Have you ever had great success in one venue, maybe house parties, but were unable to succeed with women you met other places, like perhaps Clubs?

Often it is easier for you to be cool and social in one venue than another. This is your `comfort zone`. You know what to say, how to say it, and who to say it too. But outside of that zone, you are toast! This is because we often use certain external techniques and social skills that do not really apply to every venue we might find ourselves in. When you have deep set beliefs that you are a high status male, and that no matter where you are, that you are among the elite males, then all these anxieties and problems fall away.

How? Because your strength and resolves makes other people change THEIR mode of behavior to suit yours. If Bill Clinton walked into a raging rock concert or hip hop concert, this one man, would have everyone in a completely different frame of mind, all begging to appease HIS way of interaction. The people bend to YOU.

Inner Game Positively Influences Your Body Language
* Fifty-five percent of the communications signals we send results from how others see us

* Thirty-eight percent flows from the way they hear us

* Seven percent comes from our words

Source: http://www.barkscomm.com/fa_nonverbal.asp

Having solid Inner Game allows your body language to accurately communicate. This is called `congruence`, when your words are matched by your attitude and body language. If you say Super Man things to a woman, but feel like Clark Kent inside, she WILL know, and you will get nowhere with her.

Inner Game Improves Every Aspect Of Your Life, Making You More Attractive

I saved the best for last. Inner Game development need not be limited to confidence and belief setting with women. It can apply to everyone, and life in general. You can rethink previous ideas, like you'll never be able to get into a good college, or you'll never make a good XYZ and then your subconscious will begin helping you to change so that these things can happen. What is best is that being successful in life ( and I don't mean being rich ) will make you doubly attractive to women, and that will raise your confidence even more. It is cyclical.


Not learning proper Inner Game techniques can lead to ALOT of frustration AND embarrassment too using seduction tactics that seem incongruent. Without Inner Game, no amount of "negging", or "cocky funny" will allow you to have lasting success with women.

When approaching women, even before you have said a word or done anything she has already unconsciously put you into one of three categories:

I Like Him

I Don't Like Him


Now that you are aware of the three different categories lets go over each ones strengths and weaknesses for you.

Category #1: I like Him: If you happen to look or remind her of someone that she liked, dress in a certain type of way that she finds attractive or anything else that she happens to connect with. Congrats you have a heads up on everyone and when it comes to taking it to the next level its all On You. This is a great thing and if you fall in the Average Guy category expect this to happen with around 10 percent of the women that you meet who are available.

Category #2: I Don't Like Him: You ever meet someone and for no apparent or real good reason you don't like them?

Guess what women are the same way and for good measure most women throw unconfident men and a whole slew of petty reasons in there as well. If you fall in this category and at least 10 percent of the time you will if your just an average guy, unless you have some unknown outside factor to enhance you (hot ex still after you, famous, rich, etc.); there is nothing you can say or do that is going to get this woman to change her mind and be attracted to you.

Category #3: Undecided: The majority of the times about 80 percent is you are an average guy you are going to fall in this Category which if you have done your studying and reading on seduction and how to attract women is a perfect place to be. Because as long as you are in the Undecided category you can work on creating the desire and attraction in a woman that you want. This is very good news for you my friend.

Of course the time is now for you to get your life in order so that when you walk up to a woman that you find to be a potential partner and she is thinking to herself maybe or maybe not over the course of a cup of coffee or tea you can turn that maybe into a yeas and increase your success with women tremendously.

Dating Exclusively Is It For You

Dating exclusively means that two people in a relationship do not spend time with other members of the opposite sex as anything more than friends. You are able to explain what you were doing when you are away from your mate without having done anything wrong or deceiving them. Your partner can unexpectedly stop by your home and you will welcome them with open arms.

You are always looking for ways and reasons to spend time with that special person in your life. You enjoy having your free time spent with them. Two people in an exclusive relationship communicate with each other and they know nearly everything that is going on in each others lives.

Exclusive dating is a very serious thing. It should not be taken lightly. Several things are important when making a decision to enter into an exclusive dating relationship with another person. There has to be an attraction between both people. Most often the couple has dated for months and love spending time together and being with each other. The couple has dated other people and they have both decided that they want to be with each other and not with anyone else. They want to potentially spend the rest of their lives together.

A decision to not date exclusively can have potentially negative effects. One partner in the relationship could be spending time with other single people that may not realize that there is a serious relationship between two people. These single people could end up trying to take your partner away from you and trying to start a relationship with them themselves. You will soon find yourself spending more and more time alone and you will not have that commitment and companionship as they move farther away from you.

It is essential to make sure that you spend time getting to know someone. Spend a great deal of time with a person that you are interested in. find out all that you can about them and do it in different situations. People often act differently when they are with their friends than when they are with their family or people that they work with. People that change and have different personalities based on the people that they are around often bring problems with them. This is a potentially destructible behavior and can ruin any kind of relationship that they have.

Exclusive dating is an informal commitment that is made in a relationship. This does not mean that there will be marriage or that they have even discussed the possibility of marriage. Simply put, it means that they have decided not to date other people and to only date one person. This is a joint decision that is made and is an agreement that they will get to know each other better through only dating each other and not others.

Exclusive dating brings about major changes in your life. You have someone that you answer to about your life. If you do not want to answer to someone about your life and what you do, then you do not want to be in an exclusive dating relationship. You will give up some of your independence that you have when you are single. This can be a very good thing if you are ready for the commitment and what is involved. You must be prepared for these changes.

Dating Etiquette

Saturday, December 16, 2017 | | 0 comments »

Dating Etiquette

When you go on a date there are certain things and ways you should behave. Of course you want the person to get to know you so you shouldnt try and be someone that you are not.

When you go out on a date you should look and dress nice. This will show the other person you care about your appearance but you also care about what they think about you. If you don't care about what the other person thinks then you probably shouldn't be going out on a date with them.

Depending on the person you are taking out you should also remember to open the car doors and all doors for your date.

If the woman you are going out with is a feminist, then let her open the doors and do things for herself or it will bother her. She also will want to pay for her own meal.

If you are not going on a date with an independent woman who is a feminist then you should open the
doors, be on time when you pick her up, and be prepared to pay for the entire date.

Dont take your date somewhere you cannot afford and never find yourself asking your date for money to cover the bill.

Dating etiquette also includes not making the other person feel as if they are on an interview. It is
common for people on a date to ask many questions and they just want to get to know the other person.

However, dont make them feel as if they are on an interview or you might scare them off. Be sure to
create a comfortable atmosphere.

Many people have a difficult time getting back into the dating world after they have been divorced. There is a period of grieving and healing that has to take place. The length of this period is different for each individual person. There is no set amount of time for getting over a divorce. Each situation and each individual are completely unique.

People that have been married for a very long period of time often have the hardest time reentering the dating world. They have gotten so used to being with their spouse and they have not been on a date in so long. Often, they have forgotten what is involved in dating.

Another thing that is working against them is the fact that times are always changing. There are new forms of dating, people are always changing, and improvements are made to everything. Society forces us to change and adapt. If you have been married for a long time, you will not be aware of the changes that have been made. You are at a loss going into the dating field.

People that are younger and that have not been married for a long period of time will often find it easier to reenter the dating world. They have not been off the market for as long. They are still pretty fresh.

They know what is involved in dating and what the aspects are. Younger people are much more likely to successfully date after a divorce due to these factors. However, young people that get married are also much more likely to get divorced. This creates a vicious cycle. It also changes the dynamics of the dating world.

If you have a large group of young or middle age people that are all together, chances are the majority of them will have been divorced. Sometimes, people in this situation will have self esteem issues. They are afraid to get back into the dating scene.

The fact that the majority of young people are divorced makes it easier in some ways for them to start dating again. They are surrounded by peers that have been through the same things that they are going through. Both people are dealing with insecurities, fears, and uncertainties. They tend to click more and enjoy spending time together.

The one thing that divorcees should be careful of when they are reentering the dating world is the fact that they are on the rebound. Some people like to take advantage of this fact.

They think that they can get what they want or can manipulate the person that is recovering from the divorce. At the same time, some people that have been divorced will be looking for someone to fill the void in their life. This is not appropriate and can ruin the chance for a successful relationship. They give false hopes to other people and end up hurting themselves and the other person.

