A Few Words That Cause Failure with Single Women: Words that you must never tell yourself if you want to succeed with single women.

Advice on How to Date Young Women: Tips for single men over 35 on how to meet, attract, seduce single young women.

A Pheromone Cologne to Sexually Attract and Seduce Single Women: Information about Liquid Magnet, the best pheromone cologne for men that arouses passion in women and drives women wild for sex

Attitudes That Prevent You From Meeting Single Women: Why you must have a positive attitude when you go out looking for single women to meet and date.

What are Single Women Interested In: Tips on how to tell what single women are interested in just by looking at what magazines and books she reads.

How to Eat Italian Food on a Date: Tips on how to eat Italian food while on a date and advice on table manners.

A Guide to Meeting, Dating, Seducing Single Sexy Women: The Complete Guide to Meeting Women book how to meet, date, attract, seduce women.