10 Keys to Successfully Dating Single Women

1. When with a woman on a date, under no circumstances whatsoever, look at and flirt with other women. This is just plain rude and disrespectful. It's very degrading to a woman and makes her feel very unimportant. It really hurts their feelings, especially if she is attracted to you.

2. Don't play head games - Don't just use single women for sex and string them along with no intentions for emotional commitment. The worse thing you can do is to tell them that you love them and not even mean it. And, even worse is to tell them that you love them just to get them in bed for sex. Don't get involved with a woman you have no interest in or desire to have a relationship with and suddenly tell her after several dates and sexual relations, "I don't want a girlfriend right now" or "I'm not interested in having a relationship." They will feel used, hurt and abused. If all you want from a woman is just sex, just be honest and up front with her and tell her, "I'm not interested in being tied down in a relationship with you and I would prefer to have a sexual relationship only with no strings attached."

3. Don't make women feel self-conscious by making comments on things that she is self-concious about such as her weight, her big ass, large nose, small eyes, hairy arms, pale skin, bony legs, big thighs, her protruding stomach, birthmark, stretch marks, acne, blemishes, etc.

4. Listen to women when they talk. Focus all your attention on every word she says. Don't talk to her while on the telephone and try to watch television at the same time. Pay attention to her and make her feel important and special. Women do not like to be ignored.

5. Be considerate of a woman's family and friends. In this imperfect world, we are not exactly crazy about everyone we meet, but at least make your best effort possible to get along with and form a bond with her family and friends. Here's why: If you get along fine with them, they won't be so inclined to pressure her to dump you. You would be surprised what an influence her friends and family have on her relationships with men. Also, keep in close touch with your own friends and relatives. They will resent her for you forgetting about them and spending all your time with your girlfriend.

6. Remember that single women are unique individuals - They are not a combination of all the women that you have dated and had relationships with. Maybe you had women cheat on you or act crabby and bitchy all the time. You think all single women are like this. Get rid of this attitude immediately! You just can't judge all single women by your experiences of the past. All women are different and don't judge all women as being mean because of a few bad experiences. There are lots of sweet and lovely single women out there that will treat you right. You just have to find them.

7. Treat single women like ladies - Literally, treat them like a queen. Open doors for them, light their cigarettes, pour their champagne, tell them how pretty and sexy they look, compliment them on their clothes, and offer them your arm. Just make them feel special and desirable. And giving her, flowers, gifts, cards, and poetry is a good idea too. Treat a woman like a lady and you will melt her heart and make her want to become intimate with you.

8. Act like a human being when around a single woman - Do your belching and farting in private. And don't make sick comments about your desire for killing cats, kicking dogs, shooting animals, and any other off the wall comments.

9. Here's a real no-no: If a woman is acting crabby and bitchy, you say, "You must be getting your period." Women are very sensitive to a remark like this and make her resent you. There are other factors that contribute to a woman feeling a little cranky. It can be stress from work, family, friends, and maybe even you getting on her nerves.

10. Always apply the Golden Rule around women - Treat her like you want to be treated.

Follow these ten important keys to getting along with women and I guarantee you that you will have more success in getting women more interested in you. Even to the point that she may fall for you and want to share her warm and writing body with you for some hot passionate sex. I'm sure this is one reward you won't mind receiving for your efforts.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.

Advice on How to Act on Dining Dates with Single Women

This week we will focus on proper dining etiquette when out on a date with a woman. Correct table manners are very important, especially on your first and second dates with a woman. You will be judged and if you have bad table manners, she may not even want to date you again. Don't let anything spoil your chances with scoring with single women such as bad table manners that are easily corrected. Listed here is the proper dining etiquette when on a dinner date with women:

1. Be sure and make reservations if you are going to a fancy or popular restaurant. It's very embarrassing to show up without reservations and having to wait an hour or two for a table. Also, be sure a check to see if they have a dress code and dress properly. Be sure and tell your date in advance what to wear.

2. When your food comes don't gobble your food down like you haven't eaten in a week. Eat at a moderate pace so you will have more time for conversation. It makes a bad impression if you gobble down your food and you spend the rest of the time watching your date eat.

3. Be sure and use your napkin and place it in your lap. Do not tuck it in your belt or use it as a bib.

4. When being seated do not allow them to place you in "bad" spots such as noisy areas, next to the restrooms, by the front or back door, areas with a bad atmosphere, etc.

5. Do not slurp your soup, smack your lips, or chew with your mouth open. Nothing is more unsightly than watching someone talk and chew his or her food at the same time.

6. Should you order for your date? If you are at a classy restaurant, you should order for your date. Ask her in advance what she wants and when the waiter or waitress comes, order for her. This makes a good impression on women.

7. When eating insert your fork straight in your mouth. Do not place your fork in the side of your mouth. This increases the chances of you dropping your food on your table and that's embarrassing.

8. If you get food stuck in your mouth do not pick it out with your fingers or fork at the table. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom and get it out with a toothpick.

9. Be sure and leave at least a 15% tip (unless the service is bad). Single women will judge you on your tipping habits. If you are cheap it can make a bad impression on them. Don't whip out a pen and paper or calculator to calculate the tip, it could leave an impression on her that you are "cheap." Here's an easy way to do it in your head. Let's say that your bill comes to $45.10. Move the decimal point one place to the left (this will come to $4.51 which is 10% of the bill). Now divide $4.51 by 2, which will give you $2.25. Now add $4.51 + $2.25 = $6.76 in your head and this will give you a 15% tip. That wasn't so hard was it?

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Seduce Single Women in the Hot tubs

What's one of the best investments you can make to improve your love and sex life? Buy a hot tub. Why? This is one of best inventions ever created for seducing hot & sexy single women. Here's how I used my hot tub to seduce tons of sexy beautiful women:

Keep a stock of pink champagne and margaritas on hand.

Also, buy some extra bathrobes for women and pairs of women's shorts (she can wear this with a T-shirt in case she doesn't have a bathing suit or doesn't want to skinny-dip).

The next step is to invite single women over for a date. I would suggest inviting her over for a steak dinner in which you do all the cooking and by all means have a candlelit dinner with romantic and sexy music in the background (if you really want to get her to crave you sexually, order our Subliminal Seduction Tapes) to create a romantic atmosphere.

Your next step is to offer her champagne or margaritas throughout the evening to warm her up and make her lose her inhibitions when you seduce her in your hot tub.

Start your seductive routine with kissing her tenderly to get some chemistry going (don't go any further than kissing her lips, neck, and shoulders - you'll get down to business later in the hot tub). Your next step is to give her a massage.

When you feel the time is right and you have worked her into a state of arousal tell her, "Let's go relax in the hot tub." If she says, "I don't have anything to wear." Reply, "I've got an extra bathrobe you can wear out to the hot tub if you prefer to skinny-dip or I can give you a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to wear."

If she prefers to skinny-dip then I can assure you you're going to score. If she does prefer to skinny-dip then you need to do likewise, otherwise if she prefers to wear shorts and T-shirt, then wear your bathing suit in the hot tub because she may become paranoid if you jump in the hot tub naked.

Now, we get to the good part! You're both in the hot tub and the combination of the heat, the jets of water massaging your bodies, the steam rising off the water, and being under the influence of alcohol will act as a natural aphrodisiac to put both of you in a state of heated passion and horniness.

Be sure and bring your iced bucket of champagne or margaritas out to the hot tub to drink while you're there to put her in a romantic mood.

All you gotta do now is make your moves. Bring her in close to you and start kissing her all over, working her into a heated frenzy. If she has clothes on, start to remove them when she is warmed up with lots of foreplay.

In conclusion, I guarantee you that you will seduce and make love to more single women if you buy a hot tub. Single women really lose their inhibitions and get real horny when they get in a hot tub, especially under the influence of alcohol. Hot tubs make it so much easier to seduce women. Believe me, I know and I have so many wonderful and lustful memories of the fun times and sex I had in my hot tub.

Also, be sure and make your hot tub area very private and discreet. Surround it by a lattice fence, bamboo fence, wood fence, or trees and shrubs. Some women will not want to make love if she thinks the neighbors can see you.

P.S. When you go to nightclubs or topless clubs, ask women if they want to come over for a "hot tub" party. I got some extra action with this method and a lot of interesting things can happen when you get some naked topless dancers in the hot tub with you - they really love to party!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Advice on Conquering Shyness with the Opposite Sex

This week I want to give you some advice on what to do if your shyness blocks you from meeting, dating, and seducing single women.

If emotional blocks to meeting single women are too strong for self-help, don't be afraid to try psychotherapy or tranquilizers! Also, if you are suffering from depression, seek help from your doctor who can prescribe you some really good antidepressant drugs to help you fight and overcome feelings of depression.

Some of you single men who read our dating tips archive may be so shy, inhibited, and psychologically blocked that you will be unable to truly profit from the advice contained in our archive or our books, cassettes, and videos on meeting, attracting, dating, and seducing single women. I beseech you not to come to any such conclusion until you until you have first made a strong, persistent effort to practice the methods and techniques in our dating tips and advice in our products. Remember that the overwhelming majority of single men who read our tips, books, listen to our tapes, and watch our videos will be able to use this advice effectively to meet, date, attract, and seduce single women without outside professional help.

But if you have powerful blocks, can not bear to start a conversation with a woman, or face the company of a date, no matter how hard you try, then you probably need psychotherapeutic help.

Get in touch with the nearest mental hygiene clinic, or ask your family physician to recommend a good psychiatrist or psychologist. Your physician may also prescribe one of the many, very effective tranquilizers, not as a cure-all but to help reduce your anxiety, embarrassment and fear sufficiently for you to begin going out, meeting single women, talking to them, and developing promising relationships.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Dating Tips on How to Successfully Attract Single Women

Women are attracted to a man that other women find attractive. To understand this trait, one has only to look at what it says about a man when he is with a woman:

He must have things going for him or she wouldn't be with him.

He must know how to treat a woman. He is going to be hard to get - a catch. After all, there is more than one woman vying for his time.

If a man is with another woman, or has a steady girlfriend, it makes him safe. He is not out on the prowl. Women love to flirt, to express their sensuality and to test their alluring abilities. But women want to be able to do this without being "hit on" or "come on" to. So who better to flirt with, and to feel comfortable with, than a man who is safe.

Though most women will deny it, women are very competitive. They love to prove the superiority of their seductive abilities by being the one to catch the man that all the women want. Women love to show off their date when they know all of their friends are envious. The lure of competing for the popular guy is strong indeed.

Being seen with a woman is probably the single most important thing a man can do to help his image. It says that you have things going for you, that you know how to treat a woman and that you are a catch and it states all of this without uttering a single word. But how does this help you if you don't already have a girlfriend or a date? Throughout the book, we will show you many ways to be seen with women and many ways to suggest that women find you attractive - even when you don't have a girlfriend.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Meet Women with Your Cell Phone

Do you have a cellular phone in your car? Did you know you could use it to meet sexy single women while you're on the road? Here's how you do it:

1.While driving around, look for single women talking on their cellular phone that you are attracted to.

2. Pull up next to them and hold up your cellular phone and wave it at her.

3. When you get her attention hold this sheet of paper (8 1/2 x 11) next to your window (It says in big bold red letters, "Hi, I'm Don - Call Me at 488-6866."

Hopefully, she will call you while she's on the road and you can meet at a restaurant for a cup of coffee.

I know this may seem like a silly way to meet sexy single women on the road, but you never know, you just might get lucky and women will admire you for such a clever way to try and meet them.

In closing, always keep your piece of paper, asking them to call you in your car for highway usage. Also, you can always flash your sign to single women you are attracted to on the road who don't have a cellular phone. They just might write your number down and call you.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Office Romances with Single Women

Here are some interesting insights on workplace romance:

More Companies are Now Tolerating and Accepting Office Romances in the Workplace

According to an article in USA TODAY, quoting a survey done by Fortune Magazine; the wall dividing love and the workplace may be falling. Chief executives indicate that they are being forced to be more tolerant of office romances due to the fact that long work hours make it hard for employees to meet members of the opposite sex outside the office, says the survey.

Of the 200 CEOs polled for an October issue:

79% say office affairs aren't a company's concern as long as an unmarried couple is discreet.

21% say office romances inevitably result in problems for the company vs. 75% who disagree.

78% say that when an office romance develops, neither employee should feel obliged to leave the firm.

"More and more companies are trying to promote the idea of the workplace as something that is not opposed to your private life," says Joseph Bacarro of the Society for Human Resources Management. But bosses still are cautious:

39% say couples working together can hurt productivity while 29% say they can improve it.

77% say office romances can increase a company's exposure to sexual-harassment lawsuits.

53% say marriage to a colleague can damage a manager's career while 46% disagree.

Bosses such as Orin Smith, president and CEO of Engelhard, a Fortune 500 chemical manufacturer in Iselin, NJ, say workplace relationships are risky.

A relationship gone astray may hurt a manager's effectiveness, he says.

Some CEOs say a romance between a manager and a subordinate can result in the appearance of favoritism. Others say a corporate courtship between any two employees can link their careers in the boss's mind, affecting decisions about promotions and firings.

"It's really great when they work out, but usually they don't," Smith says.

My personal opinion on this matter is that you should pursue relationships with single women in your workplace. Just be discreet about it and don't try to seduce every single woman in your workplace. Be selective because word gets around among the women that you're just using women for sex.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com