A Guide to Picking Up Women in Nightclubs

Do you stand on the sidelines at nightclubs watching other men meet and pick up women? Have you ever been at a nightclub and seen a beautiful woman that you were dying to approach but you couldn't get up the courage? Do you continually strike out with women? Are you shy and don't know what to say to women in nightclubs?

Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert) has written a new ebook called, "How to Pick Up Women in Nightclubs" that will help you overcome these problems and you'll be meeting more women than ever before and you will be transformed into an expert picker-upper and seducer.

To download go to: www.getgirls.com/clubs.htm

Subliminal Sexual Music CDs for Attracting , Seducing Women

Our Mephisto CDs work whether you know her 10 minutes or ten years, because Mephisto's complex structure pushes all the buttons that induce single women to say yes.

Go to www.getgirls.com/sublim.htm

When Are Women in the Mood for Sex

How to Tell When Single Women are in the Mood for Sex

As you probably know, men and women's sex drives are different. Men are ready to have sex at anytime and don't really have to wait to be in the mood for sex.

Single women's sex drive is much more complicated and her moods are subject to change.

If you know when she's more likely to be in the mood for sex, you can use this to your advantage to seduce single women for some really "hot and passionate" sex.

All you have to know is when her menstrual period begins and when it is about to start. Let me explain why:

Researchers have discovered that a woman's sex drive is strongest on the sixth and seventh day after her period begins. Also, another time when her sexual appetite peaks is the three days just before she starts her menstrual period.

So, my friend, it would be to your advantage to monitor the menstrual cycle of the woman you're with so you'll know when she's mostly likely to be horny and receptive to your sexual advances and when she is most likely to turn into a sexual volcano, ready to explode!

Books, CDs, Pheromone Cologne, How to Meet Women, Dating Tips

Welcome to the Gemini Publishing Company "Seduction Catalog" of Books, Cassettes, CDs, and Pheromone Cologne - We are your link to succeeding with sexy women and filling your life with lots of love, good times, intimacy, and hot romance with beautiful women.

We are dedicated to helping you do better with women and show you how to get more dates, how to improve your dating skills and relationships, how to skyrocket your love life, how to overcome shyness, and we help you to find the woman of your dreams or a marriage partner.

Visit: http://www.getgirls.com

13 Traits Women Look for in a Man

Top 13 Things Women Want in a Man By Patti Oar

You may think that women want someone who is buffed and tanned and looks like a bodybuilder model from GQ. Those things are nice and yes we like to look at those guys, but just like you don't need for us to look like Victoria Secret models we don't require it in our man. OK. The 13 most important qualities that women look for in a man are:

1. Honesty

2. Intelligence

3. Nice Smile

4. Sense of Humor

5. Manners

6. Sensitivity

7. Sincerity

8. Gainfully employed

9. Has own place

10. Owns a car

11. Affectionate

12. Considerate

13. Thoughtful

OK. First things first. Honesty is the NUMBER ONE trait that women look for in a man. That doesn't mean to be brutally honest and tell her she looks fat. (Never do that) but we want to know that we can trust that what you are telling us is the truth. If you've lied in the past it will be a very cold day in Hell before she trusts you again. And she may want to check your phone messages and read your email and call you 10 times a day to feel secure that you're trustworthy again. You may not like that but if you lie it may be the price you have to pay.

Intelligence: Women want to feel safe and protected and we want our men to be smart. Maybe even smarter than us. Women feel that your brain is your sexiest organ. So dazzle us with your brain and you will be surprised how stimulated we become. Kick her ass at "Jeopardy" and watch what happens.

Smile: We love your smile. We can't get enough of it. It makes us want to touch you and kiss you. So brush and floss and see your dentist and keep your mouth kissably fresh.

Sense of Humor: If you can keep us laughing you are golden. We love to laugh and we love a man who can make us laugh. This goes back to the smart thing as well. You have to be smart to be humorous. We like a man who's humor challenges us. Leave that 3 Stooges stuff for the guys. Women don't appreciate 12 year old juvenile humor.

Manners: Little things like manners are very important. Women don't want their man to drive up and reach over from the driver's seat and open the passenger door or just wait for us to open the door. A little old fashioned chivalry goes a long way. Escort the lady to the car and open the door for her. We love to be treated like queens. It makes us feel like you think we're special. And hopefully you do think she's special. We love a man with manners. We know we can take him home and our parents will love him. We don't want to have to worry about what you might do or say. We want to be with a man not a boy. That means no farting, belching, toe or nose picking, spitting, or smacking your lips when you eat. We want to know we can take you in public and we won't be embarrassed. And don't forget we also like to show you off to our girlfriends and we want them to approve. You want the girlfriends to think you're a "Keeper".

Sensitive: That whole thing about being "Sensitive" and getting in touch with your "Feminine Side" are all very true. A woman is waaaay more attracted to a man who isn't afraid to show his feelings and be gentle and sensitive. We actually think that makes you more manly. A man who clams up and thinks being macho is what we want is very wrong. One of the things that is extremely attractive to a woman is when it's obvious that you are attracted to us. There is nothing hotter than seeing how much we turn you on. Don't be afraid to show that. But of course there are limits and this can easily be overdone. Be careful about showing things like that at work or you might find yourself in a sexual harassment situation. And if you decide to try to tip your hand to a woman and show your interest, remember to keep it subtle. No woman likes a STALKER or a HORNDOG! We love to know that we are getting to you, but not in an obnoxious way. You may have to make some changes in your behavior. But of course, they'll be changes for the better and you will most likely be happier for it.

Sincerity: This is a little like honesty, but what I mean is if you need to change some of your behaviors to be more attractive to women then don't just do it to get the girl. This is something that has to be real. If you think that's not you, then maybe you should think about making a change. You can decide you don't want to change, that you like yourself the way you are, but if that was working for you then you probably wouldn't be reading this article. You were drawn to this piece because you must truly want to know how to be better with women and if you sincerely do then you may need to take an honest look at yourself and decide what you want because it has to be real.

Employed: OK. This is a no-brainer, but truthfully there are some men out there without jobs that think they can get all the women they want. I have no idea what makes them think that, but their egos are on overtime. Women need security and we want a man who can provide for us. That doesn't mean we don't want to work, but it does mean that we want to know that you are a responsible MAN.

Has Own Place: OK. Matthew McConaughey was really cute in Failure to Launch but that was a comedy. Seriously we don't want to have a sleepover at your Mom's house. Having your own place just shows us again that you are a responsible adult. And it does help if your place is decorated nicely. I don't mean you have to hire a decorator, but we're not drawn to frathouse chic. Impress us with your style. Again we want MEN not BOYS!

Has Own Car: This may not be important if you live in New York or in a place where the public transportation makes owning a car unnecessary but in most of the world you need a car to pick up your date and take her out. It is important to mention here that even though we love luxury cars we don't need that in our man. Women love men with all kinds of cars, but FYI keep your car clean (especially the inside). Nothing says SLOB more than a dirty car. Take out the fast food wrappers and keep it neat and smelling nice.

Affectionate: We really do love to touch and be touched. And I am not talking sexually here. But try holding her hand when she's not expecting it or gently rubbing her back. Little touchy things like that mean a lot. Rub her arm when you're reading the paper or do little things like foot and hand massages. Women love that.

Be Considerate: We appreciate the little things like holding a door open or not walking ahead of us. If we're sleeping make sure you turn out the light when you leave. Show her you care by picking up after yourself. When you get some dessert out of the fridge ask if she'd like some or make sure you leave some for her. Just basic consideration is so important to us.

Thoughtfullness: This may sound like consideration, but it goes a little further. Being thoughtful of her needs goes a long way. Maybe give her a call from work just to see how she's doing. While we love that we don't want to be smothered with a bunch of calls all day long. Bring something home for her when you go to the store, like some fresh flowers (I know that's cliché, but that's because it works) or maybe some of her favorite ice cream...just because. This shows us that you are thinking of us and that makes us feel important and special.

Those 2 words important and special should be burned into your brain. If you can always make a woman feel important and special you will be an irrisistable Chick Magnet.

Patti Oar loves to opine about life, love and living.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patti_Oar

Where to Meet Women

Easily Discover The Best Places To Meet Women

If you want to meet women, nightclubs can seem like the obvious place to go. Everyone there is out to have fun, and with alcohol lessening both her inhibitions and your own, the odds seem to be stacked in your favor.

But clubs aren't always the best option.

Think about it. If a girl's busy having fun with her friends she may have no interest in hooking up and heading home with you. If she's being approached by every man in the place she's a lot less likely to pay you any attention. And we all know how alcohol can affect our selectivity and performance.

So what are the alternatives?

The answer is that you can meet women anywhere. If you don't fancy selling yourself at speed dating or writing an online profile, you don't have to. Just take a look around you.

Say you're in the supermarket and you see a cute chick in the fruit section? Ask her how to check if a passion fruit is ripe. If she has any interest in meeting a man, she'll strike up a conversation.

If you spot a hot woman on a train, sit next to her or make eye contact across the aisle. All it need take is a smile to convince her she'd like to talk to you.

The same approach works in a coffee shop. Sit in close proximity to her, smile and say hello. Single girls will be delighted just to know that they've been noticed.

Everyday life offers all sorts of opportunities. Your work may not allow you to get involved with a colleague, but there's nothing to stop you getting involved with a colleague's friend. Women love the opportunity to meddle in other people's love lives, so let your female workmates know that you're open to blind dates - they'll soon be competing to set you up with your perfect girl.

Accept every party invitation which comes your way. If you spot a cutie in the corner there's no better introduction than having a mutual friend give you their seal of approval.

If you don't fancy leaving things to chance, take yourself to places where you know that women will be.

Evening classes are a great way of meeting girls but choose your subject matter wisely. Arts and social subjects appeal to women and foreign languages give you no choice but to make conversation.

Exercise classes are good but dance classes are even better. You are likely to be the only unmarried man in the room, which means you are guaranteed to become the center of the girls' attention. Dancing also gives you a great excuse to get physically close to girls, and will teach you the sort of mighty impressive moves which women find so seductive.

Consider dragging your friends to a karaoke bar. Laughing at yourself will show you have a good sense of humor and the other awful acts give you a great excuse to meet her eyes and pull pained expressions. Open mic comedy nights have much the same effect.

When it comes to meeting women, there's no secret treasure map to tell you where to look. Get out and about, keep your eyes open. Single women want to meet you as much as you want to meet them, so wherever you spot her, seize your opportunity. You may soon be very glad you did.

Want to learn 50 WAYS for approaching, attracting and seducing women? If so, take a look at Scott Patterson's Free eBook which provides 50 tips for instant dating success.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Patterson

How to Cure the Blues When You Get Lonely

Dating and Relationship Advice - Banish Loneliness,
Depression and Obsessing Over a Dull Love Life

Many great singles want to date and be in relationships that are fulfilling. If you are single and alone and want to banish the blues, I have some good new for you! If you are moping around feeling lonely, fighting off mild depression (or the blues) or find yourself wondering why you are not dating, here are 5 tips you can use starting today:

Tip #1

Forgive and forget your past. Whatever happened in the past is just where it needs to be - in the past. If it was a relationship that ended badly, look at it, analyze it and let it go. You will feel lonely and depressed for a long time if you are either obsessing over a broken relationship or beating yourself up over what could have been. Evaluate your broken past and let it go. Your future is waiting for you. Embrace it!

Tip #2

Work on yourself. Being the best you is an awesome gift you can give yourself as well as others. Being positive about yourself is critical. Learn to love and accept yourself and know there is no such thing as a perfect person. If there are flaws in your character or personality, get busy working on those flaws. If you are engrossed in making positive changes in your life, you won't have much time left to be singing the blues.


Establish and set your relationship goals. What do you want your future to be? What kind of relationship do you want? What are your life goals? It is critical that your relationship goals include a person that will fit into your life goals. Incompatibility starts when you just allow yourself to get involved with someone who has nothing in common with you other than physical attraction. Attraction alone with not sustain a solid long-term relationship.

Tip #4

Establish strong qualities in yourself. Traits like peace, joy, humor, kindness and calmness will pay off for you in every relationship you have. You will enhance your life and the lives of everyone you come in contact with. A cheerful smile, remaining calm during the storms of life and having joy are qualities of exceptional people. If you add those to the ability to laugh at yourself, you are equipped with most of what it takes to be a happy, well-adjusted adult. Light depression, loneliness and feeling sorry for yourself have no chance against a person with strong and positive character traits. Get to work on it NOW.

Tip #5

Go out on the town. Dig into your overstuffed closet and pull out clothing that makes you feel great. If it is a sharp suit, put it on. If it happens to be a cute flippy skirt, put it on and go out and indulge yourself in a wonderful evening. I mean dress to the nines, get out of your home or apartment and mingle. Don't forget to put on that winning smile. Enjoy!

If you are depressed and can't seem to shake it off, get professional help. For most people, the best way to banish loneliness and feeling bad about your social life is to begin turning it around by taking these positive steps towards the kind of life you want. Want more?

Our Relationship Start Up Guide Addresses these issues and many more. I'd like to offer you free access to this great relationship tool. It is our Relationship Start-Up Guide: 50 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Relationship. You can pick up your copy at http://www.RelationshipAdviceHeadquarters.com

From Bj Moorer and http://www.RelationshipAdviceHeadquarters.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bj_Moorer