Answers to Why You Should Not Litter When Dating Women

Do you really want to turn off your date and perhaps make her not want to go out with you again? Well, a really good way to do this is by littering.

Let me give you some good advice about not doing the following things related to liter when on a date with single women:

  • Please don't put out your cigarette butt out on her sidewalk or driveway before knocking on her door to pick her up.
  • While you are driving in your car on a date, please don't throw out any paper cups, food wrappers, gum wrappers, etc.
  • Even worse, don't toss your cigarette out the window when you are through with it. This could even start a roadside fire. Just put it out in your ashtray.
  • When stopped in a parking lot while on a date, don't empty out your ashtray on the pavement.
  • Also, don't throw your gum out the window while driving on a date.
  • When picking her up, just before you get to the door don't throw your lit cigarette or gum into her flowerbed.
You may not think these liter no no's are not important, but I can assure you that women notice little things like you littering. Please guys, don't liter when you are on a date. You may regret it and you want to make a favorable impression on your date and not turn her off.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: