How to Find the Perfect Gift for a Girlfriend

5 Ways to Get Birthday Gift Ideas and Boyfriend Bonus Points

Trying to find the perfect birthday gift for your girlfriend can be pretty difficult. Most men will labor over this purchase, as they want to impress their girlfriend with a unique and thoughtful gift. If you are looking for a birthday gift, simply use one or more of these tactics. Use these 5 ways to get birthday gift ideas (and boyfriend bonus points) to get your girlfriend the best birthday gift possible.

Simply Ask for a List

One of the easiest ways to get birthday gift ideas is to ask your girlfriend what she wants for her birthday. While this may seem unoriginal, it is perfect for those who struggle to find the right gift for their loved ones. When you ask them what they want, you can be sure that they will use and enjoy their gift. It may be unoriginal, but it will give them exactly what they want.

Talk to Her Best Friends

If you are looking for the perfect gift for your girlfriend, turn to her best friends. Her best friends will know exactly what she wants, and will be able to give you multiple ideas. You need to make sure that you find a friend who can keep a secret, however, as you do not want a friend running the surprise.

Talk to her Family

A good approach to take, when looking for a gift for your girlfriend, is to take to her family. Talk to parents, brothers, and sisters to try to find something that she will enjoy. Family members will often provide ideas that have some sort of sentimental value.

Pay Attention

If you want to get your girlfriend something she wants, pay attention to what she says. Your girlfriend will often slip in phrases such as ÒOh IÕd love that!Ó or ÒWow I HAVE to have that!Ó during everyday activities. These hints will lead you to the perfect gifts for your girlfriend.

Go Window Shopping

If you are trying to think of ideas, simply take your girlfriend window shopping. While wandering around a mall or store, your girlfriend will gravitate toward the items that she likes. Take a mental note of the stores that she goes into, or the actual items that she looks at. She will be surprised to find that you bought her something that she said she liked a month or two before her birthday.

Some people take a straight forward approach, and simply ask the girlfriend what she would wants. If you want to be unique, ignore this approach, ad go straight to friends and family. If you can manage to come up with ideas without her knowing, your gift will be seen as more thoughtful. Use these 5 ways to get birthday gift ideas (and boyfriend bonus points) to lead yourself to the best gift idea for your girlfriend.

How to Overcome First Date Jitters

5 Tips For Getting Rid Of The First Date Fidgets

Got the first date fidgets? Don't worry, it's natural. First dates tend to make all of us a bit jittery. We worry about things like “bad breath” and “body odor” and whether or not our dress makes our butt look fat.

We wonder whether or not we should laugh at his jokes (“Oh, no, how do I not giggle if he says something funny?”, “Does my laugh sound totally corny?”, “Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut...”) and we tend to expect the guys we're heading out with to know these things already, to know we're feeling more than a little self-conscious, especially since it is our “first date.”

Oddly enough, we also know confidence feels synonymous with power, and the more confident we are, the less we need to worry about all those little things that tend to make us nervous about first dates.

So, to help you into a state of confidence about yourself and out of those horrid “first date fidgets,” I've put together five short, worry-busting confidence boosters you can try before your next first night out.

Tip #1: Add a bit of boost to your regular hygiene regimen by putting some sweet scents in your bath. Indulge in a good long soak early enough on the night of your date to give the fragrance time to soak into your skin. Your body will carry the scent throughout the date.

Tip #2: Instead of worrying about your clothes, pick an outfit you feel comfortable in, one that makes you feel good about yourself, and whether or not your butt looks fat will be the last thing on your mind.

Tip #3: Be you. Don't try to hamper or hinder your normal state. Just be yourself. If the guy you're with doesn't appreciate your originality, then he's probably not the guy for you anyway. You want a man who will love you for who you are, not who you pretend to be when you're with him, right? So always be who you are.

Tip #4: Talk before the date. If you have certain expectations about your upcoming date, you need to make sure the person you're going to be with knows what those expectations are. For example, if you feel uncomfortable around crowds and prefer to dine in a more private setting, he needs to know this before he makes reservations.

Tip #5: Enjoy yourself. First dates aren't wedding ceremonies, so you aren't being locked into a commitment for the rest of your life based on this one night out. Remember that, and just allow yourself to have a good time. You might enjoy yourself so much you're tempted to repeat the experience!

How to Improve Your Relationships Like Crazy

5 relationships Improvement Techniques

Whenever you are balancing the needs of more than one person it can be a challenge, this is especially true in long term relationships. The reason that a long term relationship can present additional challenges is because a lot of small things that have occurred over the years can build up and create a lot of resentment, when that happens, it doesn't take much to upset the whole balance. Use these 5 relationships tips to help get back the balance, and love, your relationship might be missing.

1. It's so easy to let everyday life to get in the way of your intimacy. It can easily seem like too much effort to dress up and go out on a date. It happens all the time. The good news is that even though this can be a common problem, it's also a fairly easy problem to overcome.

Take time for the two of you, even if that means spending some money on a babysitter. When the two of you are out together, make any conversation about finances, kids, or work completely off limits, just enjoy each others company and have some fun. It's important for the overall health of your relationship and the kids will actually benefit in the long run from having two parents who aren't overworked, overstressed and fighting all the time. Invest a few bucks in a sitter now so you don't end up splitting up later.

2. No matter who you are, you can only give your attention to so many things. Some people can divide themselves up more than others, but everyone has a limit. Instead of parceling out your time and attention to your partner, make suer that you find a way to give them your uninterrupted attention. Everyone wants to feel loved and heard, don't make your spouse feel like they're competing for your time, let them feel like they're important to you and that no matter how crazy things get you care enough about them that you will make the effort to make time for them.

3. Learn to talk, really talk. This doesn't mean nag, or whine, or complain, or insult, it means taking turns talking and listening. Give your partner a safe haven to talk about whatever is on their mind without making them feel ridiculed or like their concerns aren't really important.

4. If your partner has a criticism about some aspect of your behavior, don't just get angry. Instead try to objectively look at the situation from your partners point of view. Try to make simple changes if it will make your partner happy.

5. Don't be afraid to tell your partner what you want or need. It's not about making demands, it's about letting someone who cares about you know what they can do that will make you happy.

Have You Guys Been Dumped by Your Girlfriend

5 Lessons From Previous Break Ups

While a lot of guys may not be so quick to admit it, I have been dumped by a lot of women over the years. Perhaps you have, too; maybe not. Either way, I'm a firm believer in learning from the mistakes of other people. With that in mind, I'd like to share some things that I have learned from the women who have dumped me, in the hopes that it will help your relationship go more smoothly.

Lesson #1: Share and share alike. What this means is that each person is likely to blame the other for the break up. But the truth is that you both contributed to the break up in some way. By taking an honest look at what went wrong, and your role in it, you can make a conscious effort to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Lesson #2: Women still need their space. As a guy it may seem that women always like to snuggle and cuddle and that they are always around. But they still need some time alone. To make things worse, a lot of guys can be possessive and try to know what their partner is up to at all times. And if you have had a woman that was unfaithful in the past, then this tendency is even stronger. While that may be the case, by doing this you are showing distrust, and no relationship can survive in that kind of atmosphere. So, even though it can be hard, do your best to let your girlfriend do the things she likes to do, and don't feel that you always have to give her the third degree about what she's doing.

Lesson #3: Time heals. The first few days after a break up are the absolute worst. After that, you will start to come to terms with what happened. Sure, there will emotional ups and downs, but it will get easier as time goes on. If it doesn't, then it may be a good idea to see a qualified counselor to help you. You can also use this pain in the future by reminding yourself it's easier to work on the tough problems while you are in the relationship than it is to suffer through a break up.

Lesson #4: Accept the facts. When first starting a relationship, you may feel as though you have found your soulmate. You were even imagining a wonderful future together, and may have even talked about it. But, over time, things start to go downhill. You start to wonder what you ever saw in her, and she probably feels the same way about you. Then you break up. Now you don't just feel bad about splitting up, you also feel bad about missing out on the future you imagined. However, remember that it's better to end things now if it really wasn't meant to be.

Lesson #5: Happiness isn't an accident. To put it another way: Relationships take work. You can't just let stuff happen to you, you have to take responsibility for making it what you want it to be. This may be the most important lesson of all.

Some Women Need Space After a Break Up

How to Get Your Ex Girlfiend Back

One of the biggest questions that guys find themselves asking is, How can I get my ex girlfriend back when she needs space? This is a really important question, because when most women-led break ups occur, it has something to do with needing space. When somebody says that they need space in a relationship, they are essentially saying that they are not happy in the relationship. This is a blanket response during a break up, and may simply be a cover to avoid speaking up regarding what is really going on.

Unfortunately, when a girl says that she needs space and wants to end the relationship, it often means that they have decided not to be with you, but they do not really want to put the effort into helping you understand why.

When a woman asks for space, they are indicating that something is wrong, but rather than help you solve the issues and rekindle the flame in the relationship, they would rather walk away. If you are asking "How can I get my ex girlfriend back when she needs space?", this is a good sign because it means that you are willing to try and make things work, and that means that yes, there is still hope.

The fact that she needs space is a pretty clear cut indicator that communication between the two of you is flawed in some way. It is important that you find a way in, in order to figure out what is really bothering her if you have any hopes of rekindling things and making the relationship work again. This can be difficult, because clearly she has resolved to shut you out for some reason, but it is not impossible. Because so many guys are asking "How can I get my ex girlfriend back when she needs space?", obviously this is a common phenomenon, and one that does have a solution.

The real key to rekindling a relationship with an ex girlfriend who says that she needs space is to find a way to communicate openly with one another. Often, a woman will use needing space as a way to indicate that there is a flaw in the relationship, and while she may not immediately open up about that flaw, it will still eventually need to be talked about. Begin by making subtle hints that you are still interested in being a part of her life.

Don't force yourself on her, but rather simply offer friendship and companionship and see how she responds to this. When things are a little more comfortable in your new found friendship, you can begin to pry your way in a little more, mainly by placing subtle hints in the conversation about where the relationship may have awry.

