How to Dump Your Girlfriend

Sunday, January 09, 2022 | 0 comments »

Advice on How to End a Relationship

I hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend and met some new women.

This week I want to talk about dumping your girlfriend. Unfortunately a lot of relationships just don't work out. And if you find yourself in a relationship that is going nowhere, it is best to end it as quickly as possible. If you are convinced that you have lost all your feelings for her, whatever you do, don't lead her own and stay in the relationship just to have someone to be with or for sex.

So, how do you go about telling her that you don't want to see her anymore? I know it's a difficult thing to do, but you must do it in a kind way with diplomacy. Don't just tell her that you are not attracted to her anymore or things related to her appearance such as her putting on extra weight, which is turning you off. This will only offend her and make her hate you. Don't say anything unkind or negative about her. Let her down easy.

Just simply tell her that it's nothing personal against her, but the relationship is just not working out and it's best that both of you end it now and get on with your lives. If she keeps asking you why you want to break up, just suggest that she's a lovely woman, but you feel that you are not compatible and don't have a future for a long-term commitment.

As the old saying goes, "Breaking up is hard to do." It's so true, but look at it this way: It's better to have lost at love than to have never loved at all.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: