10 Top Pick Up Lines to Meet Single Women

Has this ever happen to you? You go out to eat and you see a gorgeous girl that you'd give your left testicle to meet and get to know better. But, you don't know what to say and how to approach her. Well here are some opening lines to help you meet those dream girls you keep running into at restaurants:

  1. Would you be interested in a hot and steaming bowl of conversation?
  2. Weren't we supposed to meet for dinner?
  3. I just hate eating alone; do you mind if I join you?
  4. Nothing quite tastes as good as you look today.
  5. Do you know of a nice French restaurant where we could share a bottle of wine?
  6. Hi. I just moved to this city and was wondering if you could recommend a good restaurant here. Would you also like to join me for dinner sometime?
  7. Can I buy you lunch/dinner?
  8. Can you please pass me the ketchup and your phone number?
  9. When you notice that a woman has finished her meal, approach her and say, noticed that you have finished eating, can I join you for some desert?
  10. If you spot a girl waiting in a restaurant for someone, go up to her and say...If he doesn't show up, I'll be right over here waiting for you.
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Online Dating to Find Single Women for Romance

Some guys may think that online personals are for losers. Nothing could be farther than the truth and here's why:

According to recent research, online personal dating sites are the fastest-growing category of paid internet content. In the third quarter alone last year there was $87 million dollars collected in subscription fees from dating sites which is an increase of over 300 percent compared to the third quarter of 2001, according to the Online Publishers Association.

According to ComScore Media Metrix, about 26 million people visited personals dating sites last December and this includes nearly 8 million people going online from work to find romance.

So, my friend what does this tell you? Online dating is very popular and a great way to find romance. Every day, ordinary people make a "love connection." These are genuine people looking for romance and not a bunch of weirdo's or losers.

I played the personals myself for many years and met and dated lots of lovely single women.

In closing, these are the dating sites which attracted the most traffic for people looking for romance:

  1. match.com
  2. Yahoo Personals
  3. One2onematch.com
  4. Matchmaker.com
  5. American Singles
Be sure and sign up with these sites to meet and date lots of lovely and attractive single women. Do it today. What have you got to lose?

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Attracting Single Women with the Right Image

How women perceive you is very important in whether she will like you or not. Here are some tips to project a good image:

1. Pick out your strong points, your assets, your attributes, and accent them. Try to put your weaknesses in the background.

2. Make it an honest portrayal. We are not advising you to portray a phony image. People will read it as phony, and you'll get nowhere. What we are saying, is that you must present your best side, and do it in a way that appeals to what women are looking for in men.

3. Make sure your total image is consistent. In other words, there should be consistency between what people see when they look at you and the things you say and do. If your behavior is in conflict with your image, it can be a "turn-off" to women - and everyone for that matter. Remember, what might work great for one guy may have a detrimental effect with women if you try it. An example of this would be if you were perceived by people to be sophisticated, then you will be attracting women who are attracted to sophistication. So if your opening remarks to a woman you just met are a series of rude, off-color jokes, chances are you will be turning her off. On the other hand, if your image is one of a "good-time Charlie," she will think those very same jokes are funny.

4. Evaluate the feed back you get from women. Be conscious of what things you do that give you positive response from women, and what things give you negative response. Let this feedback be your guide in determining how to present yourself.

This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book, " A Man's Guide to Women."

Advice on Making Single Women Want to be With You

You must convince a girl that she would be lucky to be with you. You may do this to a great extent just by properly presenting yourself with your image.

Examples: Dress as well or better than her. Be knowledgeable about the movie, the dinner, the wine, politics, or whatever. Use all the methods you learned in the chapter on image but above all don't brag about yourself. They've heard "bull" before and they won't fall for it. Let your image speak for you. By keeping the conversation aimed at her, you say a lot about yourself.

Another way to convince a girl that she will be lucky to be with you is to play on her inadequacies. This has to be subtle so you don't come off as being negative.

Examples: If it comes up in the conversation that she's never been to Hawaii, accent the fact with, "Really, you've never been there? You should go sometime." If she mentions that she does not like her job, say, "It's hard to work in those conditions. You should get out of a situation that makes you unhappy." If she mentions a health problem, ask a few questions about it to accent the fact that she is not perfect. If she exposes insecurity, ask why she lets that bother her.

Rebuttal about Dating Services

Friday, September 17, 2021 | 0 comments »

Answers to Dating Services Scams

If any of you have been to this website in the past, you know that I have a free book online for you to read about getting ripped off by dating services (especially video dating services). Well, I was contacted by a sweet young lady who works for a prominent dating service who offered this rebuttal to my book:

I've worked for a large dating service for over two years. I have seen that most men that come in (especially if they are age 45 and up) have incredibly high standards and that they will never ever meet someone that fits their criteria. They do not understand that we cannot create someone for them. They are their own worst enemy.

