Out with the Girls Night at Nightclubs

Out with the Girls Night at Nightclubs

These are groups of women who come to the nightclubs to socialize among themselves. They may be all single, married, or both. They came to the nightclub to have a few drinks and shoot the bull. Some just want to socialize among themselves and don't want to be bothered by any men.

It's rather difficult to meet women who are in a group like this, much less make contact. Some of them may dance, but after the dance they go rushing back to their female friends and just ignore you. If you can determine a woman is part of a group like this and she ignores you and seems like she's just interested in her friends, don't waste your time and move on to greener pastures.

If you find out she's married and with a group of married women, you're really at a dead end street. They should not even be there in the first place. I strongly recommend not having anything to do with a married woman at a nightclub. What if hers husband walks in the nightclub and sees his wife with another man? This can only spell trouble. Let me warn you and take my advice, STAY AWAY FROM MARRIED WOMEN!