I need you to be aware of and be on the lookout for single women that will just use you for financial purposes. She's not interested in you, just what she can get out of you. I call these women Gold-Diggers and you need to avoid them.

This woman is only interested in taking you for your money and whatever else she can get out of you. Sure, you may get a few dates but it's only to eat at fancy restaurants, drive your fancy car, going on extravagant dates, out-of-town trips, to get nice gifts or money from you, etc.

She's just using you and stringing you along. After dishing out all this money and expenses, she may not even sleep with you either. It's all an act to tease you and use you. She may act like she's interested in you, but she's only interested in what she can get out of you. Look for these signs when you first meet this type. She will ask you questions like these:

What do you do for a living?
How much money do you make?
Do you own your own home?
What kind of car do you drive?
Do you have a boat?
What kind of watch are you wearing?

Questions like these could indicate that she's a Gold-Digger. If she finds out that you are not a man of financial means, she's not going to date you.

So, if you determine that a single woman that you are interested in is a Gold-Digger, move on to someone else. I don't know about you, but I hate being used by a woman for my money or a woman is just interested in my assets instead of me as a person.