Advice on Writing Foreign Single Women

I'm sure you have seen all the ads from matchmakers to meet and marry foreign women. If you pursue this way of meeting single women, here's some valuable information:

Let me give you some advice on writing these lovely ladies in the Far East:

1. There will be a lot of competition for the real beautiful young girls. They can have their pick of the handsome, well-to-do, successful and financially well-off guys. If you're not in this category, you're going to have some problems connecting with these cream-of-the-crop beauties.

2. There are plenty of other attractive ladies to choose from. Don't judge these ladies by their photos alone. Photos can be deceiving. I've met lots of girls that didn't photograph well and were knockouts in person. Besides, love generates true beauty. A person can become so beautiful once you get to know them well.

3. If you're a much older man (50+), don't just write to the real young women. Most of these ladies seem to prefer men up to 15 years older. Beyond that range you'll get fewer responses.

4. If you have poor handwriting, type your letter or have it typed. If she has problems reading your writing, she may just discard your letter in favor of the ones that are easier to read. Be sure and use good stationary.

5. Make your envelope stand out. What I used was colored envelopes with large commemorative stamps on it. Also, I put these colorful red heart stickers on the back flap of the envelope.

6. On your first letter don't make it too long, telling your whole life story. Also, keep your letter friendly, interesting and entertaining. Don't ask real personal and intimate questions. Save them for later when you get to know her better.

7. A word about photos. Send one with your first letter if you feel you are good-looking. If you're not that attractive, maybe it would be better to send one later. Be sure and send the best photo that you can. Send one with a happy smile on your face. This makes the best impression.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: