How to Maintain Romance with Women

Maintaining Romance

When involved in a relationship, you have got to maintain a level of romance. I once overheard two friends wives talking one day. One said, "Do you know what I would like to do? I would give anything to go out on a date."

To make a long story short, here was a woman who was married and bored with her husband. She longed for her husband to ask her out on a date. She craved flowers, to be asked out, the door held open for her, and to be kissed intimately on the neck over dinner. Women crave romance and you've got to keep the fires burning in your relationship. You need to surprise her with flowers, little gifts, dinner at the most romantic restaurant in town, love notes left on her pillow, candlelight dinners (You do the cooking), etc.

Liquid Magnet Pheromone Cologne Testimonial on Amazon

Liquid Magnet Pheromone Testimonial

This is an actual testimonial about our pheromone cologne, "Liquid Magnet" posted on Amazon by Dessa Rain Bell on June 23, 2013

As you know from the product's description, it is an absolute miracle if a woman actually wants to have sex multiple times. But this product will completely defy the laws of nature! Just a splash of it will break through female frigidity (remember it is just in their nature to be totally disinterested in sex and it has nothing to do with your physical appearance or complete lack of positive personal traits). With that being said please be careful with this product and monitor the amount that you put on. While it may seem like those endless hours of pleasure will culminate in bliss, they can also result in hospitalization, dehydration, and slow starvation.

The bottom line is that these pheromones are powerful and you may find it difficult to pry your partner off of your exhausted body in order to seek out nourishment. If you are not prepared to take these risks then you should seriously reconsider buying this product; unless you have the stamina of a Dothraki horse-lord and are well hydrated prior to any sexual contact.

Dating Problems Revealed

Thursday, November 03, 2022 | 0 comments »

Dating Problems Revealed

Dating Issues

Problems With Dating

Most dating problems occur because either the two of you are not compatible or you are not communicating enough. Other problems may be because the two of you just are not right for each other.

Communication is the most important thing when you are dating. Most problems occur because the two of you are having difficulty expressing your feelings or you aren’t being clear about what you want.

When you both communicate with each other properly it is clear to both of you if you are compatible and have the same likes and dislikes.

You cannot force a relationship if the two of you are too different or you have different goals for the relationship.

It is important to communicate about what you need and want from your relationship so you both are satisfied and you are not having disagreements about things.

Another thing that can cause problems with dating is if the two of you are not compatible. Communicating properly will tell you if you are or not.

Compatibility can be difficult if one person in the relationship is needier than the other person. If one of the people wants their space and the other is very needy then it can make it difficult for dating.

Dating problems occur when communication skills are not up to par. You have to be comfortable with the person you are with so you can talk to them.

Being comfortable and being able to communicate will show you how compatible the two of you are. If you don’t have these two things then you might just consider a good friendship.

A Pheromone Cologne to Sexually Attract and Seduce Single Women

Give People the Gift of Smiling

Tuesday, November 01, 2022 | 0 comments »

Give People the Gift of Smiling

Provide Gifts To Those You Come Into Contact With

When you meet someone new, you should always provide a gift to them. Gifts can be something as simple as a smile, compliment, handshake, or an acknowledgement. You can also provide a gift of listening to them and being observant. The smallest things can mean the most. You can show how much you appreciate someone with the simplest things. Personal gifts are free but can mean a lot to someone. They are very special.

Showing your appreciation can be a huge step towards forming a lasting relationship with people. Give someone a big smile and see how they react. It is very likely that they will return the smile. Smiles can tell us a great deal about people. They let us know that people are friendly, caring, and nice to be around. They are a simple way to show your friendly side to other people.

It is a great idea to get you into the habit of providing these free gifts to other people. Soon, you will find that people are more likely and willing to communicate and spend time with you. You will come off as an attractive person and people will want to get to know you more. It provides a whole new world of possibilities for better things for your life and more opportunities. You could meet a new person, smile at them, and find out that they are the person that you are meant to spend the rest of your life with. This is all based on the simple act of smiling.

Smiling can make you feel much better about yourself as a person and within your life. You become a better person within yourself and you will be much happier overall. If you are happy, you are better able to deal with any situation that arises in life. Your outlook is completely different when you are happy.

There are times when it is not easy to be happy. Learning to be happy is something that takes a lot of practice. Life is full of negatives and that makes people unhappy. A person’s individual attitude is what ultimately determines how they respond to stress and negative situations. If you are happy and fulfilled, you are able to respond to any situation that arises in a positive way.

Positive people are glowing and radiant. They are people that others enjoy spending time with and that they want to be around. If you can learn to be happy, you will find that you start attracting many new people that are interested in you. Your life will no longer be lonely. You will find yourself surrounded by friends and new people that want to spend time with you.

It is easy to meet new people when you realize what it takes to be happy and when you offer a smile, a compliment, or a kind word. It starts building a relationship with a person. This small effort shows that you are willing to take the time to acknowledge a perfect stranger. It generates interest and people then want to know more about you. It is all started through a simple gesture that is friendly towards strangers. Smile at people.

How to Become More Personal with Women

Getting More Personal with Women

At the time the girl appears to accept your approach by showing a friendly response, you can begin to work on a more personal level (mildly personal at first). "We" and "us" can be introduced into the conversation. You can confide in her and tell her small things about yourself. Tell her briefly about your work. You might voice a brief opinion about some subject.

Then later, after some exchange of general conversation, you can talk in greater detail about yourself, such as any interesting, ambitious plans you may have, or your feelings on some subject. Don't be afraid to bare your soul a little. Most women admire sensitivity in a man. If you have strong convictions about a subject, voice them. Women admire men with strong convictions, whatever they may be. They may be in such diverse areas as politics, social issues, the arts, and business (or archaeology). If you are good at something, tell her. Women are impressed by men who are achievers.

But, do not be apologetic. If you say you believe in the Republican Party principles, and she is a staunch Democrat, don't start making excuses for your beliefs, or modifying them to accommodate her. You are what you are. Stay with your beliefs, unless she can really convince you otherwise. This applies with any subject.

A Conversation Guide on How to Talk Women