A Woman's Favorite Color Reveals Her Sex

Well, summer is almost upon us once more. And it is time to plan for a summer romance. Do you have a plan yet? Have you set your girl-getting goals for the summer yet? If you haven't, it's time to get with the program! Make your plan and then work your plan. Keep in mind that the single women out there are looking for you too! Summer is the time for romance...make it happen!

This week I will focus on favorite colors of single women. Did you know that by knowing and determining her favorite color will give you clues to her sexual nature?

The color of the clothes she wears, her home furnishings, and her car gives clues to her sexual personality. The predominant color that appears most frequently is the one that mirrors her real sexual self.

A panel of psychologists, speaking at the Home Interior Design Forum, explained the association between color and sexual patterns. For an explanation of the sexual findings linking colors, please visit: http://www.gagirl.com/quiz/red2.html - Here you will find out about her sexual nature according to the colors of red, yellow, pink, purple, black, green, orange, brown, blue, and white.

You will find some very interesting evaluations here and you can put it to use by asking her what her favorite color is. The answer she gives will give you an idea of her sexual nature and you can act in a way to fulfill her desires.

If she says she does not have a favorite color, just ask her what color most of her clothes are and the dominant color theme in her home decor.

Also, when you are with her observe the predominant colors of her clothes and the color theme in her house or apartment. This will give you clues also.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com