When she is ready to open up to you, she will. You do not need to rush things or force things, just take the conversation slowly and let her find the best way to show you what happened. Once the issues are out in the open, they can hopefully finally be resolved.

Being Sensitive with Women

How to be Sensitive with Women

If you are hoping to be successful in the world of seduction, you're going to have to know how to be sensitive. When a woman looks at a man, from her unique perspective, one of the key things she sees is how sensitive you are. It can truly be a pass or fail characteristic. If the lady in your life doesn't see a sensitive side, she's going to be put off. Personality counts for so much, especially if you're hoping to go further with a relationship.

To begin with, it's important to understand just what sensitivity is. Sensitivity, or being sensitive, is just one of those things that's gotten such a bad rap as to make it virtually a taboo. But false impressions are to blame for that, and we can dismiss such misconceptions here so we can get on with the business of becoming a more sensitive man. But what sensitivity really is, in truth, is responsiveness to things around you. It's a general sense of what's going on.

Unfortunately, you may be thinking you've already got it pegged. But don't think it's just a matter of self-awareness and a general idea of the world around you. The sensitivity women want in a man goes a bit further. Or, put more directly, women are looking for a specific kind of sensitivity in men.

Here's an example you're sure to remember from some movie you once saw: a young couple are walking along a street at night, and the temperature is dropping. Conveniently, she had forgotten to bring a coat, but he had remembered to bring his. He notices her shivering, and quickly offers his coat to her, despite his own need for the coat.

Okay, that's a basic example. But what matters is that the guy was aware of his girlfriend's need, and he did something about it. Moreover, he made a sacrifice for her. This is a big deal. When a man can be more concerned about the welfare of someone else than himself, he's got a chance to impress the ladies.

365 Daily Devotions to Meet, Date, Attract Women

365 Daily Devotions for Every

Day of the Year to Help You

Meet, Date, and Attract Women

At Last! The answers to your prayers for love and romance with women.

"Help me Jesus: 365 Daily Spiritual Devotions to Help Men Meet, Date, and Attract Women" new book by Don Diebel (America's #1 Singles Expert) provides you with 142 Bible verses, 47 powerful and effective prayers, and 176 spiritual comments, inspirations, and advice for every day of the year to help you meet, date, and attract women using the power of Jesus.

Here is Just a Small Sampling of 176 Spiritual Inspirations

and Advice for Dating Women:

  • How to stop worrying about your love life and learn how to lean on Jesus and enjoy dating while he goes to work on your behalf.
  • How to rely on the spirit of Jesus to intercede for you when you are tongue-tied and don't know what to say on a date.
  • Learn how to put Jesus in total control of your dating life and allow him to direct your steps and point you in the right direction to succeed with women.
  • There is an answer to every problem you will ever have in dating and the author shows you which Bible scriptures to use.
  • Why you need to come to Jesus when you need answers to your prayers for a special lady to come into your life to love.
  • All this and much more!

God created the universe and he lives inside of you and with this power you can tap into this to help you meet, date, and attract any woman you desire. This book shows you how.

47 Powerful Prayers to Help You Succeed with Women:

  • See a pretty girl that you would love to to meet, but you freeze up with fear? I have prayers to overcome this.
  • Prayers to ease your restless mind and nerves when going on a first date.
  • Prayers to find the right woman for you to love and give you lots of happiness and affection.
  • Prayers to end your pity parties when you are feeling depressed and sorry for yourself when you don't have someone to love.
  • If you are not a Christian and do not believe in Jesus he will not answer your prayers. No problem. I provide you with a salvation prayer to make him your Lord and Savior, be saved, and have eternal life.
  • And many more prayers to help you succeed with women.

I know it's a jungle out there in the dating world and it can be difficult for you to meet women and find love. It can reach a point where it may become hopeless. But, with the help of this book and Jesus it can be turned around in your favor.

Why You Need This Book to Call on Jesus to Help you in Dating Women:

  • Jesus can open his mighty sky vaults and rain down favor to help you meet, date, and attract more women if you will just call on him with belief.
  • When reading this book you will be equipped with the holy spirit to overcome any challenges you may encounter when dating.
  • Jesus has plans for you to find a girlfriend. All you have to do on your part is to trust him with faith and she will appear as if she was sent from heaven.
  • When you feel depressed, discouraged, and disappointed about your love life or lack of it Jesus can turn it around in your favor.
  • You will learn how to work with Jesus for find the love you deserve.

Free Bonus Report included: "100 Surefire Places to Take a Date That Are Guaranteed to Win a Woman's Heart and Make Her Crave to be with You."

The main purpose of this report is to give you a gold mind of creative ideas that will make a lasting impression on women and make them want to date you again and again.

There are lots of love-hungry beautiful women out there just waiting to meet you and with the help of Jesus he will find a special lady for you to fill your life with lots of love, happiness, and romance.

So, do you want to call on Jesus to help you improve your dating life and win with women? Then click the buy button.

To buy 365 Daily Spiritual Devotions to Help Men Meet, Date, and Attract Women on Amazon