Advice on How to Date Waitresses

When you go out to bars and nightclubs, I'm sure you've noticed all the pretty waitresses. Well, why just look at them. They are fair game and you should be dating them. There's an art to dating them and here's some good advice on how to get dates with them:

  • First of all, it's best to show up early before she gets real busy when customers start pouring in. This will give you some time to talk her. Otherwise, once she's busy she won't have time to talk to you. Once she gets real busy, respect her hectic schedule. Don't be a pest and try to get her to hang around you to talk to you. She makes her money on tips and she needs to keep busy waiting on customers.
  • When you are first trying to get to know her, just ask her what her name is before ordering. Then when you need to order again, call her by her name. This is just to lay the groundwork for her to become familiar with you. People love to hear their name and it gets their attention.
  • Whatever you don't call her, "hey baby, beautiful, sweetie, honey, sweetheart, gorgeous, sexy, etc." when trying to order a drink. This will just turn her off. Just show her some respect, by calling her by her name.
  • Don't overwhelm her with phony compliments. She's used to horny guys using this ploy. If she's really good-looking, she's heard all the come-on lines. One compliment is fine, but don't overdo it.
  • Early in the game, try to find out if she has a boyfriend. If she does, then you are going to be wasting your time trying to score with her.
  • When talking to her, keep it light and casual. Don't come across like a dog in heat and act like you are trying to put the make on her. Talk about her interests, hobbies, and what she likes to do on her day off.
  • Take a few weeks and frequent where she works to get to know her and establish a friendship. Once that happens, just simply ask her if she'd like to meet you for a cup of coffee when she gets off. At this point, ask her for her phone number.
There you have it. I hope this information helps you score with all those hot & sexy waitresses you'd love to go out with.

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In closing, let me warn you about misreading her interest in you in the beginning. Good waitresses are extremely friendly. This helps her get better tips. It's called flirting for dollars. So, don't mistake her being extra friendly towards you and flirting as a sign that she wants to jump your bones. She may just be trying to impress you to get a good tip.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: