Using Women For Decorating Your Home

Using Women to Decorate and Furnish Your Home

Take a woman with you when you plan on furnishing and decorating your home. I just bought a new home and really had very little clues on how to decorate it. If you have the money to do so, take a female friend with you shopping. We all know how women love to shop…especially if she's spending someone else's money. She'll let you know what she thinks looks good (hopefully you've chosen someone with good taste), then when you take her recommendations she'll be oh so happy.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

An added bonus is that she'll enjoy coming over to your place, since she helped decorate it. One warning on this though, you may not want to take your girlfriend if you guys are really close. What happens when you buy all this stuff and you end up breaking up with her a few months down the road? Well, you walk through your place and everything you see reminds you of her.

So…choose your shopping partner wisely. I had a great time letting someone else decorate my house, plus I made them happy by letting them do what they do best - shop!


Spiritual Advice: With your walk and trust with Christ you can know with absolute certainty that no matter what occurs in your dating and relationships that through Christ you can handle it.

A Letter for Attracting Single Women From Personal Ads

Here's a letter I used to respond to personal ads to successfully meet and attract women like crazy:


This letter is in response to your recent "personal" ad. Your ad really captured my attention and you sound like someone I would like to really like to get to know better. In order for you to get to know me better, here's a little bit about myself:


I am a single financially secure businessman, 1947 model, low mileage, high performance. Bumped a few times, but never wrecked. Proven ability to hug the road and not wander off course. Exterior in mint condition, warm, affectionate, sensitive interior, never soiled. Factory equipped package includes stereo, humor, depth, imagination and intelligence. Radio picks up all kinds of rock and classical. Spacious seats with plenty of room for passenger...runs on high-octane fun and romance, lifetime supply included.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

Available for inspection by female drivers only, prefer affectionate woman, no dependents, eye-catching exterior, self-confident, intelligent, warm, sincere with sense of humor and full set of tools.

I come from a close solid family, would like to have little Toyotas some day. Equipped with nice endowment. Only driven once a week by little old lady to/from church. To arrange test drive, please write or call me at 802-484-2425 (anytime). HAPPY MOTORING!

P.S. Feel free to modify this letter to use for yourself. Try works like crazy!

A Few Datings Tips on How to Succeed With Single Women

  • Regarding "pick-up lines," unless the lines are well-executed, no pick-up line in the world will achieve the desired results. Timing and demeanor are critical factors. You need to keep girls guessing. Don't give them too much, too quickly about yourself.
  • Be aware that some single women will play hard-to-get intentionally, because they don't want to appear to be too easy.
  • Always do everything you can to make a women feel special. Also, tell her she's very special. Single women love to feel wanted, respected, and appreciated.
  • The more you try to pick up single women the more used to it you'll become. This will help you gain confidence and practice makes perfect.
  • Don't ever assume because a woman looks like she's right out of the pages of Playboy that she has a boyfriend. This is not necessarily true and if she is seeing someone, maybe it's not serious or she's not happy with him.

     Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

  • Don't overlook average-looking single women. They are a lot of fun and they can become quite beautiful in your own eyes once you get to know them. Always remember that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
  • Attractive single women get complimented all the time about how beautiful they are. Be a little different and compliment her on things she's not used to hearing such as: eyebrows, nose, ears, kissable lips, eyes, dimples, fingernails, etc.
  • Remember that single women get horny too. Some single women are looking for sex too. If they haven't had sex in awhile they crave sex. Maybe you'll be the luck guy that satisfies their sexual needs!
P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at:

Important prayers

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 | 0 comments »


Spiritual Advice: These are the two most important prayers to say when you are dating:

1. When something good happens in your dating life say, “Thank you Jesus.”

2. When things are going wrong in your dating life say, “Help me Lord.”


Are You Getting Too Personal With Single Women

Most single women expect to answer easy, straight-forward questions when they first meet guys. Such questions are part of the ritual of becoming acquainted. What's more, she's likely to be complimented by your show of genuine interest. From initial, impersonal topics, you can go on to discuss personal backgrounds and interests. By exchanging details about yourselves, you can get to know each other quickly - and determine if you'd like to pursue the contact, perhaps.

I would advise you to not ask too many questions. You are not interviewing her and if you continuously ask one question after another, she will tire of your questions and lose interest in you. Just keep your conversation with her flowing and after you ask her a question, focus your conversation towards her answers. Don't follow it up with just another question.

 Drive Women Wild with Powerful Pheromone Cologne

When might a question be too personal? Practice will help you develop sensitivity to what sort of questions single women are glad to answer in various stages of a relationship. If you have any doubts about whether a question is appropriate, preface it with a statement like: "May I ask if....?" or "If you don't mind telling me...." or "I hope I'm not being too personal...." If she doesn't feel pressured to reply, they'll usually respond cordially to the extent they're comfortable.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at:


Spiritual Advice: Pray every day for someone special to come into your life so Jesus can lead the way and chart your course.