How to Talk to Single Women, Conversation Tips

Here's the basic way of introducing yourself to a single woman that you are attracted to. Let's say that your name is Derek Evans.
  1. Move to within two to three feet of her, the most comfortable conversational distance.
  2. Smile.
  3. Focus your eyes on the bridge of her nose. This is tantamount to eye contact, but is easier to maintain.
  4. Hold out your hand.
  5. "Hi, you look nice. My name is Derek" Almost always, she will shake your hand and introduce herself. They'll be favorably impressed with your approach, indeed pleased that you came up to them. Your response then should be, "Nice to meet you...," using the person's name.
What to Say to Her Next

After you've introduced yourself to her and exchanged names, in most social situations you can make a remark in which you do two things:

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  1. Pay her a compliment. Express something you like about what she is doing, wearing or saying. The feeling you seek to convey is, "I'm positive. I support you. You can relax with me."
  2. Ask a question. It should be related to the compliment you just gave. Your underlying message: "I'm interested in getting to know you better." For example, you might say: "Those are beautiful earrings. Are they handcrafted?" or "You sure are a good dancer. How did you learn all those sexy moves?"

Ask Her For Advice

Another good ice-breaker: Ask for advice. Most people are flattered when they're asked for recommendations. Almost as good is asking for information. People usually like to be consulted. You could ask her "Where's a good romantic restaurant to eat at?" or "I need to buy my mother some nice perfume, can you recommend a good brand?"

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: