A Guide to Picking Up Women in Nightclubs: A free ebook on how to successfully meet, attract, and seduce women in nightclubs.

How to Have a Romantic Date Out: Listed here are tips, advice, on where to go for a romantic date to impress a date.

A Great Way to Meet Single Sexy Beautiful Women in Bars, Nightclubs: How to meet hot and sexy beautiful single women in bars and nightclubs.


How to Meet Sexy Beautiful Single Women in Restaurants

This is an overlooked place to meet beautiful single women. Using special techniques, you can be successful at meeting women here. Here are the techniques:

  1. If you see a single woman across the way you'd like to met, just simply use the waiter or waitress as a messenger. Now, instruct him or her to bring this woman a drink and a note saying, "Hi! My name is Don from across the way in the blue shirt and curly hair and I'm irresistibly attracted to you and I'd love to meet you. Will you come over and join me?" If she is with a friend, just invite them too.
  2. If you see a single woman you'd like to meet at a counter or table with an empty chair, just make it a point to sit next to her. Then you ask her, "Excuse me, I've never eaten here before and I was wondering if you could recommend something good to eat?" This breaks the ice and then you follow up with your conversational skills.
  3. As a variation to technique number one, ask your waiter or waitress to ask the woman if she'd mind if the man in the blue shirt and curly hair across the way joined her.

In conclusion, I realize it takes some balls to pull this off. But, you have got to aggressive to be successful in meeting single women. You've got to take "action" and you certainly can't depend on women to approach you first. You've got to make the first move and these techniques are effective ways to do it in a restaurant.

A Pheromone Cologne to Sexually Attract and Seduce Single Women: Information about Liquid Magnet, the best pheromone cologne for men that arouses passion in women and drives women wild for sex


How to Tell if a Single Woman is Interested in You

I would like to share some information to single men on how to tell if a single woman is not interested in you. These are signs to look for:

  1. She won't make herself available. Even though they may sound like valid excuses, if she were interested, she would make herself available to see you. If arranging a date to get together becomes a struggle and you are the only one working on the problem, move on.

  2. Conversations will be awkward and forced. After all, you are the only one trying to keep it going.
  3. Conversations and the tone in her voice will be neutral. Not necessarily negative, but they will be absent of that up-beat positive mood that an interested girl gives.
  4. The important thing to remember is that most single girls don't want to hurt your feelings. So, if they aren't interested, they will be just neutral in their tone and expect you to pick up the fact that there is an absence of a "come on" in their manner. Many men will assume that since a girl hasn't come out and said "drop dead," then maybe she is interested.

Don't forget, if you aren't sure whether or not a girl is interested in you, then she probably is not. When a girl is interested, she will let you know.


What is the secret ingredient that will attract you to women without you uttering a single word irrespective of what you wear or what you do for a living or how overweight you may be? It is your HEIGHT. How tall you are is very, very important to women. Now before all you short guys go out and commit suicide I will tell you there are still many women you can date and marry. When you think about height being important I can imagine a lot of you guys getting very angry. If you are overweight you can go on a diet and lose weight to become more attractive to women. If you are poor you may be able to get a job or gain a promotion to become richer. You can then dress better. If you smoke you can give up the cigarettes and if you are an alcoholic you can give up the booze. There is no damn way you are going to get any taller though. Wearing shoes with high heels just accentuates your lack of height and telegraphs to both men and women how self-conscious you are about your height. So you get angry at women wanting something in you that you can't change. That is the way I felt but the solution is to date women that are the same height as you or shorter. Easy.


The reason women enjoy the company of men that are their height or taller goes way back when men were expected to protect, shelter and provide for women. A somewhat outdated notion now but elements of this mentality exist subconsciously in women's minds today. Women think how can a man who is short protect and shelter me from harm? Taller men are perceived to have more muscle and more strength. Women feel safer snuggling in the arms of a man who can surround them and protect them from outside elements. Some women feel that this is "natural" and feel more "comfortable" this way. Some men also feellike this. Some men also find taller women intimidating. The good thing is that shorter men can still provide women with all these needs. All a guy needs is a shorter woman and he can provide women with the same feelings a guy 12 inches taller can provide to a taller woman.

Shorter Is Better

You are now thinking, great, now I've got to eliminate all those tall, leggy, slender women that I crave for. Don't look at it that way. I prefer to look at it in a more positive way. The more astute reader is going to realise that chasing taller women, who are not interested in shorter men anyway, is a complete waste of time. You can utilise your time better by chatting only to women shorter or the same size as you. Don't forget to allow for the additional height women gain by wearing high-heeled shoes when judging a woman's height. Believe me they are some very attractive and desirable shorter women around. Some of them are as pretty and as cute as can be and they aren't necessarily overweight. So the next time you enter a nightclub or bar don't even look at the taller women - head straight to the nearest women who are the same height as you or shorter.

Less Competition

You'll find that even a lot of the taller men don't bother with women who are a great deal shorter than them. That leaves you with less competition. The guys 6' 3" and above are chasing the women 5' 10" or taller. If you are 5' 10" then any woman from 5' 4" to 5' 10" is your go. Not a bad range is it? If you are 5' 6" (like myself) or less that still leaves you with plenty of women to meet. One thing you should always remember is that men are generally taller than women anyway. Another thing you need to know is that the taller the woman the more likely it is that she will prefer the company of a taller man. A 6' 0'' woman is more likely to be with a taller man than a woman is say 5' 8" or 5' 6". I have observed the taller a woman is the less tolerant she is towards shorter men.

Dazzle With Personality

If you do really fancy a woman who is taller than you there is still hope. Remember that women prefer personality to looks. If you have personality you may be able to dazzle her with it and overcome her natural preference for taller men. You will have to work very hard at it though as it is likely she will not be as responsive and open to you as she would be from an approach from a taller man. If you have a sense of humor she can relate to or some other personality traits she cannot resist you still have a chance. You had better be quick of the mark because if your fantastic personality doesn't come to the fore quickly you'll find she'll soon tire of you and begin to look elsewhere. There are exceptions to the rule that women prefer men the same height as them or taller but 9 times out of 10 you will find women in the company of men who are taller than them. My ex-wife is an example of this as she is 5' 8" and I am 5' 6". Height had nothing to do with our relationship, either in the courting or separating stages but I find this is the exception rather than the rule.


To prove to yourself height is important there are 4 easy tests you can conduct to prove this.

1. Ask women friends at work or within your family of all the men they have dated and/or married how many have been shorter than them. Invariably they will say very few, if any.

2. Go to shopping centers or just walk down the street and look at people who are obviously couples and observe who is the taller in the relationship. In most cases the boyfriend or husband will be the taller.

3. Look at as many personal ads as you can and see how many women put in a height or height range requirement of the men they would prefer to meet. You'll find many have such a requirement. If you look at men's ads height is hardly mentioned as a desirable physical characteristic.

4. The final test, and the most beneficial to you, is to restrict yourself to shorter women and see how much more positive women's responses to you will be. Shorter women will more likely give you a chance to impress them. It is sad watching men at nightclubs and bars chasing women 6 inches or more taller than them and continually getting the brush off. These guys invariably keep trying using all their best lines and techniques - all to no avail. They keep on chasing all the tall women all night when all they have to do is turn around and open their eyes to all the shorter women who find them attractive. These women are hoping these men would give them all the protection, security and shelter they seek.


So remember that height is important to women. You can be mildly overweight or obese or partially or completely bald and have a better chance with a shorter women than any shorter guy has with a taller woman. Don't waste your time reaching for what you can't have and stick to the attainable. Lastly, don't go around complaining about your height. It is not you that has a problem with your height. It is women who have a "thing" about height. It may be a subconscious thing to women but in many cases it is a major concern nevertheless. What you need to do is turn that women's "thing" into your favor. The best way to do it is to concentrate only on women who find your height acceptable. Don't carry on about your perceived lack of height, as people will only say you are suffering from "Small Man's Syndrome". That is the last thing you want.

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