Attracting Women by Acting Like a West Point Cadet

This week I want to talk about posture to help you attract women:

I can remember when I was growing up, my mom would always tell me to stand straight and keep my shoulders back like a West Point cadet. As I became an adult, I'm so glad she made me aware of my posture. And it made me feel more confident with women. When I would walk into a room or nightclub filled with desirable single women, I would stick my chest out and feel confident that I could have any woman in the place.

Posture and manner can contribute greatly to sex appeal, or conversely, diminish it. You may have noticed that some women can appear much more attractive and sexually desirable than their looks alone would warrant because of the sex appeal they convey through posture, voice, smile, vigor of personality. The same is equally true of men.

If you have a sloppy posture, an awkward walk, a slumped, flabby way of carrying yourself, attention to more erect, vigorous, confident, assertive posture can make you many times more attractive and persuasive to the opposite sex. Don't be afraid to practice in front of a mirror. Practice walking with your head up, your chin in, your back erect, your chest as far out as you can push it, and your belly sucked in tight!

Merely standing and walking in this way is terrifically beneficial exercise. But, it is also ever effective in magnifying your sex appeal. Think of the West Point posture as a general pattern model and then develop a posture pattern of your own which is more natural for you, but further in the West Point posture direction than what you possess now.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice on How to Meet Attractive Young Women

This week I wanted pass along a great article from one of my subscribers on how to score with young attractive women:

Don, I'm 35 living in Chicago and I'm a Christian. I'm rather liberal and my church isn't aware of my activities. I was on a Christian chat room one evening one day after a date with another woman who e-mailed me a "Dear John" letter. The excuse was that it was her and she got out of a relationship two years ago and she still cares for the guy - the most phony excuse I've ever heard...I just let her go...didn't respond back to her. I'm a rather emotional guy, I was upset, crying a bit, because this (Puerto Rican) Woman was hot. She went back to her country over Christmas for 3 weeks, wrote me e-mails every day and called me on Christmas morning and told me what a wonderful person I was. After the date when she got back, she came up with that excuse.

Well, I was on a Christian chat room as I described above. The subject was for singles and I put out a statement, "I need to speak to a Christian sister (the way we say female friend in the church). One woman responded and asked me what I wanted to talk about. I told her, "I just don't understand women" (This happened by accident...just acting stupid). I really don't understand women sometimes.

Well, I told her about the story above and she told me that she just broke up with a boyfriend who "used her for sex". I asked her, "How did that make you feel" and she responded, "Like crying and I was depressed". She was written a Dear John letter as well; it was a lot nastier than the one I received. Where I was disappointed with a few dates with one, she was really hurting with her situation. I immediately got off the subject and I started going to light subjects -What do you do for a living? What Church do you attend? What volunteer activities are you involved with there? You know some open ended questions (just like in sales where I work)

She responded that she was working a full-time job as well as being in the nursery at church as a part-time job and she didn't like it because she didn't have the freedom to attend church like she wanted. I used a process in sales that we call mirroring (I understand how you must have felt. Perhaps you were looking for a relief person so you could attend church sometimes) and she said that's how she felt...just trapped in that part-time job.

Well, I asked her what she likes to do for fun and she talked about some hobbies, going to movies, dinner - she's not one of these high maintenance women.

You gain rapport by asking questions. If the questions are more personal, you have to add a beginning to it, for example, do you mind if I ask you something personal or Let me ask you a question...then spring it on - What went wrong with your boyfriend and you? They will rehash the thing. Then you ask, so, what would have been a better way for him to handle things? and she responds...

Then you ask, if you found a man like that would you be interested in seeing him? And she says, "Yea, I really would".

I made my own list of questions that I used as a guideline that I wrote down (she's in a chat room she cant see them). These open-ended questions are put in a certain order to meet the get a girlfriend/lover/wife.......whatever you are looking for you can adjust the wording. Hang around one of your buddies who seem to score often (play pool or darts in a bar full of women). Play that game and keep an eye on your buddy. Observe.

I'm in Chicago, 35 y/o and 50lbs overweight, she's in New Orleans, 23, attractive brunette with curves...we exchanged photos. She took her own money, without argument and flew to Chicago and spent a week at my place and gave me the ride of my life...she didn't care that I was 50lbs overweight. Just by building a rapport with her she gained my trust - I met her needs - loneliness and being horny. Now she's looking for a job up in Chicago and she wants to move in with me! :-)

How a woman is horny is all up in her head and how you build that rapport. Never do anything to undermine that trust (look at other women when you are out eating at a restaurant and she will not see you again). Don't open doors for her and she will never see you again. Don't call out someone else's name while in your sleep or making love to her. Remember to have her talk about herself a lot. She has to do 70% of the talking and you have to ask open-ended questions (such as I've described above).

The woman was also qualified because of the fact that she admitted to me that her boyfriend used her for sex (she is looking for satisfaction and a regular boyfriend/lover/maybe husband).

She may ask you a few questions on the first date, that's ok...there are 2 ways to answer politely:

1. Answer the question outright
2. Some alternative answer.

One of the stumper questions she may ask on the first date (after I talked to her on the net):

1. How many girlfriends or relationships have you had, what went wrong? (She wants to know that you are normal...she doesn't want an outright answer)

You may answer this way - I've had a few relationships, some better than others and they were something of a learning experience. (In other are strong and you are not hurting).

I think open ended questions like some of what I listed are quite powerful if I can get a woman who is actively looking for a job across the country from where she is living only after knowing her for a month. The key is a qualified woman.

Qualified means - Single, not attached...never touch a buddies woman...never touch a married woman...never touch a separated woman (they still be married and lie)...and its ok to date someone who has been divorced for a year.

This one that I met had one sexual encounter with someone from Germany and he wasn't really a boyfriend. Since it wasn't a long-term relationship like marriage, I believe that women (or men) can bounce back quicker from something like that verses a "freshly divorced" person. I've been in both circumstances. I don't endorse or condone one-night stands a few happened to me and that isn't what I was about. I wanted either a long-term live-in-girlfriend or eventually wife and family. Just tweak my wording a little bit if your needs are different and it will work!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Attracting Single Women with Colognes

This week I want to focus on how to use cologne to meet single women. This method works great in bars and nightclubs especially well. However, it can be used anywhere you happen to be where you see women you'd like to meet.

Here's How It Works:

1. Put a small bottle of cologne in your pocket when you go out. I would recommend a top of the line cologne such as Polo. Even better I would choose a pheromone cologne such as "Liquid Magnet" (this product will give you an edge because when the women you approach smell it, it can make them desire you sexually and more friendly towards you).

2. Approach a woman you are attracted to and take out your bottle of cologne and say, "I just bought some new cologne. Could you smell it and tell me if it turns you on?" Whether she says yes or no doesn't really matter. The whole purpose of this method is just a ploy to meet her and introduce yourself. It's a great ice-breaker, so to speak.

3. If her answer is no to the question of if the cologne turns her on, then I recommend that you say this: "Well, if the cologne doesn't turn you on, do I turn you on?" Hopefully she will say yes and things will look very promising to develop some intimacy or at least get to know her and get her phone number.

If she says no to this question, then put some cologne on your neck and let her smell it and say, "do I turn you on now?" If she still says no and she acts like she's not the least bit interested in you, maybe it's time to move on and try this method of meeting single women on someone else.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Advice on How to Get Women Interested in You

TIP #1 - Yes, sexy single women are attracted sexually and romantically to men with nice bodies and having a fit body usually means that you take care of yourself and take pride in your body.

However, there's one way that fitness can backfire on you and actually cause women to lose interest in you. Let me explain...if you are an exercise freak and your whole life revolves around bodybuilding and all you can talk about is your body and exercising, this can turn off women who don't share your enthusiasm. Due to your obsession with yourself, they may even think you are self-centered and stuck on yourself.

All I'm saying is you can have a nice body, but focus all your attention on the woman you're with. Your body will speak for itself; you don't have to constantly call attention to it. You don't have to cram your exercising and fitness lifestyle down a woman's throat unless you both are consumed with fitness.

TIP #2 - Keep your fingernails and toenails short and clean. Women notice things like dirty or long fingernails and toenails. It may surprise you, but a woman may not even date you because of unsightly fingernails or toenails.

TIP #3 - If you have gray or graying hair, leave it alone! Don't dye it or cover it up! Most single women are very attracted to men with gray or graying hair. They think it looks sexy and distinguished.

TIP #4 - If you have a moustache, be sure and keep it short and neatly trimmed. Women are turned off by long moustaches that invade their nostrils during kissing. Also, keep it clean and don't let it collect food.

TIP #5 - Here's another problem that can turn some single women off. It's your nose hair and ear hair. As you get

older these hairs grow like a weed and can become unsightly to some women. Trim your nose hairs and when you get a haircut have stylist clip the hair out of your ears.

In closing, be aware that single women notice little things about your appearance that you may not even be aware of or things you may not consider important. The name of the game is attracting sexy single women and you certainly don't want them to be turned off by some flaw in your looks, which you can easily correct.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Attracting Single Women by Making them Feel Special

This week I want to discuss how to make single women feel special:

The most important thing you can do to make single women feel romantically attracted to you is to make her feel special. Women are a lot less interested in the way you appear to her than in the way to make her feel about herself.

It's very important to make single women feel special and unique. In return, she will feel that you are also special and unique.

So, how do you make a single woman feel special? You tell her by saying something like this: "There's something very special about you. I noticed you the second I first saw you. You have a very unique face that's so exotic I can't explain it. You're more than just attractive. There's something very unique and original about your look."

Just say this to a woman you've just met and watch her reaction. I can guarantee you her face will light up with a smile and she will radiate warmth towards you.

So, remember when you're out on the prowl looking for romance, sex, or a relationship, don't forget to tell women that there's something special about them. Make them feel that they are the most important and special person on the earth. If you can do this, you're love and sex life will skyrocket!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

Attracting Single Women by Helping Them Deal with Stress

This week I want to focus on helping singe women deal with stress. Having stress in your life is just a fact of life. There is just no escaping it. We all have problems and stress.

Women and men deal with stress and problems differently. And if you know the secrets of helping single women deal with stress, you will attract more women because you know how to soothe their emotions.

Let me explain the secrets to attracting single women by helping them deal with stress:

Women like to deal with their problems by talking about them repeatedly. Therefore, if you're on a date or in a relationship and she starts venting her problems, here's how to deal with it to make a good impression on her:

1. Listen...listen...listen! Let her vent and get things off her chest. Just listen and look at her right swear in the eyes. Act like you're truly concerned about her problems. Fake it if you have to. She needs you to listen to help her deal with her stress.

2. While she's venting her problems, don't interrupt her with your solutions. All she wants is for someone to listen to her and sympathize with her.

3. Whatever you do, don't tell her:

"Get over it." "It's no big deal." "Calm down." "Chill out."

This is not what she wants to hear and may ever piss her off.

There you have it. If you will follow these three important steps you help her deal with stress and you will be a lot more popular with single women.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

5 Senses to Use to Attract and Seduce Single Women

This week I want to talk about the five senses. I'm sure you're aware of them. They are:

  • Sound
  • Touch
  • Sight
  • Taste
  • Smell
So, what in the hell do the five senses have to do with succeeding with single women? A lot, my friend. To make yourself attractive to single women and help you to seduce them you must try to appeal to their senses. All five at one time if you can.

Let me give you some good examples of how to use the five senses to help you score with single women. Let's use this scenario: You're on a date and you invite her back to your place. Here's how to appeal to her senses:

Sound - Play soft and romantic music in the background.

Touch - Stroke her hair. Even better, give her a back massage.

Sight - Gaze into her eyes. Give her that, "I want to make love to you" look.

Smell - Buy a single rose in advance of your date. When at your place give her the rose and make sure that she smells it. Also, be sure to wear an expensive, good-smelling cologne.

There you have it. Appealing to all of her senses to get her warmed up and ready so she will be receptive to your romantic advances for intimacy. Now it's up to you. Go for it! Make your moves!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: