10 Top Reasons Single Women are Not Interested in You

  1. You lean towards her and she leans back away from you.
  2. She starts turning away from you.
  3. She doesn't make eye contact with you.
  4. She folds her arms across her chest.
  5. Double crosses her legs at the ankle.
  6. She touches her nose often while she's with you.
  7. A limp or hanging hand can indicate boredom with you.
  8. When talking to you, her eyes keep glancing at other guys around her.
  9. She makes no effort to talk to you. She doesn't reply to any of your comments, doesn't answer your questions, and doesn't ask any questions about yourself. Unless she just doesn't feel good or is moody this could indicate that she's not interested in you and you will be wasting your time.
  10. And last, she just come out an tell you to get lost, go away, go to hell, or ever worse, to fuck off!
 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

1st Dates with Topless Dancers

On your first date with a topless dancer, never make the first move and never ever try to get her in bed on the first date. Remember, that these girls see the same type of shitheads on a daily basis, so the trick is to be different than the 98% of the horny guys in heat that frequent the topless clubs. Not trying anything will give her a false sense of security knowing that you're not trying to hump them right out of the gate. You gain their trust and this is very important.

On your next date or two with her she will become so sexually aggressive that she's ready to screw your brains out. It all boils down to turning the tables on her, always keep her guessing and trying to figure you out, and being just out of her grasp. This becomes a game she's not familiar with, they don't know the rules and aren't smart enough to figure out that you're just as horny as all the other swinging dicks that see them, you're just more clever.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

When playing games of the mind with these types of women, it's like taking candy from a baby, they have no frame of reference other then shaking their ass and squatting naked for dollar bills!

Advice on Understanding Single Women

Do you sometimes have a hard time understanding single women? How they act and how they think? Does it sometimes seem like they are from another planet?

Well, let me give you some advice to help you out in understanding single women and people in general. The first mistake you're making is expecting her to think like you do and be like you. You expect her to see the world as you do.

This is a big mistake! She will never be like you or think like you. She will not be a clone of yourself. We are all unique individuals and not alike. It would be a pretty boring world if we were all alike and thought alike. Don't you agree?

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

We all have different opinions of things and see the world differently. And don't make the mistake of trying to change a woman that you're dating into someone like yourself. Sorry, it just won't happen. Accept her as she is, faults and all.

People are resistant to change and if you're constantly trying to change her you are just going to end up alienating her.

So, in closing, remember this: Any single woman you meet will not think exactly like you or be like you. If you can accept this statement, it will go a long way in helping you to understand single women and people in general.

P.S. - I'm sure that you've heard the old saying that, "opposites attract." Well, I think this statement is misleading to have a good a good relationship. If you don't have a lot in common I think this hurts a relationship. You need to share common interests and if you disagree on everything, all this does is create friction and is detrimental to creating a strong and loving relationship.

P.P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

Art of How to Get Single Women to Like You

One of the easiest ways to get single women to like you is just simply by paying attention to them.

And the best way to capture her attention is to revolve your conversation around the things that she is interested in. People in general tend to pay attention to the things that interest them and block out the things that hold no interest to them.

Just the act of paying lots of attention to your date will reap enormous rewards. The more you pay attention to her the more she's going to feel important and valuable.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

Just the opposite of this can get you in a lot of trouble and cause you to lose favor from your date. If you pay no attention to what she's saying, guess what's going to happen? She's going to assume that you're not interested in her and she may become angry because you're not interested in what she has to say.

Maybe I shouldn't be saying this, but fake it if you have to. Pretend you're interested in what she has to say out of courtesy and respect. People don't like to be ignored.

Let me give you a simple dating tip that is the key to paying attention to your date. The art of paying attention is to listen intently and carefully to what she is saying. This will go a long way in building trust and respect and getting her to like you and feel comfortable with you.

Another tip I want to share with you is during your conversation don't spend all your time concentrating on what you're going to say next or what you want to say. When you do this your mind will tend to tune out what she is saying because your mind is so busy thinking of what you're going to say next. Focus first on what she's saying and give it your undivided attention.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

How to Succeed With Women Using Mental Focus

This week I want to talk about the subject of mental focus to help you succeed with single women. Anything you focus your mind on on a consistent basis with all your heart and 100% effort will bring about that which you focus on.

So what do you need to focus on? I'm sure there are areas in your love life that need improvement. Here are some examples to focus on:

  1. Don't have a girlfriend? - focus your mind on finding a girlfriend. Do whatever it takes to meet and find her.
  2. Lonely? - focus your mind on establishing new friendships with the opposite sex. It doesn't have to be a romantic friendship. It can just be a female companion to just hang out with.
  3. Horny? - we all know what spells relief for this problem. Focus your mind on finding a woman to solve this problem.

These are just a few examples. I'm sure you can think of other dating problems that you need to solve by focusing on their solutions.

The power of using positive mental focus can do wonders in improving your dating and love life. Negative mental focus can do lots of harm to you succeeding with single women. Here's a couple of negative examples that bring you setbacks in your pursuit of single women for love, romance, and relationships:

  1. You keep focusing on why your love life is not working.
  2. You focus on having bad luck with women and why is this happening to me?
What's bad about the above examples is that if you focus on them enough this is what you will experience. You will create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, what you want to be sure and do is have positive mental focus to bring about the positive changes you want in your love life.

Totally focus on the positive changes and actions you are going to take to find love and romance.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

Totally consume your mind with thoughts of finding someone special. Before you know it that person will suddenly appear out of nowhere. We tend to attract the things that we constantly focus on.

In closing, try this system of intense focusing to help you succeed with single women beyond your wildest dreams.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com

A Few Misconceptions About Mailorder Brides

Probably the most common misconception is the idea that what all these single foreign women want is to come to America.

The truth is that, while coming to America has a attraction for some women, this is not the main motivation for most foreign women seeking American husbands. Probably the majority of single foreign women are attracted to American men simply because they see them as better than the men at home. In many countries the lot of a woman is not very pleasant. They are not treated well by the men in their own cultures and they see Americans as men who treat their wives quite well.

In comparison with the men found in most countries, American men are a pretty good lot. They are certainly the most sought after men in the world by women seeking husbands. A lot of people jump to the conclusion that the main reason for this is that the women are all primarily interested in coming to America and that's their main motivation. This is untrue.

For the most part, the single foreign women looking for American husbands are simply seeking a good husband, first and foremost. For those living in poor countries the prospect of coming to America is a factor, but it's usually never the primary one. Most women are simply looking for good husbands. They want husbands who will provide good homes for them, who will treat them well and not beat them or run around on them. They get all too much of that at home and are seeking something better.

In the light of the O. J. Simpson case, sensation-seeking media paint the picture as though wife abuse is a far greater problem in the US than it really is. The truth is that, while there is a problem, it's not nearly as bad in America, as a percentage of total population, as it is in many other cultures. Foreign women know this. That's the major reason why so many of them are interested in finding an American husband.

The main reason why American men are so highly sought after as husbands is because American men, as a whole, treat women far better than do the men in most other countries. American men treat their wives extremely well, by world standards. In contrast to American women, who are widely viewed as the world's worst wives, American men are widely viewed as the world's best husbands. This is what makes them so attractive to single foreign women.

This week's contribution is from Gary Clark, the author of, "Your Bride Is In The Mail."

P.S. If you would like more information from our website on where to find foreign single women to meet and marry please click here.

Avoid Treating Single Women Like One of the Guys

I'm sure that you are aware of how you act when you're around your buddies. You tend to joke around with each other, tease each other with insulting comments that are meant to be humorous, get involved in horseplay, etc. This is all done in fun and not meant to offend anyone. It's just a guy thing.

It's ok to act this way when you're around your buddies, but don't do it when you're on a date. One surefire way to ruin a potential relationship is to treat her like one of the guys. Don't do it!

When you tease, poke fun at, degrade, make offensive remarks all in fun at your date guess what happens? If she's the sensitive type, she will get very offended. You may think this behavior is no big deal because you're used to acting this way around your buddies, but trust me guys, she won't appreciate it and hold it against you.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

You see, while you're making all these meant to be funny comments, she is keeping score. And the score is not in you favor my friend. She will remember all your teasing and insults and take it personally.

In closing, I just can't stress to you enough how important it is to not treat single women you date like one of the guys. You will just end up hurting her feelings.

Do this instead: Make her feel good about herself and be as romantic and affectionate towards her as possible. You will have much, much more success with single women if you will take this approach.

P.S. Also, don't treat your date like one of the guys when you're on a double date. This makes matters much worse because you will be offending her in front of others and this will really alienate her. Plus, the other girl won't appreciate it either.

And when they go to the restroom together they may make comments to each other about what a creep you are. By being labeled a creep, this sure isn't going to help you get a second date. Wouldn't you agree?

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com