Advice on Restaurant Bill If Single Women Ask You For a Date

This week I want to talk about a dating circumstance that may come up and how to deal with it.

The topic of discussion is - If a single woman ask you to have dinner with you at a restaurant, who pays the bill? (I am referring to someone you have not known very long)

Here's a story of what happened to me and how I handled the issue:

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I met this really gorgeous single blonde through a friend. I told her, "Why don't we get together and do something sometime?" Then she asked for my phone number and called me a couple of days later and asked me out to dinner. We agreed to meet at a local restaurant.

We were really hitting it off over dinner, the chemistry was flowing, and the conversation was going real well between us. Everything was going just fine until the bill arrived. Then the "shit hit the fan."

Before I describe what happened, keep in mind it was her who asked me out to dinner.

The bill came to around $30.00 and I told her that her share came to $15.00. When I said this, I'll never forget that look on her face. She was stunned and looked at me like I was crazy. I then asked her, "What's the matter?" She replied, "I never pay, you should be a gentleman and pay the bill."

Then, I had to put my foot down and set her straight. I reminded her that it was her that asked me out and she should pay the bill or be willing to split it.

We continued to argue back and forth over this. Finally, she gave in, plopped down $15.00 on the table and stormed out of the restaurant. Needless to say, I never saw her again.

So, the moral to this story is that single women will use men financially. They want and expect you to pay for everything. Count your blessings if you date a single woman who is willing to share expenses.

In closing, guys if a woman asks you out, she should be willing to pay half. Hold your ground and insist that she share expenses. I know some of you guys will disagree with me on sharing expenses. Just remember that single women claim that they want to be treated as equals. This gives them a chance to share equally.