Advice on How to Handle Dating Frustrations

I know it can be frustrating playing the dating game. You keep trying to meet and attract single women and it seems like just about every time you try, you get rejected or the women don't seem very interested in you.

Or you do attract women initially, but you end up getting dumped and shit on. Your relationships don't last very long because the women you're involved with lose interest and want to date someone else. Or you meet women who don't want to be tied down and they need their freedom.

Does what I've just described happened to you? There's a good chance it does apply to you because dating is not all a bed of roses. There will be good times and bad times.

During bad times and bad experiences in dating you must never develop a bad attitude towards women and think that they are all bitches. Don't let your past experiences and bad dates get you down and don't beat yourself to death over your past failures with women.

Think positive and make plans for your future good times with women. It also helps to focus on your successful attempts and experiences in meeting, attracting, and seducing women. This helps to build confidence.

Remember that all of us guys go through many trials and tribulations when playing the dating game. There will be times when you're on a roll and you're meeting and dating lots of lovely single women. Then there will be droughts when nothing seems to go right when trying to score with women. Your will be tested and at times you will be tempted to give up and throw in the towel when it comes to pursuing any more women. But, you must never give up! Winners in the game of love never quit. And quitters in the game of love never win.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: