Advice About Cell Phones, Littering, Smoking on Dates

This week I want to focus on three things you must never do while on a date, especially first dates. These topics are:

  • Littering
  • Cigarette Throwing
  • Cell Phones
Let me explain how these things can turn your date off and make a bad impression on her:

Littering - I'm sure you have seen litter on the roads, highways, parking lots, etc. How did it get there? Mostly from litter bugs.

Are you a litter bug? This is one bad habit you're going to have to break if you want to succeed with single women. If you really want to turn off women while on a date, just throw your trash, cups, fast food wrapping, soda and beer cans, beer bottles, etc. while you are driving.

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She may be so repulsed that she may not want to see you any more. So, guys be sure and dispose of your trash in a trash can. Don't throw it out the window while you are driving while on a date. Even better, carry a litter bag in your car

Cigarette Throwing - Do you smoke? If you do, unfortunately some single women don't like to date smokers or even be around people who do. But, if she doesn't mind if you smoke or if she smokes too, then you must follow a couple of rules on what not to do with your cigarette after you are through smoking it:

When on a date when you are in any type of vehicle, don't flick your lighted cigarette out the window into the street, sidewalk, grass, etc. This is very rude and makes a bad impression and labels you a guy with no class. Besides, it's dangerous and you could catch something on fire. Also, while on a date don't stomp your cigarette out on streets, sidewalks, floors, etc. This is considered bad manners in front of a lady.

Cell Phones - I've covered this topic before, but I want to remind you to never take your cell phone on a date. This is considered bad manners and women don't like it, especially if you have to answer calls while on your date. And, it would be very rude to make phone calls also. Even worse, don't wear a cell phone on your belt. This is not the proper thing to wear while on a date with single women.

Advice on Responding to Voice Mail Personals of Single Women

I'm sure you have seen singles magazines featuring personal ads of single women looking for romance. In the old days you responded to these ads by writing a letter. Now they have switched over to using a fee-based voice mail system for people to make contact. You respond to a woman's ad by calling her voice mail and leaving a message.

When you find an ad that captures your attention you really need to plan in advance what your script is going to be when you leave a message. It's very critical that you make a favorable impression when you leave a message. You will be judged on first impressions and what you say and how you say it can make or break you.

I have made a list of steps to take to make a good impression when calling her voice mail:

  1. Read all the personal ads of single women in the magazine very carefully. Circle the ones that capture your attention.
  2. Before you call her voice mail make some notes about what you are going to say. I highly recommend that you don't read your script over the phone. It just won't sound natural and will not sound sincere.
  3. Be sure and speak very clearly, don't stutter, and do not end each sentence with "ah" or "um."
  4. Do not speak with a boring and monotone voice. Make your voice sound lively and energetic.
  5. Start off your message by telling her why her ad attracted your attention.
  6. Then describe yourself honestly (be sure and don't lie): your age, height and physical characteristics, your educational background, occupation, and personality traits.
  7. Next, talk about the things that you like to do, your interests, hobbies, etc.
  8. Now, express the type of woman you are looking for and don't be afraid to mention that you are looking for a serious relationship.
  9. Leave her your phone number and be sure to say it clearly and slowly so she won't write down the wrong number.
  10. End your message with, "I look forward to talking to you soon. I'd love to hear from you so we can get to know each other better."
There you have it. This advice will help you plan in advance so you can make a good impression on her. Good luck and I hope you get lots of calls back from the single ladies who placed their personal ad.

Art of Attracting Single Women Using Sympathy

Let's just say you're on a date and she starts discussing a problem that's really bothering her. It's really bothering her emotionally and she shares her problem with you. So what do you do? What do you say to help her?

Most men make the mistake of immediately offering solutions. This is exactly what you must avoid doing and I'll explain why:

By sharing her problem with you she is not really looking for solutions. She's really quite capable of figuring out what to do on her own. What she really wants is for you to hear her out, understand her feelings, and lend a sympathetic ear.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

You will make quite an impression on her by just listening to her, let her vent out all of her feelings, and expressing sympathy toward her problem.

The best response you can say is, "I feel your pain" or "I understand how you feel." By being a good listener and understanding her feelings this will make her feel closer to you and make a lasting impression on her.

Sometimes you just have to abandon you "macho" image and think like a woman. Women want you to be supportive and understand their feelings in regards to problems that they are having. Men just want to find the perfect solution to problems.

So, in closing guys, if a woman brings up problems she's having, don't offer solutions unless she asks for them. Just offer sympathetic understanding and you'll make a lot of bonus points with her. And guess what happens when you make a lot of bonus points? You score!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Answers to How Often to Date Single Women

Seeing a single woman that you have just started dating more than once a week is pushing it a little too far, too soon. Seeing her more than once a week makes you appear to be over anxious and you certainly don't want to project this image. There are no exceptions to this rule even if she is the one calling on you to see you more often. Stick to your guns and just see her once a week in the beginning.

By her calling on you, this puts you in the driver's seat and you should milk it for all it's worth. Play hard to get with her and make her work at it for your time. She will appreciate you more when she does have time with you. Her anticipation to be with you will work in your favor.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

Don't go on a guilt trip about having to turn her down for a get-together. Simply say, "I'd love to but I'm busy tonight." Don't give her any further explanations. Let her sweat it out. However, you need to turn her down in the proper manner by expressing that you want to see her and do things with her, but you are just too busy with prior commitments to see her that night.

10 Questions You Must Never Ask on First Dates

There are certain questions that you just can't ask when on a first date. Some are just too personal and too sexual and they are just about guaranteed to turn your date off and some single women will be so offended that they will not want to go on a second date with you.

I know it doesn't seem fair, but a lot of women will judge you by what you say on your first date. First impressions are very critical and you can really blow it by asking the wrong questions. Listed here are questions that are sensitive to single women and will get you into trouble by asking them:

  1. What is the weirdest place you have ever had sex?
  2. Are you a virgin?
  3. How much money do you make? (This is really none of your business until you get to know each other better).
  4. Do you have any children? (She may think that you are trying to eliminate her from seeing you again because you don't date women with children).
  5. How many sex partners have you had?
  6. How long has it been since you had sex?
  7. At the end of the date you ask: Do you mind if I spend the night? (This will give her the impression that you just want to use her for sex).
  8. Do you do drugs?
  9. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
  10. How much do you weigh? (You must never ask this because single women are very sensitive about their weight).

Advice on Maintaining Romance with Single Women

  1. Keep your imagination active while involved with her. Make sure you don't let yourself become loving and predictable. Always be alert to new things to do, such as taking her to a new romantic restaurant she hasn't been to, a romantic stroll along the beach, going out on a date in a limo, or a picnic in the park. Do things that are unique, different, and somewhat unpredictable. She will love it when you surprise her with your spontaneity. Make it appear that you thought of an activity on the spur of the moment even if you had already planned it in advance. Remember, it is just as important in the style you do something as to what you do.
  2. Even after you start a relationship with her you can still play hard to get. Keep a level of independence about you without ignoring her. Don't revolve your whole life around her completely. And be sure to not smother her because this can drive her away from you. Show her that you can live without her, be it your job or your sport. If you have a life that doesn't revolve around her, it will make her feel a bit insecure, and therefore, hopefully want to hold on to you even more.
  3. Whatever you do, don't become a boring slob. Don't fall into the trap many men fall into and that is letting her see you spend all of your time on the couch watching TV and sports. Be an active and exciting man always on the go and doing things. Relate to her and what she is doing.
  4. Be a little unpredictable and never do what she expects you to do. If you do what's expected of you, this can become boring to her.
  5. To keep her interested in you and keep her on her toes, be a little unpredictable. It pays big dividends.

10 Top Pick-Up Lines for Single Women at the Beach

Here's some really great pick-up lines to use to score with all those hot and sexy beach bunnies and swimming pool honies in their little bikinis that cause your hormones to rage completely out of control:

  1. I'm a swimsuit photographer. Would you like to be in my next photo shoot? (Be sure and have your camera in your hand and be ready to take some photos.)
  2. Would you like to toss some frisbee?
  3. I don't know which is prettier today...the blue/green water or your pretty blue/green eyes.
  4. Could you watch my stuff while I go for a swim? (Then ask her to join you.)
  5. Can I borrow some of your suntan lotion to put on my face?
  6. I haven't seen you at the pool here before, are you new in town?
  7. When you see a girl drying herself off with a towel reply, I sure wish I were that towel you're using.
  8. I brought an extra air mattress, would like to lay out in the pool with me?
  9. That sure is a lovely set of lungs you are wearing today.
  10. I've got an extra boogie board, would you like to body surf? (You can buy these body-surfing boards at Toys R Us.)
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: