A Goal Setting System to Build Confidence with Single Women

This week I want to talk about confidence with women:

The power of confidence with single women...confidence in your voice, posture, manner, your total personality, has a tremendous power and glamour in getting along with single women, but it can't work if it's completely phony. It has to be sincere.

Yet, no matter how lacking you are in confidence you can gain it surely, firmly, genuinely. It is gained the same way learning and growing is gained. You learn...that is, you can learn...from a book, but not merely by reading it. You have to master it, live it, practice it, make it part of your blood, flesh, nerves. Then it is yours!

Every time you give yourself a modest, attainable goal, but one which does require some effort and some courage, and you accomplish it, you build another pound of confidence into your bones, flesh and fiber and nervous system - where it must grow and develop if it is to be genuine and durable.

How to you start? Give yourself a small immediate goal and carry it out. Then go on to bigger and better things. If you are afraid of and shy around single women, take out any woman, and every woman, as often as you can. Each time pat yourself on the back mentally and feel yourself grow more relaxed and secure in the company of single women. Set a goal of getting a date with that single woman you're attracted to at the office, that waitress you like at the restaurant you visit often, that bartender at the club you hang out at, that checker at the supermarket that gets you all hot and bothered, etc. and ask her! Whether she accepts or turns you down, at least be gratified that you were able to carry through the action of asking, of going out and trying to get a date for yourself, on your own.

If you have an address book with some single eligible women in it, call them up and ask them for a date. It does not matter if you saw her a long time ago and did not hit it off or a woman who refused you for a date, make yourself call her and ask her out again!

Set yourself a goal of talking to a strange single woman at the supermarket, laundromat, at a concert, while standing in line at the movie, women sitting at the bar, single women on the bus, single women standing in the street, single women in the elevator, just anywhere and everywhere today! Even if it never gets further than a few casual comments exchanged between you, it will build your confidence and skill and prepare you for more ambitious goals next time. You build confidence by doing in small ways and forcing yourself forward to gradually bigger and bigger goals! Like meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing any single sexy woman you desire!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Dating Tips to Help You Attract More Women

A Guaranteed Technique For Meeting Sexy Single Women Every Day, Everywhere - Try this: Make it your business, a self-imposed compulsion and obligation, to talk to at least three attractive, single, unescorted women every day wherever you happen to see them, whenever the fancy strikes you. If you want amazing results, don't just limit yourself to three; Force yourself to start a conversation, to try to pick up, a dozen or more single women every day, wherever and however you happen to come in contact with them.

How Do You Start a Conversation With a Sexy-looking Single Woman Who is a Total Stranger? - If your manner and speech expresses friendliness, openness, lack of ulterior motives, almost any opening or overture on your part will frequently meet with an appreciative response. By the law of averages you are certain to come across many single women so eager for companionship, love, and romance that they will be happy to respond to you.

Give Flattering Attention Precisely Where She Craves It - Does she know she is beautiful? Then perhaps she would most appreciate subtle compliments on her intelligence and charm. Is she plain, or suffering from an undeserved sense of inferiority? Then she may most appreciate any compliments which are left humble enough to be believable, on the loveliness of her hair, eyes, figure, or posture. Explore her and feel her out conversationally, then give flattering attention and appreciation not to her strong points (where she usually does not need it) but on her weak points.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

10 Reasons Why Single Women May Not Respond to Your Personal Ad

I personally used personal ads for many years to meet and attract beautiful single women all over America. I highly recommend this method of meeting single women. If you have played the personals and got frustrated because you responded to an ad and never heard back from her, here are some explanations as to why that may have happened:

Top 10 Reasons Why Single Women

Did Not Respond to You Answering Her Ad

If you play the "personals" I'm sure this has happen to you. You answer an ad of a single woman that sounds like the woman you have been searching for all your life for love and romance. You write her a real nice letter and enclose an attractive photo of yourself and you just can't wait to here back from her. And you wait...and you wait...and you wait. You're wondering, what in the hell is going on? Why haven't I heard back from her? Well, here are the top ten reasons you have not heard back from her:

1. The woman prefers to call the guys that responded to her ad rather than write. She got a lot of responses and you are on the bottom of the pile and she has not gotten around to calling you. Be patient, she just might call you.

2. She may be on a long vacation or perhaps travelling on the job. Hang in there!

3. She may be ill or perhaps had to have some surgery.

4. A former boyfriend has come back into her life.

5. She is a chronic procrastinator. She may put you off for a long time or not even respond at all.

6. She's very busy with work, family, community activities, etc. and does not have much time to respond to ads.

7. She received just too many responses to her ad to handle and she only responds to the ones that hold the most promise and capture's her interest. Maybe you just go left out.

8. Before she got your letter, she met someone else she's interested in that she met through her ad.

9. They are in no hurry to answer replies and just have not gotten around to answering your letter. It's not a high priority in their life to answer replies.

10. They are just not interested in you. Don't worry about it, rejection is a part of life. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, as the saying goes.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Method to Meet Single Women Using Crayons

Here's an easy way meet and entertain single women and it's great to use on women you have just met or approached:

You will need a small box of crayons (you can find these in drug stores, supermarkets, toy stores, etc.) that contains only 8 colors. When you first meet a single woman you are attracted to, simply ask her, "Can I show you a magic trick?" She will ask, "What is it?"

Hand her the closed box of crayons and tell her to select a crayon when you turn your back towards her. With your back turned towards her and your hands behind your back, tell her to put the crayon in your hand. Now turn around and face her with your hands still behind your back.

Now, tell her to think of the color of the crayon. As she's thinking of the color, scrape the crayon with your right thumbnail. Then tell her you need to touch her head to "read her thoughts." Now, simply look at your right thumbnail discreetly to see the color of the crayon. Now, tell her the color of the crayon she picked.

I guarantee you that she will be amazed. Now, you've opened the door to get better acquainted that can lead to intimacy and seduction. I used this method successfully to meet and attract tons of beautiful and sexy single women in bars and nightclubs. You can use them on single women everywhere and anywhere. It works to really capture their attention! After you have attracted her, then you can ask her for a date.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Guide to Meeting, Attracting Single Women at the Beach

With summer about to end, it's time to sharpen our skills and learn how to pick up and seduce all those hot and sexy little single beach bunnies. Here are some helpful tips:

This is one of the more favorable and popular spots to meet single women for love, intimacy, and romance. They are there for the taking. Take your pick! The beach provides a perfect setting for meeting hot and sexy single women. It's a casual and relaxed atmosphere and most of the women are friendly. It's just simply a matter of approaching them and talking to them. That's all there is to it.

A lot of guys make the mistake of going to the beach and just stare at women and they stroll up and down the beach not even smiling or saying, "Hi" to women as they walk along. They don't even stop to talk to a girl that catches their eye. They just don't have the guts to approach them. What's really sad is that these women are there to have a good time and attract the opposite sex. Why do you think they wear those skimpy bathing suits? It's to turn you on and show off their bodies.

So be bold and aggressive and you'll be surprised how easy it is to meet and pick up single women at the beach. Now, I will describe some important techniques and strategies to use at the beach. Use them and you can't fail and you will have the summer of your life!

It's important how you dress for the beach. Dress well and don't just wear a pair of old cut-offs with holes in them. Wear a nice designer bathing suit like you see in Playboy or GQ magazines. Also, while not sunning, wear a shirt or pullover appropriate for the beach such as a tank top or colorful T-shirt. Invest in some nice attractive sunglasses (not the cheap kind). Try on several different styles and select the one that makes you look unique and different.

Now, you'll be all decked out for the beach and you'll stand out from the rest of the ordinary guys. What this means is that you'll attract the attention of all the hot and sexy beautiful women and that's exactly what you are striving for.

You should bring some very important equipment that you'll use in meeting and picking up single women at the beach. These are as follows:

ICE CHEST - This is your most important item. Fill it with beer, wine, mixed drinks in a can and soft drinks. You'll use this to offer a girl a drink when you've approached a girl.

BLANKET - Bring a blanket big enough for you and a girl to lay on. Make sure it's clean and attractive and not old and smelly.

FRISBEE, VOLLEYBALL, BEACH BALL, FOOTBALL - With these you can approach a girl and ask, "Want to play?"

RADIO - This comes in handy. What to do is lay near a girl or group of single girls and turn on your radio. Then you ask, "What station would you like to hear?" This opens the door for further conversation and opportunities to get to know a girl and make your moves.

BODY SURFING BOARD - These are known as boogie boards. They are inexpensive and made of styrofoam. Buy two of them. Approach a girl and ask if she'd like to do some body surfing. You can buy these at Toys R' Us.

SURFBOARD - If you do surf this can be an advantage in meeting single women. Some girls are very attracted to surfers. Most girls don't know how to surf and have never even been on a surfboard. If you do surf, all you have to do is approach a girl and ask her, "would you like to learn how to surf?" If you don't know how to surf, you can always fake it. It will be a lot of fun trying anyway.

SUNTAN OIL - Here's one that will always work. Approach a girl you are attracted to and ask her, "Would you rub some suntan oil on my back?" You'll never get turned down (as a general rule) and it really feels good having a girl rubbing your back.

While walking on the beach looking for single girls for romance, when a girl catches your eye, give her a warm smile and say, "Hi." If she responds, whatever you do don't keep walking by. Stop immediately and start talking to her. Invite her over to your blanket and offer her something to drink or you can invite her to go in the water. Also, you can ask her if she wants to play some beach sports such as frisbee, volleyball, beach ball, body surfing, etc.

If you pass a girl that you're interested in and she has her eyes closed, just approach her and say, "Weren't you on the cover of Cosmo?" She will be flattered and this opens up a conversation.

In conclusion, I hope I've given you some new ideas you have never thought of before on how to meet and pick up hot & sexy beautiful single women at the beach. Happy Hunting!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Google Play Books on How to Meet, Seduce Women at http:/www.getgirls.com/google.htm

Browse our Google Play catalog of products on how to successfully improve your dating and love life. Just click the highlighted title of the product at the beginning of each paragraph for a full description of each product to help you meet, date, and attract more women.

A Great Technique to Meet Single Women in Bars, Nightclubs

I would like to share with you this week a method I used successfully for many years to meet lots of beautiful and sexy single women in bars and nightclubs. All you need to pull this off is courage, a small note pad that fits in your pocket, and a pen.

When you see a beautiful single woman at a bar or nightclub, you will walk up next to her and write the following note in your note pad (make sure she sees you writing this note):

Did you know that I have been standing here wondering how I could meet you?

If you have any suggestions as to how I could meet you without appearing bold or if I should even try to meet you, please check one of the below:



___Go to Hell

___Try This:


After you have finished writing this note hand it to her with a pen and say, "Would you mind filling this out for me?"

This system really worked for me and it's a great ice-breaker. Single women admired me for the uniqueness of this way of trying to meet them. What I like about this method is that I don't even have to use an opening line or some come-on line to meet single women. I just simply hand them a note. It sure is an easy way to meet single women you are attracted to.

Is it guaranteed to work in meeting single women? No. You will get some rejections and some women may even laugh at you. But, the majority of women will be receptive to this technique of meeting them. Try it! You will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com