A Few Tips to Help You do Better with Single Women

Here are some more great tips to help you succeed with single women:

YOU CAN NOT LEARN MERELY BY READING, YOU MUST GO OUT AND PRACTICE THIS: If you see a single woman on the street, looking in the window of a store, waiting for a bus, sitting on a train, in the next aisle of a movie, shopping in a department store, and for any reason this woman appeals to you, strike up a conversation, start talking to her about anything that comes to mind.

MAKE YOURSELF SENSITIVE TO HER NEEDS: Try to feel and understand just what makes her "tick." Try, occasionally, to put yourself in her shoes mentally and empathize with her attitudes and view of life. As you sense unfulfilled needs on her part, really try to satisfy them. Does she want tenderness? Companionship? Boldness? does she urgently want to get married and will an early subtle indication of serious intentions create the best impression?

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A GOOD LISTENER: A good listener is not really passive. You have to give your fullest, most intense attention to her: physically, mentally, emotionally; by your facial expressions, posture, your voice and comments. You have to like her and be genuinely interested. Be sensitive enough to discover that every human being has beautiful, lovable inner qualities if you seek for them. Encourage and stimulate the continued flow of her conversation by asking questions, making comments, and expressing interest and appreciation for what she is saying. Be ready, too, to contribute your own feelings, experiences, and knowledge as it bears upon what she is expressing.

LIFE IS FOR NOW! Regardless of the frustrations, failures and grief you may have experienced in the past, there is no reason to permit yourself to be chained to the past, or for that matter, to be so concerned with dreams about the future that the present passes you by. Life is here, now, this moment...to live, to see and feel intensely, to enjoy, to make new starts, new beginnings, build a new life. You can begin actions this very moment which will begin to change you for the better, make you more attractive to, and successful with, the opposite sex. Act, within and without, with friendliness, confidence, and intense interest in others. Like people, even while remaining very open-eyed about their failings and shortcomings. Feel this affection for people inside you and act upon it and you will begin to change internally and externally in a direction which is infinitely more attractive and charming to single women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Best Way to End a Date with Single Women

Advice for Men on How to End a Date with Women

End the date before she does. Example: The evening is winding down. It's pretty obvious that you aren't going to "get lucky" this night for any love, sex, or romance, but you hang on 'till the bitter end hoping that the chance in a million shot will come through. Wrong! Instead you alertly perceive that he evening is still going well and is positive, so you politely explain that you have to go, assure her that you had a great time, and tell her you'll have to get together again sometime. Take her home and say, "Good-night."

Most men seem to think that if they prolong the date enough; they'll get the girl in bed for a hot night of passion, sex, and romance. As the evening drags on, the mood of the date starts to drop and the girl ends up having to announce it's time for her to go.

By ending the date before she does, you surprise her and set yourself apart from the other guys she's dated. You imply that you are hard-to-get and not desperate. And believe me, if the girl is interested in going to bed with you, you'll know it. She will make her interest known to you.

So, if she hasn't given you the signals, better for you to make your exit and beat her at her own game. She'll be giving you the signals someday soon.

P.S. This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book on meeting, attracting, dating, and seducing single women called, "A Man's Guide to Women."

Advice for Long Distance Relationships with Single Women

Are Long -Distance Relationships With Single Women Worth It?

Here are my experiences with long-distance relationships and why I prefer not to get involved in them:

1. Sooner or later, it's going to occur to the girls that she is missing out on a social life because of a spoken or implied commitment to you. She will subconsciously begin to resent you and trouble will follow.

2. You are probably passing up opportunities for involvement with other single women.

3. You are spending a fortune on phone bills and travel.

4. This invariably breeds aggravation, frustration, suspicion, anxiety and trouble. All this for a romance with less than favorable odds?

If you do become involved in a long-distance relationship with single women, then follow this advice:

Don't forget. Your fidelity does not insure hers. Continue to pursue your social life and sex life. See other single women. Make yourself available.

The more intensity there is in the long-distance romance, the higher the likelihood it will burn out. Keep it casual and friendly. Friendships by mail can last a long time and who knows? Someday, circumstances may bring you together. It never hurts to keep your irons in the fire.

If necessary, pay her way to visit you. Never travel to where she lives. If you go to where she lives, you lose the home-court advantage. You are in unfamiliar territory around people you don't know, and you are being judged by her family and friends. It is a difficult situation to be in when you're trying to present your best side.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Ask Women for a Date and Best Time

When to Ask Single Women Out for a Date

Here's some great advice: If possible, avoid asking a single girl out for the first time for a Friday or Saturday night date. Here's why:

1. The odds of her being busy are high so she may have to turn you down, which creates bad vibes right off the bat.

2. It tells her that you don't have a date for the weekend with someone else so you may have trouble getting dates.

3. The weekend implies formal dating, so the pressure is on.

4. If you do get the date, she may have to turn down other offers because of her commitment to you, and go into the evening regretting having to turn down others. After all, she has no way of knowing whether she is going to have a good time with you or not.

On the other hand, if you ask her out during the week:

1. You imply that you are busy on the weekend. In other words, you are involved with other girls.

2. The odds of her being available are greater.

3. Weeknights imply casual-no pressure, a good atmosphere to get to know her.

4. You have turned a dull weeknight into a good time for her - good vibes right off the bat.

This article is an excerpt from our best-selling book, "A Man's Guide to Women."

Are You Scaring Single Women Away with Your Ego

Don't Let Your Ego Cause You Problems with Meeting Single Women

This week we will focus on how your ego can prevent you from scoring with sexy single women in nightclubs and bars:

I will describe what I call the "Nightclub Ego-Man" that you will see at nightclubs and bars. If you're one of these men, resolve here and now that you're going to change your ways and discontinue being the Nightclub Ego-Man which can prevent you from meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing all those hot & sexy beautiful single women you are attracted to in bars and nightclubs.

This is the guy you will see standing around, depending on his looks to meet single women. He may be very handsome or he just thinks he is. He just stands around all night thinking that he's Gods gift to women and he waits for women to approach him. He just keeps on waiting and waiting, never making the effort or going out of his way to approach and meet women. I don't need to tell you that this type of man is not very successful at meeting or attracting single women.

Believe me, you can't depend on your looks to pick up single women. It just does not work that way. You have got to approach women and play the aggressor. You can stand around all night and most likely no woman is going to approach you and start up a conversation or ask you to dance. You have got to take the lead. I will agree that there are aggressive single women who will approach a man, but there are very few of them. I just wish there were more of them because I love being approached by a woman.

Don't Let Your Ego Cause You Problems with Meeting Single Women

This week we will focus on how your ego can prevent you from scoring with sexy single women in nightclubs and bars:

I will describe what I call the "Nightclub Ego-Man" that you will see at nightclubs and bars. If you're one of these men, resolve here and now that you're going to change your ways and discontinue being the Nightclub Ego-Man which can prevent you from meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing all those hot & sexy beautiful single women you are attracted to in bars and nightclubs.

This is the guy you will see standing around, depending on his looks to meet single women. He may be very handsome or he just thinks he is. He just stands around all night thinking that he's Gods gift to women and he waits for women to approach him. He just keeps on waiting and waiting, never making the effort or going out of his way to approach and meet women. I don't need to tell you that this type of man is not very successful at meeting or attracting single women.

Believe me, you can't depend on your looks to pick up single women. It just does not work that way. You have got to approach women and play the aggressor. You can stand around all night and most likely no woman is going to approach you and start up a conversation or ask you to dance. You have got to take the lead. I will agree that there are aggressive single women who will approach a man, but there are very few of them. I just wish there were more of them because I love being approached by a woman.

You'll pick up as many single women as you want by just being friendly and taking the initiative to meet them. It's really just that simple, so don't go walking around with your nose up in the air thinking you are so good-looking that women will literally fall all over you. I had this problem myself until I wised up and realized what a jerk I was and why I wasn't meeting and attracting very many women. When I cleaned up my act, it made a world of difference and I was meeting and attracting tons of sexy single women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

You'll pick up as many single women as you want by just being friendly and taking the initiative to meet them. It's really just that simple, so don't go walking around with your nose up in the air thinking you are so good-looking that women will literally fall all over you. I had this problem myself until I wised up and realized what a jerk I was and why I wasn't meeting and attracting very many women. When I cleaned up my act, it made a world of difference and I was meeting and attracting tons of sexy single women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Tips to Help You Succeed with Single Women

Some More Great Tips on How to Succeed with Single Women:

TIP #1 - THE POWER OF "RESPECTFUL AGGRESSIVENESS" IN LOVEMAKING. "He who hesitates is lost!" is often sadly true of the would-be lover. Aggressiveness, assertiveness, courage, and persistence are often essential in meeting the woman you want and in developing a satisfying love affair. This is not to say that brutal aggressiveness or boorish assertiveness is recommended. But you must be aggressive enough to start the action and pursue it, even if given little encouragement initially, unless you are definitely and decisively refused.

But that is rare. Don't look for rejection. Don't expect failure! You have to exercise enough assertiveness to keep moving forward, from asking a girl for a date, or beginning a conversation with a stranger, through all the successive stages.

TIP #2 - GET A PART-TIME JOB WHERE YOU ARE BOUND TO MEET A LOT OF SINGLE WOMEN! Even if you now have a very good job, consider trying this: Get yourself a temporary part-time job, evenings, weekends, or whenever you have spare time, regardless of salary or previous background, where you will come into contact with single women.

Department store sales jobs are ideal for this purpose, but almost any selling job, even canvassing can be helpful both in building up your confidence in meeting and dealing with people, and in actually giving you more opportunity to meet attractive single women from much wider horizons than your own neighborhood or job might provide. A job in a cafe, restaurant, or any job where you constantly meeting and dealing with the public is excellent for this purpose if you make it your business to use it in this way.

TIP #3 - THOUSANDS OF BEAUTIFUL SEXY SINGLE WOMEN ARE READY TO GIVE THEMSELVES TO THE FIRST MAN WHO IS SENSITIVE, SYMPATHETIC, UNDERSTANDING: Loneliness, feelings of inner emptiness, a yearning for a sense of personal importance are so universal that millions of lovely women, single and married, are psychologically ready to throw themselves, passionately and completely, at the first man who shows them tenderness, affection, devotion...at the first man who makes them feel wanted, loved, important, and lovable!

TIP #4 - AVOID FALLING INTO THIS RUT WHICH CAN PREVENT YOU FROM MEETING SINGLE WOMEN. Most men are defeated by ego-deflating imaginations before they have even begun: The fear that you will not be liked, that you haven't a chance, that it's no use even trying because "she" could never possibly go for you are your chief, self-imposed obstacles. You use your imagination to erect barriers and obstacles rather than help your cause!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.co

A Few Personal Ads to Attract Single Women

Use These Personal Ads to Attract Single Women Like a Magnet

This week I want to share with you some great personal ads to use to attract single women like crazy and increase your responses to personal ads that you place in singles publications, on the net, newspapers, etc. Try these ads (just fill in the blanks for your personal data and the kind of single women you are looking for) guys and I'm sure you will be pleased with the results:

Handsome SWM, 40, slender Hare seeking cute little bunny 25-35, romantic and slender to share my carrots with. Let's hop all over town and have some good times and have a hare-raising experience. If you like to lay in clover and nibble, a plus.

Good Morning My Lovely. My name is Don. I'm a SWM, 6', with a muscular build. I have been told that I am very nice-looking, sensitive, communicate well, and fun to be with. I feel 35 (but I'm not). I also act as though I enjoy single life (but I don't). What I am is 45 and tired of playing games. What I want is to be able to find someone to share those experiences in life, which are best when shared. It would be nice if you were as beautiful physically as you are emotionally. However, the important word is "sincerity" and a willingness to give 100% in a relationship (as I am). I hope that we can become friends, that you're a non-smoker, and that you'll be considerate enough to send a recent photo. In the meantime, smile, and remember: Happiness is something we do deserve.

Have Life Will Share - Have hands, will hold. Have arms, will cuddle. Have ears, will listen. Have mind, will communicate. Have imagination, will share. Have heart, will give. SWM, 40, slender, 6' 1", 200 lbs. In search of SWF, 25-35, slender, romantic and affectionate, who has as much to give.

'70 Coupe - Sports Sleek White Body. Comes with black flat top, looks great at 170, stands 5' 11" and loaded. One owner is non-smoking, degreed professional male. Seeking attractive female buyer, 25-35 who knows an exceptional deal. Lease/Purchase options available. Write for complete details.

Big-hearted Teddy Bear - DWM, 46, 6' 2", 240 lbs. Some of life's pleasures for me are cooking, working on cars, fishing, camping, and traveling. I love holding hands, sending flowers, good music of all kinds, and long talks by the fireplace. I'm looking for that one special lady who shares my respect for honesty, openness, and the need for communication. A lot of good loving is being wasted here.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com