How to Get Your Ex Back

Friday, October 06, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Get Your Ex Back: Advice for men on how to get over a broken relationship and how to get her back.

Subliminal Sexual Music CDs for Attracting , Seducing Women: Mephisto subliminal CDs - Seduce women with these CDs. She thinks it's only music being played, but she's being programmed to desire you sexually.


How to Talk to Single Women When on a Date

When you're out on your first date with a single woman, it's quite natural to ask questions to get to know her better. However, there's an art to asking questions and I will teach you how.

Here's what not to do, which will make a bad impression on your date. Whatever you do, don't ask one question after another. This will make her feel like she is being interrogated or interviewed for a job.

The best way to ask questions is to let her answer, then add additional comments and conversation around her answer. In other words, make her answer a topic of conversation. Then you can weave in some more questions using the same technique.

Using this technique will be non-threatening and not so obtrusive. Plus, she will admire your conversational skills by you expressing interest in her answers.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice for Men About How to Find Love Online: Have you tried computer dating yet guys. I highly recommend it and here is some advice on how to be successful with it.

How to Recover From a Break Up

Thursday, October 05, 2023 | 0 comments »

How to Recover From a Break Up: Advice for men on how to get over a broken relationship and how to get her back.

Dating Advice for Men

Thursday, October 05, 2023 | 0 comments »


Here's some great advice from one of my customers:

First of all, I would like to thank you for your site. I discovered it by accident and it has been an exceptional help in my never-ending endeavor to meet incredibly desirable, single(<---usually) women. Although I have not had much trouble in this area, your tips of the week and newsletters have offered valuable insight to keep my advances exciting and new, instead of using the same old lines or routines. You're great!

A couple of excellent places to meet women, in my experience, have been:

Tanning spas - Women are their biggest clientele, and since they go there to "improve" their appearance/image, it only makes sense that you can easily start a conversation with a gorgeous woman by letting her know how much you appreciate the fact that she is looks as good as she does and how her tan really compliments her beauty, or hair, or whatever you notice about her at the time. Since women love compliments on the success of their efforts to make themselves desirable, a particularly sincere compliment can go a long way. You might even get her to rub the tanning lotion onto your back for you.

The local theater or youth theater - Women love going to plays. And, I have found, I actually enjoyed it too, once I gave it an honest effort. So, if you attend a couple of them, it makes a great conversation opener to discuss the show you last went to, especially if you remember seeing that gorgeous brunette or redhead at the last play you came to, and she really appears single. Usually, women will go to these together, and also as usual, there will likely be only one or two married women in their groups, which increases your chances of finding an available cutie to talk to. The youth theater is great if you have a young sibling or niece or nephew to take along. The act of taking a child that is not yours to the play shows her that you are a great, caring guy and she will find these characteristics appealing. And chances are, she is spending time with children that are not hers, because she is just waiting for a fantastic guy like you to come along and spend some time with her!

Also, with both of these places, it indicates to her that you have something in common - like to tan and like watching plays. You should be a shoe-in!

Advice for Men About Obsessive Women: Be careful about becoming involved with obsessive women. They can make your life a living hell.