The situations I see happen most are these:

  • A man will come in and be very open on who he is hoping to meet. Prior to speaking with his first introduction he will change his criteria dramatically, to the point that we cannot match him. He is notified that this will make introductions go painfully slow, but since "this is what he paid for" he will not flex. He fails to realize that the women also have criteria and it has to match both ways. Now that he receives no introductions he claims it is our fault and we scammed him.
  • A man will receive an introduction and when he calls the woman she is not available. This he claims is also our fault. Yet when he forgets to tell us that he is not available and receives an introduction its not a big deal.
  • After speaking with the woman she does not want to meet him. This he claims are also our fault.
We have some excellent clients both male and female, that are realistic in whom they are looking to meet and enjoy their membership. Let me explain what I mean by realistic. If you are a 57 year old man that weighs over 300 pounds and is 5'7 and expect to meet a 34 year old woman that is 5'3 and weighs 110, then you can keep dreaming. Really the key to see if your being scammed is to ask for a girl like this and if they tell you that they can match you, then you know their gonna take your money and run. Another way to tell if you are being scammed is if they guarantee you will start a relationship with someone. No one can guarantee this, this is common sense.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that will take advantage of people that are lonely. I know that the company I work for is not like this, still people with unrealistic expectations will complain. You cannot make everyone happy and people should not expect to meet the woman of their dreams regardless of what they pay. If someone is going to join a service they should look at it as meeting new people and having fun.

Just thought I'd pass my inside info along, let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for your time,


Advice on How to Meet Single Women

When you first meet single women, do these important steps to create a bond. Be the first to extend your hand during your initial greeting. While shaking hands, give her a warm friendly smile and say, "Hi, my name is _____." That's the best way to open the channels of communication between you her. She will be impressed by you shaking her hand also because most men don't. You are showing her respect and making her feel special. It shows that you're a warm & friendly person and it helps to lower her defenses. It creates an atmosphere of receptivity between you and her.

When you shake hands, be sure your hand acts as your private diplomat. Use a firm grip to show strength and friendliness. A grip that's too hard seems aggressive. A grip that's too soft suggests that you're weak, retreating or indifferent. As soon as you feel her grip relax, break the handshake. If it's a very quick handshake it indicates an obligatory handshake. I'll bet you didn't think handshaking was such an art.

Let's talk about smiles during your first meeting. A warm and sexy smile can do wonders in getting single women attracted to you. A smile is your best way to break the ice with her. It shows that you are a positive person. It lifts the spirits of the woman and indicates that you're open to conversation. A warm smile communicates to her that you've noticed her in an approving way. Your smile says to her, "You look nice. Let's get to know each other." Be sure and examine your smile. You need to make sure that you're sending the right message when you smile at her. Stand in front of a mirror. Smile naturally as if you were smiling at a woman and check:

1. Does your smile look warm, friendly, and sexy?

2. Are your teeth shiny and white?

Work on the areas that need improvement and beware of a smile that looks more like a forced grin. You probably need to relax your face more. Watch out for half-hearted smiles. This may be caused by shyness but they come across as not very warm. Also, if you smile comes across as phony, it may have been on your face too long. After smiling for a minute or so your lips begin to get tired and freeze into a glazed look. To cure this and freshen your smile, rest a moment. When you're not smiling, don't let your mouth give off negative messages. Tightly pursed lips can suggest anger and you certainly don't want to come across as angry when meeting single women. Also a turned down mouth communicates sadness or disapproval.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

False Beliefs About the Dating Game

Misconceived Beliefs of Single Men When Playing the Dating Game:

If You're Really Going to Make It With a Woman, You'll Both Know It When You Meet and There Won't Be Any Problems

This is the man who is waiting for "love at first sight" to occur to initiate a relationship. Upon meeting a woman, if there are no vibrations or chemistry between them he simply dismisses the encounter. He uses this as a defensive excuse for initiating any intimate contact with single women.

Waiting for "love at first sight" will prevent you from establishing real friendships with the opposite sex out of casual acquaintances. You don't have to be madly in love with a woman to show interest and to establish a friendly rapport.

Most Men Are Lucky That Meet And Attract Single Women

This is a misconceived notion that meeting women happens to other men because of luck and good breaks. Picking up or meeting a woman rarely happens by accident. Somebody has got to take that first step to initiate contact with a woman. The only difference between you and the other man is he takes action, not because of a stroke of luck. So remember, you must go out and initiate action. You must make the effort to meet women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com