If you are divorced and looking to get back into the dating world, you need to use caution. It is very possible to have a successful relationship after a divorce. You just need to use proper planning and know what you are wanting. Give yourself time to grieve your loss and get over the feelings that you have towards your ex. This will allow you to start dating with a clean slate and a clear frame of mind.

Dating Advice For Short Men The Dos And Donts

Dating can be fun and invigorating or it can be frustrating and intimidating for anyone, men and women alike. And many people start to focus on the parts of themselves that they like the least when they start dating. While your "defects" may not even come into your date's mind, they may definitely be on yours.

If you happen to be a little shorter than the average guy, you may feel that you've already got one strike against you. You shouldn't feel like that and this dating advice for short men will explain why.

A lot of short men feel that they can't compete for a woman's attention if they're standing next to a tall guy. Believe it or not, this is definitely not true. The reality is that some women are attracted to tall men and some women are attracted to short men.

And a good rule to follow is this: what you are lacking in height, you can make up for in other qualities. For example, Women love confidence in men. But don't overdo it or confuse confidence with arrogance. Just don't make your height an issue and the women you date won't make it an issue either.

Here is one of the best pieces of dating advice for short men. We all know that many women love a good sense of humor. So be funny. This is one of the best dating tips for short guys. If you feel comfortable with it, you can even include your height in your jokes. Again, don't focus only on that.

If you do, your date will soon realize that this so-called joke is really an issue in disguise. But if you can make your date laugh without being self-deprecating, she will surely be impressed. A word of caution, this doesn't mean you need to bring up one slapstick joke after the other. Use subtle humor to your advantage in normal conversation.

And here's one of the most common mistakes that short men make when it comes to dating. They don't even try. You shouldn't ever allow your height to get in the way of meeting a woman you find attractive by immediately assuming that she only likes tall men. If you put some of these above tips into action, you'll soon realize that women don't even notice your height because they are bowled over by your charm.

And finally, when you do approach a woman, get out of your own head and away from your insecurities and focus on what she is saying. Nothing turns a woman on more than if you are interested in her. Ask her questions about herself and listen to her answers. You don't want to go overboard on this and just rattle off question after question either. Just show her that you are genuinely interested.

Remember, how you feel about yourself has a direct influence on how others feel about you. You have the power to control how women fell about you so don't leave it to wishes and chance. Take action with the above pieces of dating advice for short men.

Dating Advice For Men From The Biological Standpoint

Are you one of the millions of men who wonders what makes women tick? Why do some men have all the luck with women and others can't even seem to get a date? Here's some dating advice for men from a biological point of view.

As you've probably already figured out, women do not think like men. So don't make your decisions based on what you would say, think or act like. And the first thing you need to do is focus more on how women show what they want instead of what they say what they want.

Some women are consistent what they say and what they show. But many times, this isn't the case. A woman may say that she wants someone who listens to her. But the guy she decides to date is someone who is always talking. She says the most important quality in a man is his sense of humor. But she chooses a really good looking bore.

Why does this contradiction take place? In their defense, women don't do this consciously. It happens because what the women thinks she wants and what she biologically needs may be two different things. Biologically, women are wired to have children. And their natural instincts are to choose the best provider for themselves and their children. This doesn't necessarily mean he will be a good listener or have a great sense of humor.

Again, take this dating advice for men from the biological point of view. . .women are looking for men who will be good providers in both the short and long term. They see this quality in healthy, strong, confident men.

Another point they will focus on (even if they don't tell you this, and even if they tell you otherwise) is your job. Once again, it's all about being a good provider. The better job or the more career goals you have, the better you look in her eyes.

And it's not just about the money. Women want to see that their men know how to manage their money in a way that it is beneficial to the whole family. This is one reason that many women really place a high value on expensive gifts. Take jewelry for example. When you give a woman a piece of jewelry, you are showing her in a roundabout sort of way that you can provide for in the future.

Nowadays most people make livings by using their brains and not their brawn. But women are still wired to perceive strength as equal to the ability to provide.

So, the biggest piece of relationship advice for men is to figure out what women need from an evolutionary point of view and give it to her.

Hopefully this dating advice for men from a biological viewpoint helps you get an idea of what women are really looking for, whether they know it or not!