don't forget to tell women that there's something special about them. Make them feel that they are the most important and special person on the earth. If you can do this, you're love and sex life will skyrocket!

When it comes to placing or answering a personal ad I don't think that there is an advantage or disadvantage to having or not having children. Some people, even those without children, prefer to date people who have children. Some people are neutral. Others would never consider dating someone with children.

If you have children, you should mention that fact and the relevant details as early as possible. If the fact that you do or do not have children matters to someone else, you might as well find out as soon as possible. If you are placing an ad, I think that you should state in the ad that you have children. There are many ways to say that you have kids. I see "active mom" or "custodial dad" frequently used.

I think that it is smart to tell the ages of the children and mention any special circumstances such as if the other parent has custody, whether a child has special needs, or that your children are grown up and gone. Things like that can make a difference one way or the other.

If you don't want to date someone who has children, don't say, "I hate kids." Use a bit of tact and say something like, "I prefer to date a man (or woman) without children." It will eliminate many people who have a lot of the other characteristics that you seek. But, if you really don't want to date someone who has children, especially if you really can't stand children, clearly state your preference. If you're one of those who are neutral on the issue, discuss your ambivalence if someone responds who sounds interesting and has children. You might find that you love children after all.

How to Use Body Language to Attract Women       

Step by step I  will  guide  you  in  the  usage of successful body language using the following methods:

1. Develop a graceful,  arrogant sort of walk.  A walk that is free and easy with fluid  movements. This kind of walk  transmits a sexual message  which will turn a woman's head.
2. When  leaning against  a wall  or whatever,  thrust your hips forward, with your legs apart. This position also transmits a sexual message.

3. While you  are standing or especially  when leaning and you are wearing  pants or jeans, hook  your thumbs in your belt  just above your  pockets and point  your fingers  down  toward  your crotch.  Because  of your  fingers  pointing toward  your  crotch area, this sends out  a sexual message to a  woman and you will be amazed at how many women pick up this signal.
4. When talking to a woman, let your  eyes linger on her throat and breasts. Also, while talking to her, wet your lips  with your tongue. By using  these two  techniques, she  usually will feel rather  uneasy  and  excited,  thus  you  will  be  in control.
In  conclusion, try  these methods  of attracting attention from women and see if  they work for you. They have worked successfully for a lot of men I know.

Remember,  the more techniques you use to attract a  woman the  more women  you're going  to be  meeting and that's the name of the game.

Negative Signs That She's Not Interested In You

1.  You lean towards her and she leans back away from you.
2.  She starts turning away from you.
3.  She doesn't make eye contact with you.
4.  She folds her arms across her chest.
5.  Double crosses her legs at the ankle.

6.  She touches her nose often while she's with you.
7.  A limp or hanging hand can indicate boredom with you.
8. When talking to you, her eyes keep glancing at other guys in the topless club.  She's probably keeping her eye out for her next customer.

9. She makes no effort to talk to you.  She doesn't reply to any of your comments, doesn't answer your questions, and doesn't ask any questions about yourself.  Unless she just doesn't feel good or is moody this could indicate that she's not interested in you and you will be wasting your time.

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The Top 10 Dining Etiquette Tips to Impress Single Women When on a Dining Date:

  1. Whatever you do, don't use curse words in your dining conversations. This can really turn women off and can even spoil your chances for dating her again and your potential relationship goes right down the drain.
  2. Don't bring your cell phone on your dining date. You don't want any interruptions and you want to give her your undivided attention. Also, you may mistakenly think that cell phones impress women by thinking that you are a important businessman or something. The women are going to be impressed by how you treat them, not because you have a cell phone.
  3. I highly recommend that you bring some dental floss and tic tacs with you on your date. After you complete your meal, excuse yourself and go to the restroom and floss your teeth and take a breath mint. The reason for this is that you don't want any food stuck on your teeth while talking to her (this can be very embarrassing and you won't even be aware of it and of course you don't want to have bad breath either.
  4. Don't bore your date by constantly talking about yourself, what material possessions you have, important people you know, your fancy car, your money, etc. In other words, stay away from your ego trip, just focus on her and revolve your conversation around her and her interests.
  5. Never bite your nails while you are dining.
  6. Please, whatever you do, don't light up a cigar while you are eating. It will not only turn her off, but will annoy other patrons with the foul odor of a cigar.
  7. Refrain from chewing gum while dining.
  8. When asked how you are doing. Always reply, "I'm doing great, howabout yourself?" Don't reply with how bad you are feeling or discussing any ailments.
  9. If there are other people in your party, be sure and include them in your conversations. In other words, don't ignore the other people at your table, especially if they are her friends.
  10. Whenever she reaches for a cigarette, be sure and light it for her.