Overcoming a Relationship Breakup

While your problems are your concern and no one should meddle in your relationship, you also have to realize that other people are sometimes involved. When your partner doesn't get along with your friends, things are going to be much more difficult for the both of you. Don’t let the romance fizzle, especially when it's only your pride that's getting in the way.

Love His Life

If you want your man to value you, then you need to love his friends as well. This means that if he wants some time off to be with his bros, go ahead and let him do it. If he wants you to tag along when he goes out with his friends, make sure you make the time. He'll do the same thing when he sees that you're willing to go out of your way and immerse yourself in his world from time to time.

The Extension

Breakups are difficult. Overcoming it means that you need to consider more than just the two of you. Your friends are an extension of your family, and unlike your relatives, you choose to be with them because you have so many things in common. You share the same passion and admittedly, they're also a reflection of who you are.

It's the same thing for your loved one. Imagine how uncomfortable the situation will be if you refuse to see the good in the people he cares about the most. Hang out with them. You may not always share the same interests, but try to go with the flow.

Plus, getting the stamp of approval means that you'll be in the know. They can even be your staunch defenders because they've seen effort from your end. You may not always like some of them immediately, but try to see them through your man's eyes.

Be open-minded because it does take all kinds to make the world. There must be something good in them for them to be an important part of his world.

Be Like a Friend

His friends have been with him longer than you have. You'll be privy to his childhood experiences if you learn to talk to them. Keep conversations about his exes on the down low because these are just too personal. More importantly, these should come from him. Just enjoy the time you two have together.

You wouldn’t want his buds to assume that you’re the nosy one. Keep the conversations light. For instance, ask about how he was when he was in high school. You can even turn to them for help when you want to surprise him during a special occasion.

Some women have been so successful that they were even able to merge their groups. In the end, love became sweeter because it was based on friendship. Just think of this as a chance for you to open yourself up to a world of new possibilities.

Show some excitement and you'll see. When you make the effort, you can make love blossom, to make it sweeter.

If you’re really invested in this relationship, then make sure to appreciate his world. Invite the people he loves over when you have parties and be cool about it. You don't have to try too hard.

Be yourself and be open to getting to know them. Everything will fall into place and pretty soon, you'll see that being with someone can be your chance to establish new connections.


How to Find the Perfect Woman for You

It must be really tough. Do you think you are just a victim of bad luck and that’s the reason Ms. Perfect hasn’t appeared in your life yet? Or have you decided that maybe Ms. Perfect only exists on movie screens and not out here in the real world? BINGO! You’ve got it. She doesn’t exist anywhere except in your imagination and on movie screens.

The truth of the matter is that the reason Ms. Perfect hasn't appeared has nothing to do with your luck, good or bad, but everything to do with you and the fact that you are busy looking for a person that doesn't exist! You can't date with your eyes closed and some impossible dream in your head. You'll get so caught up in this whole exercise of dating that you forget to look for the qualities you seek! You haven't met the person of your dreams because you aren't looking for the things that will make them close enough to perfect for you.

You are so confident that every woman you have met could not give you what you wanted. But what was it that you wanted in the first place? Once you are sure of what you want, you will know exactly what to look for in your woman. What are the qualities that you feel are necessary in a person? What are the attributes you are willing to make a compromise on? Have you thought about all these?

Remember, that nobody on this earth is perfect. Everybody has faults…some are bigger faults than other faults. Some are faults you can overlook and some are faults that you couldn’t overlook on your best day and if she was the most beautiful, most sexy woman on the planet.

When you meet a woman, remember, however hard you try to impress others, you cannot control their thought processes. Instead, it’s far better to concentrate on your needs and desires, and how much of what you need would be fulfilled if you dated this woman.

How to mend a broken heart

Saturday, June 10, 2023 | 0 comments »


Proven Ways of Mending a Broken Heart

The best part about being a human, is the ability to actually deeply care about and love someone. To be in love is probably one of the greatest emotions we can experience. When you're in a relationship and everything is going well, it's sometimes easy to take the relationship for granted. Unfortunately, relationships, even the ones you thought were going smoothly, can come to an abrupt end. While truly caring about someone and loving them is great and a source of pleasure, when the relationship is over it can be a huge source of pain, sorrow, and a broken heart. If the break up is recent, you may not believe it, but there are things you can do to begin mending a broken heart.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill, potion, lotion, or method for instantly mending a broken heart. It is imperative that you understand this. After a break up, there will be times when your emotions are going to be up, down, sideways, diagonal, and every other way, but right.

In fact, you'll probably experience combinations of emotions you never thought possible. One example is anger and sadness mixed together. You'll find that sometimes your emotions can change at the drop of a hat. You'll be feeling fine, laughing one minute, the next you'll be really sad, even crying. The most important thing you have to realize is that it all seems bleak and dark now. However, as time presses on, things will get better.

It is critical that you try to reign in your emotions. Does this mean you should bottle up your emotions? No, absolutely not. However, it does mean that you shouldn't let your sadness, anger, depression, or any other emotion control you for long periods of time. If you're feeling sad, allow yourself to have a “pity party” for a maximum of 15 minutes. Then, say to yourself “Okay, that's enough. It's time to stop.

Mending a broken heart is also going to require you to try and stay busy. If you give your mind a lot of idle time to think, it will probably want to think about your break up. This isn't good. Try to keep your mind and body active. You probably won't feel like doing this very much, but its important. Go somewhere, do something, try to drag friends along. Tell them to not let you talk about the break up. Try not to sit around the house and do nothing. That's the worst thing you can do.

Falling in love is usually the easy part. Mending a broken heart is not. That's just one of the cruel realities of life. Everything has an equal and an opposite. The wonderful, uplifting, feelings you get from being in love, are the exact opposite to the miserable, depression and sadness, that go along with a break up. Time, an active lifestyle, happy thoughts, and good friends will get you through this tough time.

Saturday, June 10, 2023 | 0 comments »


How to Find the Perfect Woman for You

It must be really tough. Do you think you are just a victim of bad luck and that’s the reason Ms. Perfect hasn’t appeared in your life yet? Or have you decided that maybe Ms. Perfect only exists on movie screens and not out here in the real world? BINGO! You’ve got it. She doesn’t exist anywhere except in your imagination and on movie screens.

The truth of the matter is that the reason Ms. Perfect hasn't appeared has nothing to do with your luck, good or bad, but everything to do with you and the fact that you are busy looking for a person that doesn't exist! You can't date with your eyes closed and some impossible dream in your head. You'll get so caught up in this whole exercise of dating that you forget to look for the qualities you seek! You haven't met the person of your dreams because you aren't looking for the things that will make them close enough to perfect for you.

You are so confident that every woman you have met could not give you what you wanted. But what was it that you wanted in the first place? Once you are sure of what you want, you will know exactly what to look for in your woman. What are the qualities that you feel are necessary in a person? What are the attributes you are willing to make a compromise on? Have you thought about all these?

Remember, that nobody on this earth is perfect. Everybody has faults…some are bigger faults than other faults. Some are faults you can overlook and some are faults that you couldn’t overlook on your best day and if she was the most beautiful, most sexy woman on the planet.

When you meet a woman, remember, however hard you try to impress others, you cannot control their thought processes. Instead, it’s far better to concentrate on your needs and desires, and how much of what you need would be fulfilled if you dated this woman.

Best places to meet women

Friday, June 09, 2023 | 0 comments »


Places to Meet Women to Date

Meeting women that you would actually want to date and, maybe eventually, bring home to meet mom and dad, isn’t as hard as it sounds. There is, of course, the singles scene out in the bars and clubs all over town but I don’t recommend that one. It’s not that just bad girls go to bars; it’s that it is hard to tell the good ones from the bad one.

You meet women at work, too, but, there again, I don’t recommend dating them. The problem with that is that, if things don’t work out, you will still have to work together and the situation could be awkward to say the least.

Your friends know women that you haven’t met - sisters, cousins, etc. Ask them to introduce you to them. But, big brother, do avoid blind dates. Those things hardly ever work out and you can spend a lot of money for a very uncomfortable evening.

The best places to meet women that you might actually want to date are at clubs and organizations that you belong to. You will already have something in common with them and will have had the opportunity to see them interact with other people and that tells you a lot about a person. If you aren’t already involved with any clubs or organizations the, for heaven sakes, join some. Find ones that are all about something you are interested in. There are clubs and organizations that cover just about anything you can think of from astronomy to zoology and single women are involved in all of them.

