Tips for Men on Approaching Women: A lot of guys would rather have a root canal than approach women. Here are some tips to make it easier for you.

Why Women Dodge Kisses

Friday, May 10, 2024 | 0 comments »

Why Women Dodge Kisses: How to handle women who try to dodge a kiss at the end of a date.

How to Date Older Women

Friday, May 10, 2024 | 0 comments »

How to Date Older Women: Advice for men on how to date older women. You must take advantage of these cougars looking for love.

1001 Best Pick Up Lines For Meeting Women: 1001 effective and tested pick-up lines and conversation starters to help you break the ice and have you meeting more women, getting more dates.

How to Have a Successful Relationship: Advice for men on what it takes to keep the sparks alive and have a good relationship.

How to Create a Powerful Personal Ad: Internet dating is a very popular way to meet women these days, but you need my advice to create a good personal ad.

200 Guaranteed Ways to Meet, Date, Seduce Women: Awesome book 200 Guaranteed Ways to Meet, Date, and Attract Women teaches men how to meet, pick up and seduce hot, sexy women.