Advice About Dating Services and What to Expect

If any of you have been to my website, you know that I have a free book online for you to read about getting ripped off by dating services (especially video dating services). Well, I was contacted by a sweet young lady who works for a prominent dating service who offered this rebuttal to my book:

I've worked for a large dating service for over two years. I have seen that most men that come in (especially if they are age 45 and up) have incredibly high standards and that they will never ever meet someone that fits their criteria. They do not understand that we cannot create someone for them. They are their own worst enemy.

The situations I see happen most are these:

1) A man will come in and be very open on who he is hoping to meet. Prior to speaking with his first introduction he will change his criteria dramatically, to the point that we cannot match him. He is notified that this will make introductions go painfully slow, but since "this is what he paid for" he will not flex. He fails to realize that the women also have criteria and it has to match both ways. Now that he receives no introductions he claims it is our fault and we scammed him.

2) A man will receive an introduction and when he calls the woman she is not available. This he claims is also our fault. Yet when he forgets to tell us that he is not available and receives an introduction its not a big deal.

3) After speaking with the woman she does not want to meet him. This he claims are also our fault.

We have some excellent clients both male and female, that are realistic in whom they are looking to meet and enjoy their membership. Let me explain what I mean by realistic. If you are a 57 year old man that weighs over 300 pounds and is 5'7 and expect to meet a 34 year old woman that is 5'3 and weighs 110, then you can keep dreaming. Really the key to see if your being scammed is to ask for a girl like this and if they tell you that they can match you, then you know their gonna take your money and run. Another way to tell if you are being scammed is if they guarantee you will start a relationship with someone. No one can guarantee this, this is common sense.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that will take advantage of people that are lonely. I know that the company I work for is not like this, still people with unrealistic expectations will complain. You cannot make everyone happy and people should not expect to meet the woman of their dreams regardless of what they pay. If someone is going to join a service they should look at it as meeting new people and having fun.

Just thought I'd pass my inside info along, let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your time,