Here's some more great tips to do better with single women:

Tip #1 - Seeing a single girl that you have just started dating, more than once a week is pushing it. Any more than once, and you may be appearing overly anxious. Even if she is the one calling you and initiating the effort to see you more often, don't. If she is calling you, then you are in the driver's seat. Play hard to get and make her work for your time. She'll appreciate you more when she has it. And don't feel guilty about turning her down. Simply say, "I'd love to but I'm busy tonight." No more explanation should be given. Let her sweat it out. It is important that when you turn her down, you express the fact that you definitely want to do things with her, but you are just too busy with prior obligations to see her that night.

Tip #2 - Never hang on the phone for hours as if you have nothing better to do. Call, be pleasant, get the purpose of the call over, and excuse yourself.

Tip #3 - Flowers and small gifts, candlelight dinners, and romantic notes and cards are all great touches. Small in the time and money it takes, but large in their effect. It is important that all of these are out-of-the-blue and a surprise to her. For Example: Sneak over to her house and leave flowers and a note at her door. Again, use these romantic touches, but do so sparingly so that you don't come on too strong.

Tip #4 - Use imagination for your meetings - not just the same old date. Go for walks in the rain. Have picnics in the park. Go to showings of old classic movies, etc. Above all, do anything that is romantic.