Self Talk Affirmations to Help You Succeed with Single Women

This week I want to focus on how important it is to say the right things in your mind to succeed with single women. It makes a big difference in what thoughts to feed your mind to improve your love life.

For instance, losers with women make up excuses in their minds by telling themselves, "I can't because " To be a success with women you need to reverse this thinking and say in your mind, "I can or "I want to."

So, to sum it up, you need to create a new vocabulary to feed your mind positive affirmations. Here are a few examples:

1. Don't say, "I will try to meet some new women." Instead say, "I will meet some new women."

2. Don't say, "I will try to approach women that I'm attracted to." Instead say, "I will approach women that I'm attracted to."

3. Don't say, "I can't meet any women." Instead say, "I can meet any woman I desire."

In closing, don't focus on your past failures with women. The future is now and focus all your energy and attention on succeeding with women now. Never give up until you have reached your objectives in dating.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: