A Mission Statement to Succeed with Single Women

Every man should develop a mission statement for succeeding with single women. This will give you purpose, a plan for doing better with women, and motivate you to take action to seduce women.

Here's the mission statement that I recommend that you use:

1. I have supreme confidence in myself and my abilities to meet, attract, and seduce any woman I desire. When I approach women my mind is programmed for success and I am not upset if I get rejected.

I will not feel sorry for myself or feel defeated if things don't go my way with women. This will only make me try harder and be more focused and determined.

2. I will not focus on any weaknesses that I have when it comes to doing better with women. I only concentrate on my supreme powers in attracting women instead of any problems I may have in the romance department.

3. I set goals for succeeding with women and a deadline to accomplish my plan for seducing women. I monitor my progress in achieving these goals day-by-day, week-by-week, and month-by-month. By setting goals it help me to organized by activities in pursuing the women I desire and helps me to create enthusiasm, desire, and determination to do whatever it takes to succeed with women.

4. I have a burning desire at a deep gut level to improve my love and sex life. This burning desire creates a "success consciousness" in my mind that, which in turn creates a habit of continuing success with women.

5. Once I have developed my goals and plans to seduce single women, I follow through with a dogged determination that does not recognize failure or defeat and if I come across obstacles I go under, around, and through them, and I am not influenced by what others may think, say, or do about my plans.

My personal advice is to keep your plans and goals to yourself. This is private and your own personal plan to do better with women. If you share it with your buddies, relatives, co-workers, etc. they may ridicule you or discourage you.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Meet Single Women at Work

Sunday, September 12, 2021 | 0 comments »

Approaching Single Women Where You Work

Take a real good look around you when you're at work. Depending on how large of company you work for and what type of work you do, you're going to see a lot of eligible single women. Don't pass up the opportunities to meet women. You can make a lot of social contacts, being that you spend a lot of your time at work.

At a very large company you may actually have anywhere from a hundred to a thousand women to choose from. Talk about heaven on earth! Places of employment are hot beds for romance and behind the scenes activities.

How do you approach single women at work? Just introduce yourself. Say, "Hi, my name is ______. I work in the _____ dept. Being that we work for the same company, I thought I'd introduce myself." Then carry on a conversation from there. Don't forget to charm and compliment her.

After you've gotten to know her and established some rapport, ask her out to lunch. Who knows, that could lead to an intimate relationship?

A word about any new single women at work. Be sure and hit up on them right away. Don't let the other men beat you to the punch. Welcome her to the company and try and make her feel at home. Introduce her to your co--workers. Invite her to join your lunch group for something to eat.

Finally, don't pass up any company parties, picnics, trips, bowling or softball leagues, banquets, etc. These are great for meeting and mingling with your female co-workers.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on How to Score with Single Flight Attendants

Beautiful and vivacious flight attendants. Go to the concourses of any of the world's airports and you can see them walking in the airport. These are women of mystery. They are like birds in never ending migration. They have an air of confidence about them and are extremely poised.

This is a very proud and select group of women. After all, they have been screened and selected from literally hundreds of applicants to represent their airlines in this highly competitive industry.

I couldn't think of a worldlier woman than a flight attendant. After all, how many ordinary women do you know who may have just had breakfast in Boston and lunch in St. Louis and is about to eat chop suey in San Francisco's Chinatown?

Flight attendants are really ideal for a warm, mature, and perhaps a completely physical affair. Why? Well she's not around very much; she usually is intelligent and outgoing; she can shower you with exotic gifts from afar; and finally, she has friends that are flight attendants also.

Now, let's discuss how, when, and where to meet single flight attendants.

This may surprise you, but the best place to meet a flight attendant is not in the air, but on the ground. OK, am I telling you not to approach them in the air? No, but you will be much more successful on the ground and I will explain why and where to find them later.

Here's how to approach them in the air, if you want to give it a try: After you're in the air and things have calmed down and things are slow, ask the flight attendant for some coffee. Try to establish some eye contact while she's taking your order and be sure and give her a warm and sexy smile. Literally try to melt her with your bedroom eyes and tell her, "You sure look great today." When she returns with your coffee say, "Being a flight attendant sure is a demanding job isn't it?" This sure could open up an avenue for some prolonged . What you're trying to do is establish as much verbal contact as possible.

After you've finished your coffee, call her to pick up your cup. This is when you're going to "move in for the kill." Ask her, "Would it be possible to talk to you in private?" She will probably respond with, "About what?" Just say it's personal. Whether you get to talk to her in private or while in your seat, this is the approach to use: "I'm very attracted to you and I'd like to get to know you better. Can we have dinner or a couple of drinks together?" That's all there is to it and hopefully she will say "yes." If she doesn't, you can't say you didn't try.

Also, if you don't get to speak to her in private and you have to speak to her from your seat and you're sensitive about other passengers listening in on your lines, just have her put her ear down to your mouth and whisper in her ear.

You might try this if you get turned down for dinner or drinks. When you're getting off the plane, be sure and say on your way out, "Are you sure you still don't want to have dinner or a couple of drinks?" You never know, she just might change her mind.

In conclusion to approaching flight attendants in the air, be sure and do it at the beginning of the flight. Don't wait until mid-flight or at the end of the flight. The reason for this being, that she may be tired or fed up with difficult passengers. So strike early and get a jump on any possible competition.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Attracting, Meeting Single Women at Parties

Never, never turn down a party invitation. Whether it is a friends, a beach party, office party, etc. Parties are a real gold mine for meeting single women. The atmosphere is very sociable and conducive for flirtations.

All you've got to do is walk up to a woman you're interested in and introduce yourself. Then follow up with your conversational skills.

Also, it's a good idea to throw your own party. Invite everyone you can think of. For instance, if it's a male friend you invite, ask him to invite some of his female friends. If it's a female friend, ask her to invite some of her female friends. This way your party will be stocked with an ample supply of single women. This will give you an opportunity to meet some new women and make friends.

When at a party, whatever you do, don't stand in a corner. Be sure to mingle and flirt with as many women as possible. There's nothing to fear because people will be friendly and rejections are rare unless you make a fool of yourself.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on Using Your Eyes to Attract Single Women

Are Your Eyes Right With Single Women?

Be cautious lest your eye gestures be misunderstood. Avoiding eye contact can make both parties feel uncomfortable. If you avert your eyes out of shyness, you may be interpreted as saying, "I'm dishonest" or "I'm ashamed" or "I'm not interested in you." Too much eye contact is as bad as too little. It's impolite to stare.

As a cultural rule, a man should not look steadily at a woman for longer than a few seconds - unless she gives him license with a smile, a backward glance, or a direct meeting of eyes. When a man gazes without smiling, women may think, "He's looking right through me." If you narrow your eyes in a frown, you may inadvertently be saying, "I'm suspicious." If you roll your eyes upward, she could think you're yawning, "Ho hum!" If you glare at a woman under arched eyebrows, most women will hear you growl: "I'm angry."

Here's one last additional tip: Use your eyes as well as well as your mouth. Gaze into her eyes as you smile at her. It will make your message much more personal. When you see single women who look interesting, turn toward them and let your gaze linger a little longer. A suggestion of a wink while you're smiling gives an unmistakable come-hither look.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Succeed with Single Women in Nightclubs

Nightclubs, in my opinion are not the best place in the world to look for permanent relationships with single women. However, you must not overlook this source of meeting potential mates. You can get lucky sometimes and meet someone special. And the odds are in your favor that you can meet some women for a good time (if you know what I mean).

To help you succeed with single women in nightclubs, here are a few tips:

  • In general, single women don't go to nightclubs to get picked up. With this in mind, don't treat them like they are a piece of meat.
  • While you're there ask guys there where are the best nightclubs in town to meet women.
  • Don't go to nightclubs where you feel uncomfortable. This interferes with your success in meeting women.
  • If you are not having much success with women at your local nightclubs, try nightclubs in another town near you.
  • Don't wait until the end of a song to ask for a dance. You want to ask at the beginning of a song so you can spend more time with her on the dance floor.
  • To save money on your bar tab, sip on wine all night. This way you will stay sober and not get drunk. Keep in mind that women are turned off by drunken men at nightclubs.
  • Always keep these facts in mind when you are at nightclubs: Women drink alcohol at nightclubs and this tends to loosen her inhibitions, which is to your advantage.
  • Women in nightclubs want a non-physical and non-sexual approach. In other words don't be pawing at a woman's body after just meeting her.
  • Don't stand around all night waiting for something to happen - You Must Take Action!
  • Send women that you are attracted to a glass of champagne. Use your waitress for this purpose. She will be very curious who sent her the drink.
  • If a woman smiles at you first, she's interested in you and you must take advantage of this gesture. Approach her immediately and introduce yourself. So, be on the lookout for women who smile at you.
  • This last comment is very important to your reputation at nightclubs: If you are a player at nightclubs and use women just for sex you will develop a bad reputation. The girls that you use have other female friends and they will warn them about you and to avoid you.
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on Stocking Liquor to Seduce Single Women

This week I want to focus on stocking your place with the appropriate liquors for when you pick up single women and bring them back to your place or when you have women over after a date.

Even if you don't drink, it's important to have liquor on hand that she will like for this reason: Liquor will loosen a woman's inhibitions and make it easier to seduce her. However, I must warn you to never get a woman so drunk that she passes out and you take advantage of her sexually. This is date rape and can land you in jail.

So what kind of drinks do you need to stock? Here's a good list of suggestions:

1. White Wine - I would suggest buying a good quality California Chardonnay (don't forget to buy a corkscrew). Don't buy the cheapest wine you can find. Some women know their wines and if you have cheap wine then she may think that you are cheap too.

2. If she wants to drink water, don't get it from the jug in the icebox that you drink out of. And don't put ice cubes in a glass and fill it up from the faucet on your sink. You must offer her bottled water. That's what women prefer to drink, so be well stocked with the small nine ounce bottles of spring water. I would buy a case of these to have on hand.

3. Wine Coolers are very popular with single women, so buy an assortment of different types.

4. Lots of single women like to drink vodka drinks. So, be sure and stock your liquor cabinet with vodka. And have something to mix it with such as Bloody Mary Mix, Vodka Sour Mix, or canned orange juice.

5. A lot of women don't drink beer, but it never hurts to have some on hand. Buy quality name-brand beer and not the cheap brands on sale at the grocery store.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com