Art of Setting Goals to Meet, Attract, Single Women

I highly recommend that you set goals to meet, date, attract, and seduce single women. This will help to focus your mind on succeeding with women and get you more dates. Here are a few dating tips to help you achieve your goals:

  1. Focus all of your attention, desire and energy in accomplishing your goal at hand. Forget completely about any consequences of failure with single women. Remember that you usually get what you think about most.
  2. When you start on your goal, concentrate all of your energy without any distractions on the successful completion of your goal. Make reaching your goal an all-consuming obsession.
  3. Develop a self-talk vocabulary to reach your goal of scoring with single women. Make it a habit to repeat again and again to yourself, "I want to - I can" in regards to scoring with all those women you desire.
  4. Substitute the word "Try" with the word "Will" in your vocabulary associated with meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing women. This is a form of semantics and creates a new attitude of concentrating on things that you "Will do," instead of things you plan to "Try," with a built-in excuse in advance for possible failure.
  5. Substitute the word "Can't" with the word "Can" in your daily vocabulary, too. Always tell yourself you "Can" do things you set your mind to.

In conclusion, set your goals and go for it! Happy Hunting!