How to Succeed with Single Women with File Cabinets

Be Sure and Choose the Right File Cabinet When Dating

When you are dating you will have two main file cabinets in your mind. The first file cabinet is filled with memories of all of your successes with single women, all your conquests of women, all the good times filled with lots of great sex, all the happy times when you had dates with the women you were attracted to, the successes you had when approaching women, etc.

The second file cabinet is filled with memories of all your failures with single women, all your rejections from women, all the broken romances and broken hearts, the pain of losing someone your really loved, the pain of getting dumped by your girlfriend, the problems you have with your shyness around women, your problems of not knowing what to say around women and getting constantly tongue-tied, etc.

During your dating life you have the choice of which file cabinet you want to access. A lot of guys choose to access the second file cabinet which is filled with negative memories. They relive all the hurts and painful memories from their past in this file cabinet. They access this file cabinet so much the rollers actually get worn out and they never get around to accessing file cabinet number one which is filled with positive and happy memories.

If you want be successful with women, make a commitment right now to throw away the key to file cabinet number two. Keep your mind totally focused on the memories in file cabinet number one and creating new positive and happy memories to keep adding to this file cabinet.

How to Get Laid

So What is the Best Way to Get Laid?

The best way to get gratuitous sex is by hooking up in one-night stands. Just like many things, a one-night stand is a numbers game. Except this time, the numbers are a lot more favorable than they were with getting phone numbers and asking them out on dates. This time, your chances are far greater than any other method.

Statistically this is how it breaks down: 50% Are attached or married, so forget these (this number varies from type of environment, clubs have far less married people than sit down bars) 10% Are not in the mood, forget these. They just got out of a long relationship. Or are lesbians. Or don't go for one-night stands under any circumstance.

20% Are in the mood but only to make out. These are women that are having their period or that have something the next morning preventing them from sleeping at your place (maybe they live with their parents). You can have lots of fun with these women, make out and maybe even get to third base. If they give you their number, don't throw it away, but also don't count on it. They may have come to their senses by the time you call later on.

20% Are in the mood for a one-night stand. They don't tell anyone this. You have to seduce them. They enjoy being seduced, it makes them feel like they are finally meeting someone who knows how to excite them.

The best way to guarantee sex with women you never met before is to hit on a few women at a bar or club.

Given that the seduction is happening over a shorter period of time, you are not allowing for a lot of evaluation to be done. Her decision to sleep with you will be emotional as opposed to rational.

If you do this right, she will be so turned on that her first reaction will be to go enjoy the night with you, since she has finally found someone who makes her feel good. All you have to do is approach them right, tell them special trigger sentences, turn them on during a conversation and subliminally persuade back to your place (or theirs).

It may seem too good to be true, but these are all techniques and methods explained in detail in the Advanced Macking member's site.

Anthony Berger is one the leading authorities in the field of one-night stand seduction. After three editions of his best selling book, "Advanced Macking: The Shy Man's Guide to One-night Stands", several magazine interviews and appearances on national TV and radio stations, he is now available in his video course. We highly recommend it to men in their late twenties, early thirties wanting to get the most out of life.

Why You Should Pursue Internet Dating

Internet Dating - It's Not For Geeks By Sara Blackmoore

Six months ago an old school friend and I were chatting over coffee, putting the world to rights as women do. She was bemoaning her lack of success in meeting the “right sort” of men. I asked her if she had tried using an internet dating service, and the look of horror that quickly appeared on her face gave the instant answer – of course not! Internet dating, she informed me, was for the sad, desperate, geeky or freaky.

Sadly this type of response is typical of people from all walks of life. Why sadly? Because those who instantly dismiss such services are missing out on a great opportunity.

The traditional argument for not using the internet to meet someone is that it is not natural. So what is natural? Where have people traditionally met their husbands, wives, lovers, and friends? Statistically, over the past 50 years the most common place for meeting ones spouse has been the workplace. This is hardly surprising given the ever increasing amounts of time most people are finding themselves working. Other common meeting places include bars, nightclubs, and parties, and some lucky few meet their lifetime partner early in life at college or university.

However, the workplace remains number one for long term relationships. The reason for this is simple; lasting long term relationships are usually born out of robust friendships, and strong friendships form over time. Spend eight hours a day five days a week with the same people and you will get to know them very well. It is not uncommon in the modern world to spend more time with your colleagues than with your family, an unfortunate but true fact of life.

The increasing amounts of time we as a society are spending working is leaving less time to spend in social environments outside of the office, which means less opportunity to meet new people. So if you don’t meet someone at work, where else is there? Enter the dating agency.

