Advice on How to Win Back a Lost Love or Girlfriend

Have you ever wanted to win back an old lost love or girlfriend? Well, here's some advice on how to do it:

Although you may not want to hear this, a love that has been lost is usually not worth the effort to regain. One reason for this is that the individual himself, after finally regaining the love, finds his own love has to a degree waned or atrophied in the meantime. This peculiar situation is no doubt due to the fact that one is inclined to think, at the time, that he cares more for the one whose love he has lost than he actually does. Once given a chance to pause and catch up, to cast sentiment aside and reason the matter out in a common sense way, he begins to realize the unfairness and perhaps the deceptions the lady in the case may have practiced; he begins to see her as she is, her faults and short-comings loom large before his eyes.

It must be remembered that even though a man may care ever so much for a woman, this does not give her the right to trample upon and to take advantage of the affection he has for her. In nine cases out of ten, were a man to wait a few weeks or a few months or even a year before trying to regain a woman's love, he would, during that time, find someone more worthy, more caring, more beautiful and more suited to him in every way.

Where a man does cast sentiment aside and in the light of clear reasoning finds that he actually wants and cares for a woman, he should still not permit himself to brood and become melancholy over the broken romance; instead he should mix with friends and go about as though he meant to forget the affair altogether. He should appear as happy and light-hearted as possible, and in many cases these actions on the man's part will bring the woman to her senses, however, he should not rush to her the very moment she indicates he is the least bit welcome, but should continue to show considerable indifference. Until a very definite understanding has been reached he should let himself appear in the position of man who is torn by conflicting desires and emotions, of wanting the woman's love and of also wanting to see the wide, wide world, other friends, other single women and other loves.

There are cases where a man loses the love a good, true woman through faults which are purely his own. Such cases usually demand from him a complete explanation or a sincere apology, depending upon the circumstances. If the explanation or apology offered is not at first accepted, try, try again. If you can convince a real woman that you love her with a love that is true, she is likely to forgive you for almost anything you may do; most good single women realize that humanity is weak and that some men are weaker, so they learn to forgive and forget.

In some of the most obstinate cases, where a lost love is worth the effort to regain, a man may leave the scene of the love affair for an indefinite period of time and his absence alone may cause the love of the woman to return. However, while away the man should not be too prompt in communicating and by no means should he apprise the lady of his doings; she should be kept in complete suspense or made to feel that considerable mystery surrounds him in his new location. This lack of information; of keeping her in suspense serves to hold her interest, and interest alone often leads to love.

While away the man should secretly strive to improve himself mentally, socially and physically. Through these improvements it is possible for one to improve themselves to the extent that they become a different person, a better man in every way. After you have obtained the desired results in the upbuilding of yourself, you may return to the old love as a new man, full of fire, ambition and determination, literally sweeping her off her feet. Although the foregoing may sound slightly ridiculous to you, it has been done time and time again.

It must be said that we are too often judged only by what we are, by what we have actually accomplished, and not by what we are striving to accomplish. Many people, especially women, are inclined to admire only the finished product and not the rough diamond while it is in the course of being polished.

Therefore, whatever one may do to improve his appearance, to advance himself socially and to broaden his mentality, he should do secretly and without appearing to do so. You cannot surprise people and dazzle them with your accomplishments if they have long known that you have been studying, striving and preparing with those very things as an objective. When one has cultivated himself to the highest degree of splendor, he should leave the impression that any good qualities he may have are merely a part of his nature and as such are of little importance's; he should let it be known that far higher things are his ultimate goal, and since most single women are prone to judge a man by comparison, they will in doing this discover that he is superior to others of their acquaintance. Once a single woman has known the friendship of a man of taste and culture, she finds it quite impossible to reconcile herself to those who are inferior.

4 Signs That Indicate Single Women Are Not Interested in You

This week I would like to share some information on how to tell if a single woman is not interested in you. These are signs to look for:

  1. She won't make herself available. Even though they may sound like valid excuses, if she were interested, she would make herself available to see you.
  2. If arranging a date to get together becomes a struggle and you are the only one working on the problem, move on.
  3. Conversations will be awkward and forced. After all, you are the only one trying to keep it going.
  4. Conversations and the tone in her voice will be neutral. Not necessarily negative, but they will be absent of that up-beat positive mood that an interested girl gives.
The important thing to remember is that most single girls don't want to hurt your feelings. So, if they aren't interested, they will be just neutral in their tone and expect you to pick up the fact that there is an absence of a "come on" in their manner. Many men will assume that since a girl hasn't come out and said, "drop dead," then maybe she is interested.

Don't forget, if you aren't sure whether or not a girl is interested in you, then she probably is not. When a girl is interested, she will let you know.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

A List of What Single Women Like and Dislike in a Man

This week we will focus on what turns single women on and what turns single women off. It's very important to know these things so you will know what to do to attract and turn women on. Also, by knowing what turns women off, you can avoid making mistakes that men make which can cause a woman not to be attracted to you.

Listed here are things about men that turns on single women, according to hundreds of single women surveyed:

  • Meeting men in a public place naturally and by accident.
  • Honest men.
  • Nice men who treat them with respect.
  • Men in tight jeans.
  • A man with a good sense of humor.
  • Men with a outgoing and friendly personality.
  • A man who is ambitious and knows where he is going in life.
  • Men who have the ability to be himself and not try to put on an act.
  • Men who listen to you and try to get to know you.
Listed here are things about men that turn single women off, according to hundreds of single women surveyed:
  • Men who act "Macho" and have an overinflated ego.
  • Men wearing too much jewelry.
  • Men trying to impress you by talking about their material possessions (car, yacht, mansion, penthouse, wealth, etc.).
  • Unclean men.
  • Men obsessed with sports (all they talk about is sports and spend their weekends camped on the couch watching sports).
  • Overweight men with a potbelly.
  • Show-offs.
  • Men constantly pawing at their bodies.
  • Men who give too many compliments.
  • Guys always looking in the mirror and flexing their muscles.
  • Men who are too sexually aggressive.
  • Drunks.
  • Men who belch and fart in public.
In closing, use these guidelines and adjust your behavior accordingly to meet, date, attract, and seduce more single women.

Advice on How to Win Back a Lost Love or Girlfriend

Have you ever wanted to win back an old lost love or girlfriend? Well, here's some advice on how to do it:

Although you may not want to hear this, a love that has been lost is usually not worth the effort to regain. One reason for this is that the individual himself, after finally regaining the love, finds his own love has to a degree waned or atrophied in the meantime. This peculiar situation is no doubt due to the fact that one is inclined to think, at the time, that he cares more for the one whose love he has lost than he actually does. Once given a chance to pause and catch up, to cast sentiment aside and reason the matter out in a common sense way, he begins to realize the unfairness and perhaps the deceptions the lady in the case may have practiced; he begins to see her as she is, her faults and short-comings loom large before his eyes.

It must be remembered that even though a man may care ever so much for a woman, this does not give her the right to trample upon and to take advantage of the affection he has for her. In nine cases out of ten, were a man to wait a few weeks or a few months or even a year before trying to regain a woman's love, he would, during that time, find someone more worthy, more caring, more beautiful and more suited to him in every way.

Where a man does cast sentiment aside and in the light of clear reasoning finds that he actually wants and cares for a woman, he should still not permit himself to brood and become melancholy over the broken romance; instead he should mix with friends and go about as though he meant to forget the affair altogether. He should appear as happy and light-hearted as possible, and in many cases these actions on the man's part will bring the woman to her senses, however, he should not rush to her the very moment she indicates he is the least bit welcome, but should continue to show considerable indifference. Until a very definite understanding has been reached he should let himself appear in the position of man who is torn by conflicting desires and emotions, of wanting the woman's love and of also wanting to see the wide, wide world, other friends, other single women and other loves.

There are cases where a man loses the love a good, true woman through faults which are purely his own. Such cases usually demand from him a complete explanation or a sincere apology, depending upon the circumstances. If the explanation or apology offered is not at first accepted, try, try again. If you can convince a real woman that you love her with a love that is true, she is likely to forgive you for almost anything you may do; most good single women realize that humanity is weak and that some men are weaker, so they learn to forgive and forget.

In some of the most obstinate cases, where a lost love is worth the effort to regain, a man may leave the scene of the love affair for an indefinite period of time and his absence alone may cause the love of the woman to return. However, while away the man should not be too prompt in communicating and by no means should he apprise the lady of his doings; she should be kept in complete suspense or made to feel that considerable mystery surrounds him in his new location. This lack of information; of keeping her in suspense serves to hold her interest, and interest alone often leads to love.

While away the man should secretly strive to improve himself mentally, socially and physically. Through these improvements it is possible for one to improve themselves to the extent that they become a different person, a better man in every way. After you have obtained the desired results in the upbuilding of yourself, you may return to the old love as a new man, full of fire, ambition and determination, literally sweeping her off her feet. Although the foregoing may sound slightly ridiculous to you, it has been done time and time again.

It must be said that we are too often judged only by what we are, by what we have actually accomplished, and not by what we are striving to accomplish. Many people, especially women, are inclined to admire only the finished product and not the rough diamond while it is in the course of being polished.

Therefore, whatever one may do to improve his appearance, to advance himself socially and to broaden his mentality, he should do secretly and without appearing to do so. You cannot surprise people and dazzle them with your accomplishments if they have long known that you have been studying, striving and preparing with those very things as an objective. When one has cultivated himself to the highest degree of splendor, he should leave the impression that any good qualities he may have are merely a part of his nature and as such are of little importance's; he should let it be known that far higher things are his ultimate goal, and since most single women are prone to judge a man by comparison, they will in doing this discover that he is superior to others of their acquaintance. Once a single woman has known the friendship of a man of taste and culture, she finds it quite impossible to reconcile herself to those who are inferior.

How to Tell if Single Women are Really Interested in you

This week I would like to share some information for you on how to tell if a single woman is interested in you:

1. She will put herself in your way - she will make herself available. If she says no to a date, she will go out of her way to make sure you know she wants you to ask again.

2. Conversations will continue and flow even when you don't have things in common.

3. She will be looking at you - making eye contact and smiling.

4. She will initiate conversation, make compliments, and say positive things about you.

5. The tone in her voice will show interest and excitement. In general, the mood when she is with you will be up and positive, instead of just neutral.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

How to Meet Single Women Using Your Subconcious Mind

This week I want to talk about how to meet, date, and attract, single women using mental pictures:

It is a known fact that whatever a man can conceive mentally, he can bring into materialization. Meeting and picking up single women for some love, intimacy, and romance must follow if the proper mental pictures are created and maintained, for this sets in motion the law of cause and effect.

To help you create the mental pictures of meeting and picking up single women, I will describe a very effective method to saturate your subconscious mind with mental pictures.

You well need about four cards. The back of business will do just great. Just write the word, "LOVE CONNECTION," or any other word or words you associate with meeting and picking up single women with on these cards. Carry one in your wallet, place one on your bathroom mirror, place one by your bed, then another one where you work.

Whenever you look at these cards, mentally picture yourself meeting and picking up single women. By placing these cards in various areas, this will enable you to see mentally, the pictures at all hours of the day.

In addition to using the cards during the day, it is best to look at them before you go to sleep at night and upon awaking in the morning and mentally picture yourself meeting and picking up many sexy single women. These two periods of the day are highly important moments to concentrate upon thoughts with added force and emotion. It is helpful to form these pictures throughout the day because the more often you form your mental pictures backed with desire, the speedier the materialization.

In conclusion, you should tell nobody what the words on the cards mean or give anyone any suggestion as to what you are trying to accomplish. Just keep it to yourself. Any outside ridicule or criticism can be detrimental to your success with these methods.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:

A Goal Setting System to Build Confidence with Single Women

This week I want to talk about confidence with women:

The power of confidence with single women...confidence in your voice, posture, manner, your total personality, has a tremendous power and glamour in getting along with single women, but it can't work if it's completely phony. It has to be sincere.

Yet, no matter how lacking you are in confidence you can gain it surely, firmly, genuinely. It is gained the same way learning and growing is gained. You learn...that is, you can learn...from a book, but not merely by reading it. You have to master it, live it, practice it, make it part of your blood, flesh, nerves. Then it is yours!

Every time you give yourself a modest, attainable goal, but one which does require some effort and some courage, and you accomplish it, you build another pound of confidence into your bones, flesh and fiber and nervous system - where it must grow and develop if it is to be genuine and durable.

How to you start? Give yourself a small immediate goal and carry it out. Then go on to bigger and better things. If you are afraid of and shy around single women, take out any woman, and every woman, as often as you can. Each time pat yourself on the back mentally and feel yourself grow more relaxed and secure in the company of single women. Set a goal of getting a date with that single woman you're attracted to at the office, that waitress you like at the restaurant you visit often, that bartender at the club you hang out at, that checker at the supermarket that gets you all hot and bothered, etc. and ask her! Whether she accepts or turns you down, at least be gratified that you were able to carry through the action of asking, of going out and trying to get a date for yourself, on your own.

If you have an address book with some single eligible women in it, call them up and ask them for a date. It does not matter if you saw her a long time ago and did not hit it off or a woman who refused you for a date, make yourself call her and ask her out again!

Set yourself a goal of talking to a strange single woman at the supermarket, laundromat, at a concert, while standing in line at the movie, women sitting at the bar, single women on the bus, single women standing in the street, single women in the elevator, just anywhere and everywhere today! Even if it never gets further than a few casual comments exchanged between you, it will build your confidence and skill and prepare you for more ambitious goals next time. You build confidence by doing in small ways and forcing yourself forward to gradually bigger and bigger goals! Like meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing any single sexy woman you desire!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: