18 Deadly Driving Sins When Dating Single Women

  1. Weaving in and out of traffic.
  2. Speeding 10-20 miles per hour above the legal speed limit.
  3. Not paying attention to the road while talking on your cell phone.
  4. Cussing out or giving the finger to other drivers who get in your way.
  5. Tail-gating other cars.
  6. Not keeping your eyes on the road while talking to her.
  7. When stopping for a red light or stop sign, you apply the brakes at the last minute, jerking your date out of her seat.
  8. Throwing trash, beer cans, or lite cigarettes out the window while you're driving.
  9. Driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs.
  10. Refusing to wear your seat belt.
  11. Running red lights and stop signs.
  12. Trying to impress your date by burning rubber.
  13. Forgeting to clean your car inside and out before picking up your date.
  14. Taking control of the radio and not letting her listen to her favorite radio station.
  15. Lighting up a cigarette without asking your date if she minds if you smoke.
  16. Driving with bald tires, increasing your chances of having an accident in wet driving conditions.
  17. Forgeting to gas up your car before going on your date and you run out of gas on your date.
  18. Speeding through school zones.

If you are guilty of some or most of these driving sins while on a date, you're are in big trouble and I will tell you why. When you're on a date, especially on a first date, you are being judged. Anything that you do that leaves a negative impression will be held against you. And if you're out of control while driving, it can make such a bad impression on her that she will not want another date with you.

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So, guys please don't take the attitude of, "I'll drive as I damned well please and if she doesn't like the way I drive it's tuff shit." This attitude can cost you dates and maybe even your life or others. So, please drive safely!

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com