Church is an excellent place to meet women. If there aren’t any single women in the church you go to now, visit other churches until you find one where there are single women. The church itself will provide you with an opportunity to get to know the woman before you ask her for a date. You will be a lot more comfortable and so will she.

Get involved in civic organizations. Women love men who are civic minded. They admire men who are willing to “give back”. And what about political campaigns? You will meet a lot of young women who are passionate about politics.

If all else fails, join a good online dating service. You will meet a lot of eligible women. You can read their profiles and see pictures of them. After you get to know one well enough to ask her for a face-to-face meeting, be sure that you plan the meeting during daylight hours and in a public place.


Shy Dating - A Few Things To Know

If you find yourself shy dating people, then there are a few things you should know that will allow you to come out of your comfort zone. It is advised to try them all at the same time so that there is a greater chance of you having a wonderful dating experience. Some things you can do are to look for people with similar interests as you, be comfortable, be prepared, don't expect your date to be perfect, and talk about her, not always about yourself.

One of the easiest ways to overcome your shyness is to find some people with similar interests as you. The main reason for this is so you can have something to talk about naturally. Take Role Playing Card Games for example. If you are a fan of the game Magic, or Dungeons and Dragons, then finding a social group that plays this is beneficial for you because you will be able to instantly talk about something you are interested in - card games!

Another way to overcome your shyness is to learn to be comfortable in your surroundings. The easiest way to do this is to get out more. Go to more social outing and just start talking to people. You will gradually begin to learn how people interact with each other. Another great way to do this is to go to community ice breaker sessions. If you go to college or live on campus, this is also a great way to break the ice. Go to Meetup places online where they meet locally and do activities together. This is great because they have cool things you can do that are already pre planned so that you won't have to stress about planning for events. All you have to do is participate in the ice breakers and get to know people.

Also, be prepared for anything, namely meeting people with different interests and different topics of conversations. Stay well read in current news events by spending about ten minutes each day scrolling through all the top stories, or listen to the radio while going to work. That way you will be able to put some context some as to what the people are saying.

Don't expect your dates to be perfect. They are different than you are. Get your partner to talk about themselves and resist saying "i", "Me", or "My" statements. Ask questions about them and then follow up with some things you have read or have done that are related to that. These are just a few ways you can overcome your shy dating habits and have some awesome dates.


Younger Women Dating Older Men - Biological Destiny?

Younger women dating older men has been common throughout the centuries. This is, in large part, due to biology. Women in their child bearing years look to older, more financially secure men to provide for their children. Men look for fertile women to pass along their genes. But, is there more to this younger women dating older men scenario?

Biology is not destiny. There are many instances of older women dating younger men. Take Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher for instance. But, on the whole, you will usually find younger women dating older men.

Even though birth rates have plunged and many men forgo having children altogether, the idea of dating a younger woman hasn’t gone away. In fact, having a sexy girlfriend or wife may be more important if children are not a factor in the relationship.

Similarly, even though many women are capable of financially supporting their children without a man’s help, the idea of dating older men is still prevalent. Though women can even have children through artificial insemination or adoption with no man involved, younger women dating older men is still strong.

Part of the appeal for men is that they want glamorous, sexy, young looking trophies to show off to their friends. Just as they want the best cars, watches, boats, and airplanes, they want the woman they are dating to be a status symbol.

For younger women, dating an older man may also be a status symbol. A woman who can attract an older, wealthy man may feel more secure about her sexual appeal.

In many cases, when an older man dates a younger woman, he has been married previously. He might have children from that relationship that the new girlfriend has to cope with. He might also not have as much money as it appears at first because he may be providing financial support to those children and an ex wife.

Because he’s been burned before, women in these relationships have to understand the realities of dating an older man. For instance, he may ask for a prenuptial agreement before marriage. This doesn’t mean he thinks a marriage will fail, but if it does, he wants to protect himself.

In general, older men will look for good looks in the younger women they are dating. She will have charm, education, and social skills to help him advance in his career.

Younger women often pick up their dates at charity events and fundraisers, high end hotel bars, expensive restaurants, exclusive country clubs, and at gatherings for high end hobbies such as boating shows. Older men know that the single women gathered at such places are often on the lookout for them.

Younger women dating older men is a phenomenon that has gone back to the days when the Biblical commandment “go forth and multiply” was a priority for the species. But even though the planet is overpopulated, some biological facts don’t change. That is why younger women dating older men is still a main factor in society today