Communication for Erotic Massage

Advice on Talking Sexy to Women

Friday, February 24, 2023 | 0 comments »

Advice on Talking Sexy to Women

Sexy Talk with Women

It is important not to overdo this sexual talk. Your main objective is to let the girl know you are interested in her sexually, and you are making moves in that direction. Also you need to know how she feels about your interest.

You should not overwhelm her with a constant barrage of double meanings, dirty stories and sexual suggestions. Some men do this, and girls think they are sexually obsessed. It becomes monotonous, a real turn-off. It makes a girl feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, they usually know what you are up to, that you are sounding them out, and they will send back a message to give you their answer. Be careful, and watch for this message.

Advice on Talking to Women

Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 0 comments »

Advice on Talking to Women

Talking to Women

Sometimes the subject being discussed will become exhausted or the girl may become embarrassed or bored by the line of conversation. You should drop that subject immediately and start fresh on something else. You don't need any fanfare. Simply say, "Well! What do you think about ...," or "You know, I once knew a guy in Hawaii."

Attracting Women with Your Smile

Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 0 comments »

Attracting Women with Your Smile

Using Your Smile to Attract Women


Humor is very effective in all conversations. Remember a few good jokes and try to learn how to tell them well. Some people write down especially good jokes so they can remember them, and periodically go through them to refresh their memory.

If you can handle an impression of someone it is even better. But that would be icing on the cake. Some can do a whole routine and be the life of the party. Fine. But unless you are good at it, leave it to someone who is.

Attracting Women with Humor

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 0 comments »

Attracting Women with Humor

Using Humor to Attract Women


Humor is very effective in all conversations. Remember a few good jokes and try to learn how to tell them well. Some people write down especially good jokes so they can remember them, and periodically go through them to refresh their memory.

If you can handle an impression of someone it is even better. But that would be icing on the cake. Some can do a whole routine and be the life of the party. Fine. But unless you are good at it, leave it to someone who is.

How to Talk to Women Advice

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Talk to Women Advice

Speech Advice for Men

Speech Delivery

Don't talk too fast. When feeling the emotional pressures of talking with a strange girl, men sometimes become a little flustered and excited.

They speak carelessly, too fast, blurring their words. Your words should be spoken clearly and at a leisurely pace. You should be continually on guard for this.

Watch and listen to someone who speaks well, either in real life or a professional performer on TV, or in a play or film. Delivery is improved by dramatic emphasizing of words and phrases. It is very effective to pause after a statement, to allow your words to be digested, even though it feels more natural to rush on to your next statement. This requires some discipline on the part of the speaker.

Another effective feature of speaking is the upbeat sentence ending. You sound much more positive and dynamic if your voice rises in tone and sharpens in tempo at .the end of important sentences. By contrast, if your sentence drops in tone at the end, and trails off, the effect is one of indecision and vagueness.

The upbeat tone tends to urge your listener on to agree with you. It is like adding an imperative "Come on!" to the end of your sentence. You can practice speaking some sentences out loud and hear this effect.

Try to improve your speech as much as possible. A well-paced speech style is always much more effective than a hurried, nervou

Negative Thoughts When Dating Women

vercoming Negative Thoughts when Dating

Invitations to dates, suggestions for activities and diversions can be made at any part of your approach, even right after you have introduced yourself. If she doesn't agree then, you can try again later. Or of course you might leave the invitations until after you get to know her better. You must decide this as you go along.

It makes you so much more confident if you approach a girl anywhere - at a party, at the beach, on the street or in a store - knowing that you have a choice of interesting activities to offer her. If you build up the attractions of the activities in your own mind you will believe in the success of your mission. After all, how could she refuse you when you have a lot of interesting and enjoyable things to offer?

Have you noticed that many men who are outstandingly popular with girls are the ones who appear to know their way around? They always seem to have something exciting lined up and ready to do.

When it comes to buying food, drinks, treats, etc., you should always be generous and spend lavishly. Never appear to be stingy. Always buy more than you need rather than not enough.