10 Ideas for a Date to Impress Single Women

Places I like to Take Single Women on a Date

  1. JET SKIS -This is like riding a motorcycle on the water and your date can ride on the back. Take my word for it; this is the ultimate joy ride while having some great fun on the water. You can rent them for about $20 for a half hour.
  2. JOGGING -Do you like to jog? Well, it really doesn't matter. Just take your date to the local jogging trails and I'm sure you will learn to like jogging when you see her cute little ass bouncing in front of you.
  3. KITE FLYING -Stop by any toy store and pick up a kite and go on a kite date. Head for your local park, beach, or any wide-open space. Kites are not just for kids. It's a fun experience for all ages and it's kind of romantic. So, get your date and go fly a kite.
  4. LIMOUSINE DATE -When you want to tell someone they're special, what better way to do it than with the unexpected. Sending flowers is nice, but sending flowers with a limousine is unforgettable. This is a great way to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary or just let someone know they make a difference to you.

  5. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL - This will be a date filled with lots of entertainment and laughter. These little guys are so much fun to watch, especially when they make errors and mistakes.
  6. LIVE MUSIC -This will put you and your date in a good mood, especially if the band is good. Check out your area for places that offer live music.
  7. MALLS -Take your date to the mall and she will love you for it. They just love to go to shopping malls even if they don't buy anything. They just love to look around and browse.
  8. MODEL HOMES -Do you like to look at beautiful homes? This is a fun thing to share. Check out any new subdivisions in your area for model homes. My favorite ones to look at are the mansions. Even if you can't afford one they are still interesting to look at.
  9. MOONLIGHT STROLLS -When there's a full moon and clear skies, head for any lake or seashore. It's so romantic to take your shoes off and wade along the shore with the full moon gleaming on the water.
  10. MUSEUMS -These are great places to take a date no matter what kind of museum they are. My personal favorite is art museums.

How to Conquer Your Fear of Women

The Enemy Called Fear That Prevents You From Meeting Women

I want to talk about what I call the "enemy of fear" that holds you back from meeting women.

When you see a pretty woman you would like to meet, do you freeze up and fill your mind with fear when it comes to approaching her to meet her?

If you allow your mind to dwell on all the reasons to not approach women then you are going to develop a negative mind set that is going to prevent you from making the first move when it comes to meeting women. This is going to hold you back from meeting more women.

You just can't sit on the sidelines when it comes to dating and meeting women. Don't allow this "enemy of fear" to hold you back anymore. Make a commitment today that you're not going to give in to fear anymore when it comes to approaching and meeting women.

Just because you feel fear doesn't men you have to act on it. Be bold, be brave, and step out of fear and approach women.

If you allow your mind to dwell on all the reasons to not approach women then you are going to develop a negative mind set that is going to prevent you from making the first move when it comes to meeting women. This is going to hold you back from meeting more women.

You just can't sit on the sidelines when it comes to dating and meeting women. Don't allow this "enemy of fear" to hold you back anymore. Make a commitment today that you're not going to give in to fear anymore when it comes to approaching and meeting women.

Just because you feel fear doesn't men you have to act on it. Be bold, be brave, and step out of fear and approach women.

10 Great Pick Up Lines to Use on Strippers

Top Ten Pick Up Lines to Use on Topless Dancers

  1. "Have you been on any out-of-town trips lately?"
  2. (After she does a dance for you), "Did you get turned on as much as I did?"
  3. Compliment her eyelashes, nose, ears, lips, eyes, legs, dimples, or fingernails.
  4. "Do you know any good jokes?"
  5. "Did you ever dream that you'd become a dancer?"
  6. If you're with two dancers, ask them how did they get to know each other?
  7. "Do you even get nervous when you're up on stage?"
  8. "Is this your only job?"
  9. "Where do you like to shop for clothes?"
  10. "Where do you like to go on vacation?"

My Top 10 Places to Take a Date

Some of My Favorite Places to Take a Date

  1. RODEOS -If you have rodeos in your area be sure and go here for a date.
  2. ROMANTIC RESTAURANTS -If you really want to make a good impression on your date, take her to a cozy and romantic restaurant. It's even better if they have a piano bar or live entertainment or soft music, dim lighting,
  3. roaring fireplaces, scenic views while you're eating, etc. So, spice up your love-life or impress a date by going to a romantic restaurant.
  4. SAILBOAT RENTAL -There's nothing like the feel of gliding along the water on a sailboat. Learn how to sail and take your date on a sailboat ride that she will never forget.
  5. SEMINARS -This is an interesting and educational experience to share with someone. Just select a seminar both of you would be interested in. Check your local newspapers for seminar listings.
  6. SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES -If you are a senior citizen there may be a senior citizen center in your area that you could take a female to for some free activities and a free lunch. Some centers even provide free transportation.
  7. SKATEBOARDING -Try this for some real fun. Rent a couple of skateboards for some thrills. Some larger cities even have skateboard parks.
  8. SKATING RINKS -Roller skating is one of America's favorite pastimes. It's a lot of fun whether you're a beginner or pro. Also, it makes for a fun evening with a date. It's easy to learn once you get the hang of it.
  9. SNOW SKIING -This is an expensive date, especially if you live a great distance from any ski resorts. It's worth it though for an experience you will take to your grave. Don't worry if you don't know how to ski. You can take lessons when you get there and just take the easy slopes. So what if you fall a few times, it's all in fun.
  10. SOFTBALL GAMES -Most towns have softball leagues and a softball game is good entertainment. It's a cheap date too because it's free.
  11. SPIRITUALISTS -These are palm readers, psychic readers, and astrologers. I think everyone would like to know what the future holds for him or her. Of course, none of these spiritualists can be 100% accurate all of the time, but just look at it as entertainment and a fun thing to do. Going to a spiritualist would be a unique and different thing to do on a date. They also give advice on personal problems, health, business, marriage, job, etc.

Advice on Using Online Dating to Meet Women

Is Online Dating Worth a Try?

It most certainly is. Dating these days has whole new and different meaning from the years gone by. People used to meet at parties or hooked up by friends. Meeting people online is almost similar to having your friends hook you up.

Many online dating sites have appeared in the last decade - free as well as paid. Some do not charge a penny for becoming a member and contacting other people, others have subscription fees or charge you if you wish to contact other members.

Online dating is worth a try for a number of reasons.

Safety. When you are dating online, you do not have to reveal your personal information and still chat with someone. You can reveal more about yourself when you feel comfortable with the person you 've met and established a level of trust.

No more rejection. Many men get cold feat when faced with the challenge of asking a girl out, for the fear of getting rejected. Whereas online dating lets you create a profile and start contacting members. Start by email, chat or phone calls. Get comfortable with each other and then meet face to face.

Openness. People feel uncomfortable opening to complete strangers. Sometimes they tend not be themselves while meeting someone new. But online dating gives the option of being totally honest because the feeling of anonymity gives much more confidence and sounds less risky.

Affordability. Online dating is extremely affordable. If you choose to be a member of free dating service, you do not have to pay anything and get to meet eligible singles. If you become a subscribed member of a paid dating site, you still save lot of money. Think about going on numerous dates only to find that you are not compatible with that person. Instead when you get to know many people online, you can take control of things and get to know people in the way that you feel most comfortable. That too without spending lot of money.

Online dating is like exotic food that must be tested and tried at least once. If you are not satisfied, move on to next best possible way to meet your love. Looking at the latest stats and surveys it seems like free online dating is here to stay.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pam_L

10 Great Ideas for Where to Take a Date

10 Great Dates to go on to Really Impress Women

1. OBSERVATION DECKS -In most major cities the tallest skyscrapers offer spectacular views of the city from their observation decks open to the public. For breath-taking views, be sure and visit these skyscrapers. Even better are restaurants at the top of sky scrappers that offer scenic views of the city.

2. PADDLE BOAT RIDES -This is a fun thing to do, especially on a hot summer day. A lot of public lakes offer paddleboat rentals.

3. PARACHUTE JUMPING -If you've both got the guts, this is an experience you will never forget! I know this may seem a little scary to you but it's really a very safe sport. Check out your area for companies that offer parachute jumping. You can train and jump all in one day.

4. PARKS -There's nothing quite like spending a fun day at the park. Be sure and bring a blanket, radio, ice chest filled with drinks, and picnic supplies.

5. PERFORMING ARTS -From operas, ballets, symphonies, to plays, musicals and concerts you just can't go wrong by taking a date to these.

6. PICNICS -This is tops on my list for dating ideas. It is especially great for first dates. Just bring a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, or even better just pick up some fried chicken and potato salad. Don't forget the blanket and radio!

7. RACQUETBALL COURTS -This is a great way to have some competitive fun and get plenty of exercise at the same time. Consult your telephone directory for the raquetball clubs in your area. Some YMCA's offer raquetball too.

8. RANCHES -A lot of people have never visited a ranch and I highly recommend that you take a date here. There are ranches that are open to the public that offer tons of fun activities such as horseback riding, swimming, moonlight hayrides, petting zoos, softball, volleyball, horseshoes, miniature golf, ping pong, fishing, mechanical horse, etc.

9. RESORTS -There's probably a resort area near you to get away from it all for some romance, recreation, and relaxation. They offer a variety of activities such as golf, boating, water sports, tennis, fishing, casual and elegant dining, swimming, lodging, dancing, movies, live entertainment, health spas, etc.

10. RIFLE & PISTOL RANGES -This is certainly a fun experience to share. You can bring you're own gun or just rent one for target practice.

How to Write a Short Personal Ad to Meet Women

A Long Personal Ad is Not Necessarily Better

It's tempting to assume that a longer ad is better than a shorter ad. I disagree. It's certainly true that a 200 word long ad will stand out from the shorter 50 word ads that surround it. It is also true that if you can't write a good 40-60 word ad that makes people want to know more about you and respond, you probably can't do it in an ad that is 100 words or even 500 words. A 1977 AMC Pacer that was considered an ugly car when it was new will become an antique car in time, but it will then be considered an ugly antique car. And written drivel is drivel, no matter how short or long.

If you take your time to write your ad and are creative, you should be able to say enough about yourself in 40 to 60 words. This is especially true if you have a voice mailbox and record a good voice message to go along with and compliment what you said in your written ad.

The idea in writing your ad is to strive for quality and not simply rely on quantity. Be brutally honest and ask yourself this simple question: "If I was reading this ad, would I want to take the time and spend my money to respond to it?" Better yet, if you aren't too embarrassed, have someone whose judgment you trust, preferably of the opposite sex, read your ad and critique it. Not just for style, but for accuracy. Ask them not only if they think that your ad will be interesting to people of the opposite sex, ask them if you are being honest. If you said in your ad that you were 5' 10" tall and a neat freak, but they laugh and say that you are 5' 7" and a slob, you'll save yourself a lot of time and money by listening to them and making some changes. That is why God invented editors.