A Few Tips on How to Pick Up Women at Swimming Pools

How to Meet Single Women at Swimming Pools

I know summer is almost over, but I wanted to pass along to you some tips on how to meet and pick up women at summer pools.

Swimming pools are one of the greatest places to meet all those hot & sexy single women in those skimpy bikinis you've been dreaming about. I'm going to be talking mainly about swimming pools at apartments, condos, country clubs, resorts, hotels and motels.

Here are the techniques I used successfully to meet and pick up hot & sexy beautiful single women at the pool:

You're going to need some very important equipment. Your appearance is also very important and you want to make a good impression upon entering the pool area. I would suggest wearing a pair of stylish swimming trunks. GQ, Playboy, and Penthouse magazines offer some good examples. Undergear Catalog offers a real good selection (call 1-800-854-2795 and request a catalog). Also, I would suggest wearing some nice thongs, sunglasses, an unusual hat, and a Hawaiian or surfer shirt. The idea is to create a refined look and not to look like a bum.

Your most important item to bring with you is your ice chest. Stock it with an assortment of liquor. I'd suggest some beer, wine, coke, and pre-made mixed drinks that come in cans you can purchase at your local liquor store. Don't forget the plastic bar glasses! Also, bring your inflatable air mattress and an extra one if possible, and a good sounding radio.

OK, now you're looking the part and you've got all your attraction ammunition with you. Let's take it step-by-step using these proven techniques:

You've entered the pool area. Make a complete circle around the pool to check out the available women. While you're walking and you catch the eye of a female you're attracted to, instantly remark, "Hi" or "Hello" or "It sure is a pretty day isn't it?" If you get a response, keep walking and make a circle and come back to her.

When you return ask her, "Can I join you?" Most likely she won't mind. Introduce yourself and offer her a drink. Turn on your radio and ask her if there's any particular station she would like to listen to. To establish some physical contact, ask her to rub some suntan oil on your back. If you've played your cards right and turned on your charm and conversational skills; you should be on your way to some romance and fun in the sun.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at: www.getgirls.com