Dating agencies are not a new idea, they have been around a very long time. The internet has simply served as a new medium for bringing people together in a tried and tested way that agencies have used for years. However, it offers some unique advantages for those seeking a partner. Firstly it has lowered the cost of running a dating service, and that means agency dating has been opened up to a much wider audience. Secondly, it has broken down geographical barriers in a way that off-line agencies could never hope to. This is an important point because not everyone is looking for their future husband or wife on their doorstep. Indeed not everyone is looking for a future husband or wife; the explosion in internet dating has made it easier than ever to find new friends and correspondents across the globe.

These two points mean that some of the bigger agency sites now have in excess of three million members, and literally thousands of new members joining every day. With that many people, if you are serious about finding a partner, lover, or a friend, then the internet is simply too big a resource to ignore. And ‘net dating is safe too; there is no need to exchange real names or even email addresses until you feel you know someone well enough. All the services allow you to block unwanted communication and so there is no fear of being pestered. Used sensibly, internet dating can be safer than almost any other way of meeting people.

The internet has revolutionised the way we work, shop, conduct our financial affairs, and entertain ourselves. To use it as a medium for meeting new people is a logical step in our fast changing world.

After that chat six months ago I convinced my friend to post a profile on a dating site, she didn’t even have to pay anything to do so unless she wanted to start sending messages to other people. Now I never see her because she is spending all of her time with her new man. She didn’t find him in five minutes like some of the sales pitches would like you to believe, but then six months ago she didn’t expect to find him at all.

About The Author:

Sara Blackmoore is a relationship counselor and regular contributor to

She lives in London, England with her husband and two children.

Article Source:

Tips to Save You Money in Topless Clubs

Tips to Save You Money in Topless Clubs

If you've ever been to a topless club, I'm sure you're aware of how expensive it can be. Especially if you go often, buy a lot of mixed drinks, pay for table dances, buy topless dancers drinks, pay high cover charges at the upscale topless clubs, tipping, etc. If you will follow my advice, you can drastically reduce your expenses in going to topless clubs. Here are some tips to save you money in topless clubs.

Tip #1 - When you drink, order a glass of wine. Just sip the wine slowly and it will last for 1-2 hours. Beer gets flat when it sits for a long time and mixed drinks get watered down when the ice melts. So, if you want to save money on your bar bill, just order wine and sip on it.

Tip #2 - In a lot of topless clubs, every 20 minutes or so the DJ runs a two-for-one special on table dances and all the dancers go on stage and then come down and solicit dances. So, if you are going to a topless club solely for the purpose of buying a table dance, take advantage of this bargain. Don't pay full price just for one dance when you can wait for this special offer.

Tip #3 - A lot of clubs offer discount coupons for free admission and reduced cover charges advertised in newspapers. Be sure and check your local papers for these valuable coupons. It's always a good idea to ask about any special discounts at the front door when you enter the club. When you leave, some clubs give you free admission coupons for your next visit. Save them and take advantage of this free offer.

Tip #4 - At some clubs a topless dancer will dance in front of a patron topless until he gives her a tip, then she moves on to the next patron. Guys who don't tip get good long dances before she gives up and moves on to another guy. Guys who do tip are left a few seconds after tipping. So, save yourself from tipping these dancers and get a free show as an added bonus. You are not obligated to tip these dancers.

Tip #5 - This tip will save you tons of money. Don't buy table dances! You will be propositioned by every dancer you meet or come into contact with. This is how they make their money. When asked for a dance reply, "There's nothing more I would love than to have you dance for me, but I do not want to be just another customer, I'm more interested in getting to know you better and become your friend. Look, I know the ropes of your business and I understand this is how you make your money, so if you need to leave and make some money I understand. Why don't you come back over here and party with me after you make some money?" Always remember your objective: Develop a friendship with a dancer and do not become just another customer. You're not going to get anywhere with a dancer if you become a customer.

Tip #6 - Most topless clubs have drink specials which feature drinks at a reduced price. These specials run at certain hours and certain days of the week. Be sure and call the topless clubs you go to and ask about their "drink specials." Ask them when they run and what days of the week. Also, while you're at the club the DJ may announce a special drink at reduced prices such as shots, etc. They only run for a short period of time. Keep in mind that around closing time you usually have to pay full price for drinks.

Tip #7 - Avoid all the undesirable types of topless dancers listed in Chapter Three. You normally will be just wasting your time and money on these dancers. Especially avoid these types: The Man Hater, Lesbians, Gold-diggers, Married Dancers, Teasers, and Prostitutes.

Tip #8 - Most clubs offer free buffets. Isn't this a great way to eat a free lunch or dinner by being surrounded by naked women? Most of your free buffets are around lunch time from 11am-3pm, Monday-Friday. Some are on certain days of the week. Some free buffets are in the evening on certain days, particularly on Fridays. Call the topless clubs in your town and ask if they have any free buffets. Take advantage of these free food offers. The food is usually pretty good too. Some clubs even offer free steaks!

Awesome Places to go on a Date to Impress Women

10 Great Places to go on a Date to Impress Single Women

  1. DINNER THEATRE -There's nothing like good entertainment while you're eating. Your date will really be impressed and this is one of my top choices to take a date to.
  2. DOG SHOW -Most women just love dogs and going to a dog show will really put her in a fun mood.
  3. DRIVE-IN MOVIE -Back when I was in high school in the 50's and 60's this was the place to go on a date. It's still a great place to go to really get intimate. I sure had some good times at drive-ins and hardly ever watched the movie.
  4. FISHING LAKES & PONDS -What I'm referring to are stocked fishing lakes and ponds where you can go to catch fish and take them home for a delicious fish-fry. There's a fee for admission and usually there's no fishing license required. Also, most of them have these services available: Bait, ice, cold drinks, chairs, rental poles, filet service, and no limit on your catch.
  5. FISHING PARTIES -These are fishing trips available on large party boats that go offshore. You can go with a large group of people or charter your own fishing trip. They are listed in the Yellow Pages under Fishing Parties. .
  6. FLEA MARKETS -Even if you don't buy anything, it's interesting to look at the many different items for sale. I especially think this is the perfect date for men to ask women out on. Women just love to browse and shop.
  7. FLIGHT MUSEUM -If you have one of these in your area, by all means check it out. It's very interesting to look at the old military fighters, bombers, and passenger aircraft from the past.
  8. GARAGE SALES -As I mentioned before, women really love to shop. This is another ideal place to take dates.
  9. GO-CARTS -These are a lot of fun for adults too. Why not challenge your date to a race around the track.
  10. GOLF COURSES (MINIATURE) -This is a real popular activity for dating and highly recommended.

How to Recognize Shy Single Women

The Shy Single Woman

Just like there are many shy men at nightclubs , there are just as many shy single women. The shy woman is easy to spot. Shy women will tend to sit where they won't be noticed, like in the corner or in the back of the club, away from all the prowling males.

Some are even too shy to dance, so if you ask this woman to dance and she says no, it may just be because she's too shy to dance and not because she's rejecting you. In this case, try to strike up a conversation with her. If this fails, move on.

This woman will show her shyness in various ways. Below are just a few examples:

1. While talking to you, her eyes will glance off to side or down towards the floor. Shy women have difficulty in looking at a man in the eyes while talking to him.

2. She may be lacking in conversational skills. She may be rather quiet, speaking in a low voice and not have very much to say. In this case, you will just have to pick up the slack and do most of the talking yourself.

3. If she has a nice figure, she may try to conceal it by wearing clothes that don't compliment her body.

4. Upon meeting her, she will act very nervous. She may tap her fingers on the top of the table or she may tap her feet. She might even bite her nails.

5. While talking, she may stutter quite frequently.

6. When you pay her a compliment, she blushes or does not agree with your compliment.

In conclusion, don't pass up an opportunity to attract or meet a shy woman. Once you break the ice and get them warmed up, they can make your night worthwhile.

Ads That Don't Tell a Woman's Weight

Why Single Women Don't List Their Weight in Personal Ads

Have you ever wondered why a lot of single women don't list their weight in personal ads?

This week I need to make you aware of something when you are playing the personals to meet single women for love, romance, and a potential relationship. 9 times out of 10 if a single woman doesn't list her weight in her personal ad, she is very likely to be overweight or even grossly obese. Plus, you need to be aware that when they do list their weight it may be a lie to try and hide the fact that they are overweight.

Of course, if you don't mind dating overweight single women then it's not a problem if they don't list their weight or lie about their weight. And I commend you for the ability to accept a woman as a person and not judge her according to her looks and weight.

But, if you're picky and desire a slender woman, I would advise you to ignore any personal ads where they don't list their weight.

Let me make a few comments about men who won't date single women that are overweight. I really don't think it's fair being prejudice towards overweight women. Unless they have a medical problem they can lose that weight and become the woman you desire. Also, overweight single women are hungry for attention and love because they sometimes get passed over in favor of more slender women.

Also, there's another issue, which I don't think is fair. There are guys that are overweight with big potbellies that only want to date slender and pretty women and are turned off by overweight women like themselves. Well, I think they should take a good look in the mirror and picture how their gross-looking body can turn off single women.

It works both ways. There are a lot of single women who are turned off by overweight potbellied men. If you are overweight, I highly recommend that you get on a healthy diet and exercise regimen to trim down. It will help you to attract and seduce more single women. Besides, it will give you a lot more energy and it's good for your mental and physical health.

In closing, I highly recommend that you don't overlook single women that are only 10-30 pounds overweight. This is not that much to lose to get to their ideal weight and when they do lose the weight they will really look hot & sexy and they will be very proud of their body. Plus, women are overly sensitive about their weight and may feel grossly overweight even though they only need to lose 10-30 pounds. This can work in your favor when you show a lot of interest in them. This makes them feel needed and wanted and they will admire the fact that you can accept them as they are even if they are a little bit overweight.