Ambition Can Spoil Romance and Your Dating Life

Are you a workaholic and obsessed with your career and getting ahead in life at all costs? Do you live, eat, and breathe to just spend all of your time working?

There's nothing wrong with being ambitious and trying to be successful in life. You need to be aware that you can carry this to extremes to the point that it will have a negative effect on your dating life. Here are just a few reasons why being a workaholic and career-obsessed man can play havoc on your dating and love life:

  • Working long hours in a high-stress environment is going to rob your energy for dating. When you go on a date you may be mentally fatigued and physically exhausted. You can't make a good impression on your date if you're acting like a zombie.
  • Being obsessed with your career can affect other areas of your life. Because you're overly focussed on work, it can interfere with your ability to enjoy life. So, when you're on a date you may have trouble having fun and enjoying your date because all you can think about is work.
  • As you know, a relationship requires a lot of commitment and attention to keep it alive. If you are constantly preoccupied with work matters, you will tend to neglect your relationship. And when your partner is not getting any attention, the relationship can die.
  • If all you do is spend all your time at the office, relationships can suffer. When you are not able to spend much time with your partner, she will get tired of this arrangement. You need to spend quality time together to make a relationship grow. Spending less time together runs the risk of you growing apart instead of building a strong, loving relationship together.
In closing, I want you to be happy and successful in life. I just wanted you to be aware that being a workaholic career-obsessed man can have negative consequences on your love life.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: