Best Way to Meet Topless Dancers

What to do When You Buy Table Dances from Strippers

Accept this as something you have to put up with in topless clubs. You will constantly be hustled for table dances! Don't hold this against the dancers. This is how the dancers really make good money. So, if she's not doing dances she's not making any money. They have bills to pay just like you and me and she will spend most of her night hustling men for dances.

Always remember that you're under no obligation to buy a dance from her. If she's really crazy about you, she will even dance for you free. If this happens, you've got a real good shot at scoring with her.

Back to the dancers soliciting you for dances. As you are sitting at your table you will be approached by dancers with their standard line of, "Would you like some company?" If you say, "yes" right after she sits down, she will hit you up for a dance. You can stall her with small talk after she joins you, but eventually and real soon she's going to ask you for a dance.

So, what do you do? Always say, "I'd rather buy you a drink and get to know you better. I know the ropes of your business, so if you need to go make some money, I understand. Just come back and party with me after you make your money." If she never comes back, you'll know she's not interested in you, because you won't buy a dance.

Topless Dancer Table Dances

Saturday, November 19, 2022 | 0 comments »

Topless Dancer Table Dances

What to do When You Buy Table Dances from Strippers

I don't know about you, but if I'm going to be dishing out $20 for a stripper to turn me on, I want to get my money's worth. OK, let's say that you have bought a table dance. What do you do during her dance routine? Well, for starters whatever you do, don't try to grab her or fondle her. She may tell the bouncer and he will throw your ass out of the club. Before the dance begins, a lot of the topless dancers will remind you not to touch them.

During the dance, just relax and act like she's driving you up the wall. Smile at her seductively, lick your lips, make a lot of eye contact, wink at her, lift your eyebrows in approval, make noises like "Umn," and "Wow," etc. Tell her, "You're so sexy," or "OK, I like that." Focus your eyes on her body like it's the most sexy and beautiful body you've ever seen in your life. When it's over, put the money in her G-string. Observe her reactions to you while she's dancing. Is she focused on you and showing interest in you? Does she look you in the eye? Or does she appear to be not interested in you, not having fun and looking around the club while performing? These can be bad signs for you and you're not going to get anywhere with her. You're just a customer to her and nothing more.

A word about paying for a table dance. Always pay cash if possible. Why? Because if you use your credit card, they usually charge you a processing fee of $5. This is a rip off to me. Also, you might want to offer her a barter deal for a dance. Offer to wash & wax her car, change her oil & filter, lottery tickets, jewelry, gift certificates, any services related to your business, etc.

Break Up Survival Guide

Saturday, November 19, 2022 | 0 comments »

Break Up Survival Guide

Steps For Surviving A Break Up

Surviving a break up is a painful experience. You may feel rejected. You may be doubting your own self worth. You may not feel like getting out of bed in the morning. One thing that may help you is to know that most people have already gone about the process of surviving a break up and have come out stronger for it.

Here are some of the steps for surviving a break up.

First of all, allow yourself to mourn the end of the relationship. Your ex was almost like an appendage to you. You identified him or her as a part of you. You were two halves of a couple. Just as you would be lost if your right arm was cut off, losing a significant other can be painful.

So, spend some time grieving for the relationship’s end. It can actually be a healthy thing to do.

But at some point (hopefully soon), you have to move on. You will need to go through a process of being angry at your ex. He or she hurt you and you have every right to feel mad at them.

Here’s a tip for surviving a break up in the anger stage. Write a long letter to your ex spilling out your guts about how you feel. Put every emotion, experience, and feeling into the letter. But don’t mail it to them. Whatever you do, don’t mail it. Instead, light a candle and burn it slowly over the flame. As your letter goes up in smoke, release your anger.

At this point, it is time to start rebuilding your life. Surviving a break up means getting back into the game. You should definitely lean on the support of friends and family during this difficult time. The people closest to you will understand that you are having trouble putting your life back together and they should offer you the support that you need to heal.

Also, you should look for activities that spark your interest. Perhaps there were things that your ex didn’t like to do with you that you’ve missed. Renew your interest in these things. If you have had a lifelong desire to learn something, there’s no time like after a break up to try. You will probably make new friends when you start a new activity and you might even meet a love interest who shares your passion.

At some point, you will want to start dating again. Don’t expect your first few dates to turn into lifetime relationships. Just test the waters. Go out for coffee or a drink. Have fun and don’t be too serious about these things.

Surviving a break up is always a painful process. But, you are capable of moving on with your life. Look at the end of the relationship as a chance for growth. Millions of people have survived a split with their ex and you will too.

A Guide to Picking Up Women in Nightclubs

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Do you stand on the sidelines at nightclubs watching other men meet and pick up women? Have you ever been at a nightclub and seen a beautiful woman that you were dying to approach but you couldn't get up the courage? Do you continually strike out with women? Are you shy and don't know what to say to women in nightclubs?

Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert) has written a new ebook called, "How to Pick Up Women in Nightclubs" that will help you overcome these problems and you'll be meeting more women than ever before and you will be transformed into an expert picker-upper and seducer.

What to ask a Woman When Meeting Her

Questions To Get a Girl Talking

Early in the conversation you should try to get the girl to talk about herself and things that interest her by asking questions and taking an interest. Suitable questions to draw her out are:

  • "What work do you do?" (It is usually necessary to follow up with additional questions about where she works and other details of her work.)
  • "What part of town do you live in?" (Again, you may need to enquire further as to what type of buildings are in that area, and other interesting features.)
  • "Did you go to school around here?" (Draw for details such as courses and sporting or other extra-curricular interests.)
  • "Are you interested in some other kind of work? I mean are you ambitious for advancement, or a new field?"
  • "If you had your choice, where would you live?"
  • "Have you had your vacation yet?" and "Where do you go?"
  • "What type of car do you like best?"
  • "Are you into music?" (Don't ask this unless you are interested in music yourself. You might also ask about art, dramatics, or any other field of interest.)
  • "Do you go in for any sports?"
  • "Do you like to swim?"
  • "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" (Family inquiries are always a good idea.)
Do not ask all these questions at once. She will think you are interrogating her. They should be mixed in with general conversation in a balanced way.

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