Awesome Guaranteed Way to Get a Woman's Phone Number

I want to pass along what I consider the most effective way to ask a girl for her phone number:

We read from people who have web pages and write books about meeting women is that they say ASK for their phone number. Well, they are right, but let me add something else that is more powerful than just asking for their phone numbers. You don't just say, "Can I have your phone number?" Why? Because, like all good salesmen are told, by asking a question where the answer is a "yes" or "no" they will more likely say no (unless you did all the right things before).

So, with pen and paper handy, ask them, "Could you write down your phone number here?" Women usually automatically comply. We, including men, do as we are told, and with women, more so. You are also using that take charge attitude that most women want in a man. Of course, when she gives you her phone number, give her yours.

Try this method of getting phone numbers. I'm sure you will be happy with the results!

One more thing, if you say anything about calling her at a certain time, do so. Otherwise, they will think less of you when you do call. They might not even meet you. Even if you don't make a plan to her to call on a certain day, but wait a week or more before you do call, they would think that they are not important to you. So you blew your chance.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: