Are You Hurting Your Chances for Finding Love and Romance

This week I want to discuss some things that can hinder your chances of finding love and romance with single women. For example:

You hurt your chances of finding romance when you have a fixed idea in your head of the type of woman you're looking for that you are unwilling to compromise on and she must meet these strict guidelines or she doesn't stand a chance with you.

There's nothing wrong with having a mental checklist of the type of woman you are looking for, but you must be flexible enough to compromise if you find a woman who could make you happy and be the right girl for you.

Also, Don't make the mistake of thinking that you must be a perfect match and have all things in common, share the same interests and hobbies, similar tastes in things to do, etc. Don't use these guidelines to determine your true compatibility. It's much more important that you communicate well and share genuine affection and respect for each other.

Once you are a couple and exposed to each other's interests and hobbies, either of you may become interested in the same things and share them together. Over time people can develop new interests, hobbies, and like to do different things.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: