Taking Charge of Your Love Life

Thursday, October 14, 2021 | 0 comments »

Advice on Overcoming Procastination

Do you find yourself pondering and stalling when you see a hot & sexy woman you would like to approach and meet?

When you experience procrastination that prevents you from making the first move to meet single women, repeat this self-starting statement to yourself: "DO IT NOW!" Then immediately take action and approach her.

Guys, I just can't express to you enough how important it is to develop a "DO IT NOW" mentality for succeeding with women. If you can master this habit, it will give you a boost in personal initiative to taking action to meet and approach women.

Plus, by having this "take charge" attitude, you will have an advantage over other guys. Why? Because a lot of guys are passive, shy, reticent, and stand around with their thumb up their ass when it comes to approaching women. Women will admire you for having the balls to take the initiative in meeting them and they like confident men.

P.S. I wanted to pass along to you a success story from one of my readers of my newsletter on succeeding with single women: I was eyeing your newsletter archives and came across the top 10 fragrances to seduce women, and decided to give some of them a try. I have always had good luck with Eternity, but it was that time, and I was in the market for something new. I went down to the local P.X. and sniffed around. My decision was exact! I chose Safari, and let me say, it works! ... here is some real quick history about me, I am a veterinary technician, so I have constant contact with beautiful women, and it helps that I work in a college town too... It didn't matter what I did today, women flocked! My boss even commented on it! Personally, I think it was the combination of the fragrance, and the confidence it gave me.

P.P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com